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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.gtrbase;
2   /**
3    * An enum to represent the status of a global track fit.
4    *
5    *@author Norman A. Graf
6    *@version 1.0
7    *
8    */
9   public class FitStatus
10  {
11      private String _fitStatus;
12      private FitStatus( String stat)
13      {
14          _fitStatus = stat;
15      }
16      public String toString()
17      {
18          return _fitStatus;
19      }
20      // Flag indicating the status of the track fit.
21      // The first valid status should be recorded, e.g. if a fit is
22      // COMPLETE, FORWARD and OPTIMAL, it is recorded as OPTIMAL.
24      public final static FitStatus BADSTATE = new FitStatus("BADSTATE"); // Entire state is invalid
25      public final static FitStatus INVALID = new FitStatus("INVALID");   // Fit parameters have no meaning
26      public final static FitStatus OPTIMAL = new FitStatus("OPTIMAL");   // Optimal fit to all clusters (with smoothing)
27      public final static FitStatus FORWARD = new FitStatus("FORWARD");   // Optimal fit with this and all preceeding clusters
28      public final static FitStatus BACKWARD = new FitStatus("BACKWARD"); // Optimal fit with this and all following clusters
29      public final static FitStatus PULL = new FitStatus("PULL");         // Optimal fit with all clusters except this.
30      public final static FitStatus COMPLETE = new FitStatus("COMPLETE"); // Non-optimal fit to all clusters (e.g. no smoothing)
31      public final static FitStatus PARTIAL = new FitStatus("PARTIAL");   // Fit with a subset of clusters
33  }