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1   package org.lcsim.detector;
3   import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
5   import org.lcsim.detector.solids.Inside;
7   /**
8    * IGeometryInfo provides geometry information about an {@link IDetectorElement}.
9    *
10   * These are some of the important methods on {@link IGeometryInfo}.
11   * 
12   * <ul>
13   * <li>{@link #getLogicalVolume()} - associated {@link ILogicalVolume}</li>
14   * <li>{@link #getGlobalToLocal()} - global to local {@link Transform3D}</li>
15   * <li>{@link #getLocalToGlobal()} - local to global {@link Transform3D}</li>
16   * <li>{@link #getParentToLocal()} - parent to local {@link Transform3D}</li>
17   * <li>{@link #getPath()} - {@link PhysicalVolumePath} associated with this {@link DetectorElement}</li>
18   * <li>{@link #isInside(Hep3Vector)} - check if a global point is inside this geometry</li>
19   * </ul>
20   *
21   * An {@link IDetectorElement} may have an {@link IGeometryInfo}, which means that it has a
22   * corresponding node in the geometry tree.  Those DetectorElements without IGeometryInfo 
23   * are ghost volumes that have no geometric correspondence, but may fill a logical roll 
24   * in the detector hierarchy.
25   *
26   * @author Jeremy McCormick 
27   * @author Tim Nelson  
28   * @version $Id:,v 1.15 2007/08/06 19:09:31 jeremy Exp $
29   */
30  public interface IGeometryInfo 
31  {
32  	/**
33  	 * Get an {@link IGeometryInfoContainer} with the child DetectorElement's IGeometryInfo objects.
34  	 * @return Container of IGeometryInfos from the child DetectorElements.
35  	 */
36  	public IGeometryInfoContainer getChildGeometries();
38  	/**
39  	 * Get the {@link IPhysicalVolumePath} at a global point.
40  	 * @param globalPoint A point in global coordinates.
41  	 * @return A path of physical volumes at the global point.
42  	 */
43  	public IPhysicalVolumePath getPath(Hep3Vector globalPoint);
45  	/**
46  	 * Get the associated {@link ILogicalVolume}.
47  	 * @return A LogicalVolume associated with this geometry.
48  	 */
49  	public ILogicalVolume getLogicalVolume();
51  	/**
52  	 * Get the PhysicalVolume at the global point
53  	 * using the IPhysicalVolumePath of this IGeometryInfo.
54       *
55  	 * @param globalPoint A point in global coordinates.
56  	 * @return The PhysicalVolume at the point.
57  	 */
58  	public IPhysicalVolume getPhysicalVolume(Hep3Vector globalPoint);
60      /**
61       * Get the leaf PhysicalVolume in this 
62       */
64  	/**
65  	 * Get the center position of the DetectorElement in global coordinates.
66  	 * @return Center position of DetectorElement in global coordinates.
67  	 */
68  	public Hep3Vector getPosition();
70  	/**
71  	 * Get the {@link IPhysicalVolumePath} assigned to this GeometryInfo.
72  	 * This path points to a unique node in the geometry tree
73  	 * and determines the basic global to local transform
74  	 * of the DetectorElement.
75  	 * 
76  	 * @return The path of this DetectorElement.
77  	 */
78  	public IPhysicalVolumePath getPath();
80      /**
81       * Get the {@link IPhysicalVolumePath} from {@link #getPath}
82       * as a {@link String}.
83       *  
84       * @return The path string.
85       */
86      public String getPathString();
88  	/**
89  	 * Get the combined global to local transform.
90       *
91  	 * @return The global to local transform.
92  	 */
93  	public ITransform3D getGlobalToLocal();
95  	/**
96  	 * Transform the global point from global coordinates to local.
97  	 * 
98  	 * @param globalPoint 
99  	 * @return Global point transformed to local.
100 	 */
101 	public Hep3Vector transformGlobalToLocal(Hep3Vector globalPoint);
103 	/**
104 	 * True if this IGeometryInfo has an associated LogicalVolume.
105 	 * @return True if the IGeomInfo has a non-<code>null</code> LogicalVolume.
106 	 */
107 	public boolean hasLogicalVolume();
109 	/**
110 	 * True if this IGeometryInfo has an associated full path
111 	 * or geometry node.
112 	 * 
113 	 * @return True if this IGeometryInfo has an IPhysicalVolumePath.
114 	 */
115 	public boolean hasPath();
117 	/**
118 	 * True if the global point is inside this DetectorElement
119      * or any of its descendants.
120 	 * @param globalPoint A global point.
121 	 * @return True if the global point is inside this DetectorElement
122      *         or any of its descendants.
123 	 */
124 	public Inside inside(Hep3Vector globalPoint);
126 	/**
127 	 * Get the combined local to global transform.
128      * @see ITransform3D
129 	 * @return The local to global transform.
130 	 */
131 	public ITransform3D getLocalToGlobal();
133 	/**
134 	 * Get the transformation from parent geometry 
135 	 * into local geometry.
136 	 * @return The parent to local transform.
137 	 */
138 	public ITransform3D getParentToLocal();
140 	/**
141 	 * Transform a local point into global coordinates.
142 	 * @param localPoint A local point.
143 	 * @return Point transformed into global coordinate system.
144 	 */
145 	public Hep3Vector transformLocalToGlobal(Hep3Vector localPoint);
147 	/**
148 	 * Get the parent DetectorElement's IGeometryInfo.
149 	 * @return The parent's IGeometryInfo or <code>null</code>
150      *         if none exists.
151 	 */
152 	public IGeometryInfo parentGeometry();	
154 	/**
155 	 * Transform point in parent geometry to local coordinate system. 
156 	 * 
157 	 * @param parentPoint A point in the parent coordinate system.
158 	 * @return Point transformed from parent to local coordinates.
159 	 */
160 	public Hep3Vector transformParentToLocal(Hep3Vector parentPoint);
162     /**
163      * Return the associated {@link DetectorElement}.
164      * 
165      * @return The associated DetectorElement.
166      */
167     public IDetectorElement getDetectorElement();
169     /**
170      * Get the associated {@link IPhysicalVolume} or
171      * <code>null</code> if none exists.
172      */
173     public IPhysicalVolume getPhysicalVolume();
174 }