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1   /*
2    *
3    *
4    * Created on July 14, 2008, 6:18 PM
5    *
6    * $Id:,v 1.11 2008/07/23 16:16:37 ngraf Exp $
7    */
9   package;
11  import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory;
12  import hep.aida.ICloud1D;
13  import hep.aida.IDataPoint;
14  import hep.aida.IDataPointSet;
15  import hep.aida.IDataPointSetFactory;
16  import hep.aida.IFitFactory;
17  import hep.aida.IFitResult;
18  import hep.aida.IFitter;
19  import hep.aida.IFunction;
20  import hep.aida.IFunctionFactory;
21  import hep.aida.IHistogram1D;
22  import hep.aida.IPlotter;
23  import hep.aida.IPlotterStyle;
24  import hep.aida.ITree;
25  import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
26  import;
27  import java.util.List;
28  import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager;
29  import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager.ConditionsSetNotFoundException;
30  import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsSet;
31  import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
32  import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
33  import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
34  import org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder;
35  import org.lcsim.geometry.Subdetector;
36  import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.fixedcone.FixedConeClusterer;
37  import org.lcsim.recon.cluster.fixedcone.FixedConeClusterer.FixedConeDistanceMetric;
38  import org.lcsim.spacegeom.CartesianPoint;
39  import org.lcsim.spacegeom.SpacePoint;
40  import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
41  import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
43  import static java.lang.Math.sin;
44  import static java.lang.Math.PI;
45  import static java.lang.Math.abs;
46  import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
47  import java.util.Arrays;
48  import java.util.HashMap;
49  import java.util.Map;
50  import java.util.StringTokenizer;
51  import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
53  /**
54   *
55   * @author Norman Graf
56   */
57  public class ClusterEnergyAnalysis extends Driver
58  {
59      private ConditionsSet _cond;
60      private FixedConeClusterer _fcc;
61      private CollectionManager _collectionmanager = CollectionManager.defaultInstance();
63      private double[] _ecalLayering;
64      boolean _useFirstLayer;
66      private double emCalInnerRadius = 0.;
67      private double emCalInnerZ = 0.;
69      private Map<String, Double> _fitParameters = new HashMap<String, Double>();
72      private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
73      private ITree _tree;
75      private boolean _initialized;
76      /** Creates a new instance of ClusterEnergyAnalysis */
77      public ClusterEnergyAnalysis()
78      {
79          _tree = aida.tree();
80      }
82      protected void process(EventHeader event)
83      {
84          if(!_initialized)
85          {
86              ConditionsManager mgr = ConditionsManager.defaultInstance();
87              try
88              {
89                  _cond = mgr.getConditions("CalorimeterCalibration");
90              }
91              catch(ConditionsSetNotFoundException e)
92              {
93                  System.out.println("ConditionSet CalorimeterCalibration not found for detector "+mgr.getDetector());
94                  System.out.println("Please check that this properties file exists for this detector ");
95              }
96              double radius = .5;
97              double seed = 0.;//.1;
98              double minE = .05; //.25;
99              _fcc = new FixedConeClusterer(radius, seed, minE, FixedConeDistanceMetric.DPHIDTHETA);
101             _ecalLayering = _cond.getDoubleArray("ECalLayering");
102             _useFirstLayer = _cond.getDouble("IsFirstEmLayerSampling")==1.;
104             // photons
105             String photonFitParametersList = _cond.getString("PhotonFitParameters");
106             String[]  photonFitParameters = photonFitParametersList.split(",\\s");
107             for(int i=0; i<photonFitParameters.length; ++i)
108             {
109                 _fitParameters.put(photonFitParameters[i], _cond.getDouble(photonFitParameters[i]));
110             }
111             // neutral hadrons
112             String hadronFitParametersList = _cond.getString("NeutralHadronFitParameters");
113             String[]  hadronFitParameters = hadronFitParametersList.split(",\\s");
114             for(int i=0; i<hadronFitParameters.length; ++i)
115             {
116                 _fitParameters.put(hadronFitParameters[i], _cond.getDouble(hadronFitParameters[i]));
117             }
119             _initialized = true;
120         }
122         if(event.getEventNumber()%1000==0) System.out.println("Event "+event.getEventNumber());
124         //start processing the event.
