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1   package org.lcsim.detector;
3   import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
5   import java.util.List;
7   import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.Identifiable;
8   import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
9   import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifierHelper;
11  /**
12   * A class to represent a node in the detector hierarchy, based on Gaudi's IDetectorElement interface. The concept of DetectorElement is more abstract than physical geometry, as it may simply be a
13   * container for other DetectorElements and need not have a physical representation in the geometry tree.
14   * 
15   * @see IDetectorElementStore
16   * @see IDetectorElementContainer
17   * @see IGeometryInfo
18   * @see Identifiable
19   * @see IIdentifier
20   * @see IParameters
21   * @see IReadout
22   * 
23   * @author jeremym
24   * @author tknelson
25   * @version $Id:,v 1.25 2009/03/03 21:07:24 jeremy Exp $
26   */
27  public interface IDetectorElement extends Identifiable {
28      /**
29       * Get the geometric information for this node, including the volume center position and global and local transformations.
30       * 
31       * @return An IGeometryInfo object with geometry information.
32       */
33      public IGeometryInfo getGeometry();
35      /**
36       * Get the parent element of this node. The top-level <code>DetectorElement</code> has no parent.
37       * 
38       * @return This node's parent or <code>null</code> if the DetectorElement has no parent.
39       */
40      public IDetectorElement getParent();
42      /**
43       * Get a container with the DetectorElement's children.
44       * 
45       * @return An IDetectorElementContainer containing this DE's children. This container will be empty if there are no children.
46       */
47      public IDetectorElementContainer getChildren();
49      /**
50       * True if the DetectorElement has children.
51       * 
52       * @return True if has children, else False.
53       */
54      public boolean hasChildren();
56      /**
57       * Get the name of this DetectorElement.
58       * 
59       * @return The name this DetectorElement.
60       */
61      public String getName();
63      /**
64       * Set the identifier of this DE.
65       * 
66       * @param id
67       */
68      public void setIdentifier(IIdentifier id);
70      /**
71       * Get the identifier of this DE.
72       * 
73       * @return The unique identifier of this DetectorElement.
74       */
75      public IIdentifier getIdentifier();
77      public IIdentifierHelper getIdentifierHelper();
79      /**
80       * Set the parent DetectorElement. This method also calls addChild on the parent.
81       * 
82       * @param parent The parent DetectorElement.
83       */
84      public void setParent(IDetectorElement parent);
86      /**
87       * @return True if {@link IGeometryInfo} has been created; False if {@link IGeometryInfo} is <code>null</code>.
88       */
89      public boolean hasGeometryInfo();
91      /**
92       * Locate the deepest DetectorElement containing a global point starting with this DetectorElement and traversing into its children.
93       *
94       * This method can be used from {@link org.lcsim.geometry.Detector} to find the deepest node within the complete detector.
95       * 
96       * This method is not on {@link GeometryInfo}, because a DetectorElement is allowed to have a <code>null</code> GeometryInfo if it is a simple container without a geometry path, i.e. a ghost
97       * volume.
98       * 
99       * @return The deepest IDetectorElement containing globalPoint or <code>null</code> if point is not contained within this DetectorElement or its children.
100      */
101     public IDetectorElement findDetectorElement(Hep3Vector globalPoint);
103     /**
104      * Locate a child detector element by {@link IIdentifier}.
105      * @param id The <code>IIdentifier</code> of the <code>DetectorElement</code>.
106      * @return The matching <code>IDetectorElement</code> to the ID.
107      */
108     public IDetectorElementContainer findDetectorElement(IIdentifier id);
110     /**
111      * Locate a child detector element given a slash-separated list of DetectorElement names.
112      * @param pathString
113      * @return
114      */
115     public IDetectorElement findDetectorElement(String pathString);
117     /**
118      * Locate a child detector element given an ordered list of DetectorElement names.
119      * @param path
120      * @return
121      */
122     public IDetectorElement findDetectorElement(String[] path);
124     /**
125      * Get the readout associated with this DetectorElement, or <code>null</code> if the DetectorElement has no associated readout.
126      * 
127      * @see org.lcsim.detector.IReadout
128      * @see org.lcsim.detector.Readout
129      * 
130      * @return Associated IReadout object or <code>null</code> if Readout has been assigned to this DetectorElement.
131      */
132     public IReadout getReadout();
134     /**
135      * True if this DetectorElement has an {@link IReadout}; False if the {@link IReadout} is <code>null</code>.
136      * 
137      * @return True if this DetectorElement has a Readout; False if there is no Readout.
138      */
139     public boolean hasReadout();
141     /**
142      * The named parameters associated to this instance.
143      * 
144      * @see org.lcsim.detector.IParameters
145      * 
146      * @return An IParameters object containing the DetectorElement's named parameter set.
147      */
148     public IParameters getParameters();
150     /**
151      * A list of parents from the top to this one. The first member of the list will be the top {@link IDetectorElement} in the hierarchy. The last memory of the list will be this
152      * {@link IDetectorElement}.
153      * 
154      * @see IDetectorElementContainer
155      * 
156      * @return A list of ancestors from the top to this node.
157      */
158     public IDetectorElementContainer getAncestry();
160     /**
161      * True if the DetectorElement is an ancestor of this one.
162      */
163     public boolean isAncestor(IDetectorElement de);
165     /**
166      * Clear the {@link IReadout} of this {@link DetectorElement} and recursively visit and clear the children..
167      * 
168      * @see IReadout
169      * @see Readout
170      */
171     public void clearReadouts();
173     /**
174      * True if the DetectorElement is a descendant of this one.
175      * 
176      * @param de A DetectorElement to search for in descendants.
177      * @see IDetectorElement
178      * @see IDetectorElementContainer
179      * @return True if DetectorElement is a descendant of this one.
180      */
181     public boolean isDescendant(IDetectorElement de);
183     /**
184      * Recursive pre-order tree traversal of this {@link IDetectorElement}.
185      * @param visitor A visitor interface to perform some action on the node.
186      */
187     public void traverseDescendantsPreOrder(IDetectorElementVisitor visitor);
189     /**
190      * Recrusive post-order tree traversal of this {@link IDetectorElement}.
191      * @param visitor A visitor interface to perform some action on the node.
192      */
193     public void traverseDescendantsPostOrder(IDetectorElementVisitor visitor);
195     /**
196      * Visit this and ancestors.
197      * 
198      * @param visitor
199      */
200     public void traverseAncestors(IDetectorElementVisitor visitor);
202     /**
203      * Find ancestors matching a class.
204      * 
205      * @param klass Class to match.
206      */
207     public <T extends IDetectorElement> List<T> findAncestors(Class<T> klass);
209     /**
210      * Find descendants matching a class.
211      *
212      * @param klass The class of the descendant DetectorElement.
213      * @return Get a list of descendants with matching class.
214      */
215     public <T extends IDetectorElement> List<T> findDescendants(Class<T> klass);
217     /**
218      * True if the DetectorElement's PhysicalVolume is flagged as sensitive. False if the PhysicalVolume is not sensitive or the DetectorElement has no associated geometry.
219      * @return True if sensitive; false if not sensitive.
220      */
221     public boolean isSensitive();
223     /**
224      * This method should be called externally to perform initialization after all child elements have been added.
225      */
226     public void initialize();
227 }