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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.gtrbase;
4   import java.util.Set;
5   import java.util.TreeSet;
6   import java.util.SortedSet;
7   import java.util.Iterator;
9   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
11  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
12  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
13  /**
14   * This class describes a global track consisting of a list of states
15   * which specify the fit and hit or miss at different points along
16   * the track trajectory.  See GTrackState for a more complete
17   * description of the states.
18   *
19   *@author Norman A. Graf
20   *@version 1.0
21   *
22   */
23  public class GTrack
24  {
26      // static attributes
28      // Minimum and maximum values for s.
29      // All states should have values in the range SMIN <= s <= SMAX.
30      static final double SMIN = -1.e30;;
31      static final double SMAX =  1.e30;;
33      static final GTrackState BAD_STATE = new GTrackState();
34      // propagator
35      private static Propagator _prop;
37      // attributes
39      // Flag indicating the track is valid.
40      // This is set false for the default constructor.
41      private boolean _valid;
43      // List of states.
44      private TreeSet _states;
46      // methods
49      /**
50       * Construct a default instance.
51       * Leaves object in an invalid state.
52       *
53       */
54      public GTrack()
55      {
56          _valid = false;
57      }
59      /**
60       *Construct an instance from a list of states.
61       * Track is set valid if all states meet the following:
62       * 1. have SMIN <= s <= SMAX
63       * 2. are valid
64       * 3. have valid fits (not INVALID)
65       *
66       * @param   states The list of track states.
67       */
68      public GTrack( TreeSet states)
69      {
70          _valid = true;
71          _states = new TreeSet();
72          _states.addAll(states);
75          // Check below assumes list has at least one entry.
76          Assert.assertTrue( states().size()>0 );
77          if ( states().size()==0 ) _valid = false;
79          // Check that the s-values are in range.
80          Assert.assertTrue( ((GTrackState) states().first()).s() >= SMIN );
81          Assert.assertTrue( ((GTrackState) states().last()).s() <= SMAX );
83          // Check that all states are valid and have valid fits.
84          for ( Iterator ista=states().iterator(); ista.hasNext(); )
85          {
86              FitStatus fstat = ((GTrackState);
87              Assert.assertTrue( fstat != FitStatus.BADSTATE );
88              if ( fstat == FitStatus.BADSTATE ) _valid = false;
89          }
90      }
92      /**
93       * Construct a replica of the GTrack (copy constructor).
94       *
95       * @param gtr The GTrack to replicate.
96       */
97      public GTrack( GTrack gtr)
98      {
99          _valid = gtr._valid;
100         _states = new TreeSet();
101         if( _valid) _states.addAll(gtr._states);
102     }
104     /**
105      *Rebuild the existing track from new set of GTrackStates (needed for Java's inability
106      * to modify local handles)
107      *
108      * @param   states The list of GTrackStates.
109      */
110     public void update( TreeSet states )
111     {
112         _valid = true;
113         _states = new TreeSet();
114         _states.addAll(states);
117         // Check below assumes list has at least one entry.
118         Assert.assertTrue( states().size()>0 );
119         if ( states().size()==0 ) _valid = false;
121         // Check that the s-values are in range.
122         Assert.assertTrue( ((GTrackState) states().first()).s() >= SMIN );
123         Assert.assertTrue( ((GTrackState) states().last()).s() <= SMAX );
125         // Check that all states are valid and have valid fits.
126         for ( Iterator ista=states().iterator(); ista.hasNext(); )
127         {
128             FitStatus fstat = ((GTrackState);
129             Assert.assertTrue( fstat != FitStatus.BADSTATE );
130             if ( fstat == FitStatus.BADSTATE ) _valid = false;
131         }
132     }
134     /**
135      * Drop the fit for the state at the specified path distance s.
136      *
137      * @param s The path distance at which to drop a fit.
138      * @return 0 for success.