125         // organize the histogram tree by species and energy
126         List<MCParticle> mcparts = event.getMCParticles();
127         MCParticle mcpart = mcparts.get(mcparts.size()-1);
128         String particleType = mcpart.getType().getName();
129         double mcEnergy = mcpart.getEnergy();
130         long mcIntegerEnergy = Math.round(mcEnergy);
131         boolean meV = false;
132         if(mcEnergy<.99)
133         {
134             mcIntegerEnergy = Math.round(mcEnergy*1000);
135             meV = true;
136         }
138         // TODO: make this cluster type selection more robust
139         String type = "gamma";
140         if(!particleType.equals("gamma")) type = "neutralHadron";
143 //        _tree.mkdirs(particleType);
144 //;
145         _tree.mkdirs(type);
147         _tree.mkdirs(mcIntegerEnergy+(meV ? "_MeV": "_GeV"));
148 ? "_MeV": "_GeV"));
151         // this analysis is intended for single particle calorimeter response.
152         // let's make sure that the primary particle did not interact in the
153         // tracker...
154         Hep3Vector endpoint = mcpart.getEndPoint();
155         // this is just crap. Why not use SpacePoint?
156         double radius = sqrt(endpoint.x()*endpoint.x()+endpoint.y()*endpoint.y());
157         double z = endpoint.z();
159         boolean doit = true;
160         if(radius<emCalInnerRadius && abs(z) < emCalInnerZ) doit = false;
161         if(doit)
162         {
163             String processedHitsName = _cond.getString("ProcessedHitsCollectionName");
164             List<CalorimeterHit> hitsToCluster = _collectionmanager.getList(processedHitsName);
165             // cluster the hits
166             List<Cluster> clusters = _fcc.createClusters(hitsToCluster);
169             // simple sanity check to make sure things don't go awry
170             for(Cluster c : clusters)
171             {
172                 aida.cloud1D("uncorrected cluster energy for all clusters").fill(c.getEnergy());
173                 double e = correctClusterEnergy(c, type);
174                 aida.cloud1D("corrected cluster energy for all clusters").fill(e);
175             }
177             // for simplicity proceed only with the highest energy cluster...
178             if(clusters.size()>0)
179             {
180                 Cluster c = clusters.get(0);
181                 aida.cloud1D("uncorrected cluster energy for highest energy cluster").fill(c.getEnergy());
182                 double e = correctClusterEnergy(c, type);
183                 aida.cloud1D("corrected cluster energy for highest energy cluster").fill(e);
184 //                SpacePoint p = new CartesianPoint(c.getPosition());
185 //                double clusterTheta = p.theta();
186 //                aida.cloud2D("uncorrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, c.getEnergy());
187 //                aida.cloud2D("corrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, e);
188 //                aida.cloud2D("raw-corrected cluster energy for all clusters vs theta").fill(clusterTheta, c.getEnergy()-e);
189             }
191         }// end of check on decays outside tracker volume
192         //reset our histogram tree
195     }
200 //    protected void endOfData()
201 //    {
202 //        boolean showPlots = false;
203 //        String fileType = "png";
204 //        String[] pars = {"amplitude", "mean","sigma"};
205 //        //      int[] intEnergy = {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100,  500 };
206 ////        String fileFullPath   = "C:/orglcsimAnalyses/SamplingFractionAnalysis_gamma_Theta90_acme0605.aida";
207 ////        if(args.length>0) fileFullPath = args[0];
208 ////        if(args.length>1)
209 ////        {
210 ////            fileType = args[1];
211 ////            showPlots = false;
212 ////        }
213 //        IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
214 ////        ITree tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(fileFullPath,"xml", true, false);
215 //        System.out.println("calling ls on tree");
216 //        // TODO find out if I can capture output of ls command to get a list
217 //        // of available directories...