139      */
140     public int dropFit(double s)
141     {
142         GTrackState gts = new GTrackState(s);
143         if( _states.contains(gts) )
144         {
145             ((GTrackState) _states.tailSet(gts).iterator().next()).dropFit();
146             return 0;
147         }
148         else
149         {
150             return 1;
151         }
152     }
154     /**
155      * Check the tracks validity.
156      *
157      * @return true if the GTrack is valid.
158      */
159     public boolean isValid()
160     {
161         return _valid;
162     }
164     /**
165      *Return the list of states.
166      *
167      * @return The list of states.
168      */
169     public TreeSet states()
170     {
171         return _states;
172     }
174     /**
175      *Return a state at a path distance s.
176      *
177      * @param   s The path distance for which to return a state.
178      * @return an invalid state if there is no state at that s.
179      */
180     public GTrackState state(double s)
181     {
182         GTrackState gts = new GTrackState(s);
183         if( _states.contains(gts) )
184         {
185             return new GTrackState( (GTrackState) _states.tailSet(gts).iterator().next() );
186         }
187         else
188         {
189             return BAD_STATE;
190         }
191     }
193     /**
194      *Return the existing state at a particular surface.
195      * The first match  with SMIN <= s < SMAX is returned.
196      * A reference to an invalid state is returned if the surface
197      * cannot be matched.
198      * Surface bounds are not required to match.
199      *
200      * @param   srf The surface for which to return a state.
201      * @return an invalid state if there is no state at that s.
202      */
203     public  GTrackState state( Surface srf)
204     {
205         return state(srf, SMIN, SMAX);
206     }
208     /**
209      *Return the existing state at a particular surface.
210      * The first match  with s1 <= s < s2 is returned.
211      * A reference to an invalid state is returned if the surface
212      * cannot be matched.
213      * Surface bounds are not required to match.	 *
214      * @param   srf The surface for which to return a state.
215      * @param   s1  The lower bound on the path distance.
216      * @param   s2  The upper bound on the path distance.
217      * @return an invalid state if there is no state betwee s1 and s2.
218      */
219     public  GTrackState state( Surface srf,
220             double s1, double s2)
221     {
222         // Fetch the states between s1 and s2
223         SortedSet sset = _states.subSet(new GTrackState(s1), new GTrackState(s2) );
224         // If no states in this interval return
225         if( sset.size() == 0 ) return BAD_STATE;
226         // Else loop over the states and check the surface
227         for( Iterator it = sset.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
228         {
229             GTrackState state = (GTrackState);
230             if ( state.track().surface().pureEqual(srf) ) return state;
231         }
232         return BAD_STATE;
233     }
235     // Return the number of measurements in the fit for this track
236     int numberOfMeasurements()
237     {
238         // Need to fix this to reflect measurements, not states
239         // Need Clusters in GTrackState
240         return _states.size();
241     }
244     /**
245      *output stream
246      *
247      * @return A String representation of this instance.
248      */
249     public String toString()
250     {
251         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( "GTrack: \n" );
252         for (Iterator it = _states.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
253         {
254             sb.append( (GTrackState) );
255         }
256         return sb.toString();
257     }
259     /**
260      *Test equality.
261      *
262      * @param   gtr The GTrack to test.
263      * @return true if the tracks are equal.
264      */
265     public boolean equals( GTrack gtr)
266     {
267         if(_valid != gtr._valid) return false;
268         if(_states.size() != gtr._states.size() ) return false;
269         Iterator it0 = _states.iterator();
270         for ( Iterator it1 = gtr._states.iterator(); it1.hasNext(); )
271         {
272             if ( !( (GTrackState) (GTrackState) ) ) return false;
273         }
274         return true;
275     }
277     /**
278      *Test equality.
279      *
280      * @param   gtr The GTrack to test.
281      * @return true if the tracks are not equal.
282      */
283     public boolean notEquals( GTrack gtr)
284     {
285         return !equals(gtr);
286     }
288 }