218 //"./gamma");
219 //        String[] onames = _tree.listObjectNames("./gamma");
220 //
221 //        sortDirectoriesByEnergy(onames);
222 //
223 //        int numberOfPoints = onames.length;
224 //        double[] energies = new double[onames.length];
225 //        for(int j=0; j<onames.length; ++j)
226 //        {
227 ////            System.out.println(onames[j]);
228 //            String subDir = onames[j].substring(8); // length of "./gamma/" is 8, so remove leading directory
229 //            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(subDir,"_");
230 //            String e = st.nextToken();
231 //            String unit = st.nextToken();
232 ////            System.out.println(e+" "+unit);
233 //            energies[j] = Double.parseDouble(e);
234 //            if(unit.contains("MeV")) energies[j]/=1000.;
235 ////            System.out.println("energy: "+energies[j]);
236 //        }
237 //        IFunctionFactory  functionFactory = af.createFunctionFactory(_tree);
238 //        IFitFactory       fitFactory = af.createFitFactory();
239 //        IFitter jminuit = fitFactory.createFitter("Chi2","jminuit");
240 //        IFunction gauss = functionFactory.createFunctionByName("gauss","G");
241 //        IFunction line = functionFactory.createFunctionByName("line","P1");
242 //        IDataPointSetFactory dpsf = af.createDataPointSetFactory(_tree);
243 //
244 //        IPlotter plotter = af.createPlotterFactory().create("sampling fraction plot");
245 //        plotter.createRegions(3, 4, 0);
246 //        IPlotterStyle style2 = plotter.region(7).style();
247 //        style2.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
248 //        style2.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
249 //
250 //
251 //        IPlotterStyle style;
252 //
253 //        double[] fitMeans = new double[numberOfPoints];
254 //        double[] fitSigmas = new double[numberOfPoints];
255 //        IDataPointSet energyMeans = dpsf.create("energy means vs E",2);
256 //        IDataPointSet energySigmas = dpsf.create("sigma \\/ E vs E",2);
257 //        IDataPointSet resolutionFit = dpsf.create("sigma \\/  E vs 1 \\/ \u221a E",2);
258 //        IDataPointSet energyResiduals = dpsf.create("energy residuals (%) vs E",2);
259 //        double eMax = 0;
260 //        for(int i=0; i< numberOfPoints; ++i)
261 //        {
262 //            if(energies[i] > .1) // do not analyze 100MeV and below...
263 //            {
264 //                System.out.println("Energy "+energies[i]);
265 //
266 //                ICloud1D e = (ICloud1D) _tree.find(onames[i]+"corrected cluster energy for highest energy cluster");
267 //                e.convertToHistogram();
268 //                IHistogram1D eHist = e.histogram();
269 //                gauss.setParameter("amplitude",eHist.maxBinHeight());
270 //                gauss.setParameter("mean",eHist.mean());
271 //                gauss.setParameter("sigma",eHist.rms());
272 //                style = plotter.region(i).style();
273 //                style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
274 //                style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
275 //                double loElimit = energies[i] - .6*sqrt(energies[i]); // expect ~20% resolution, and go out 3 sigma
276 //                double hiElimit = energies[i] + .6*sqrt(energies[i]);;
277 //                plotter.region(i).setXLimits(loElimit, hiElimit);
278 //                plotter.region(i).plot(eHist);
279 //                IFitResult jminuitResult =,gauss);
280 //                double[] fitErrors = jminuitResult.errors();
281 //                IFunction fit = jminuitResult.fittedFunction();
282 //                for(int j=0; j<pars.length; ++j)
283 //                {
284 //                    System.out.println("   "+pars[j]+": "+ fit.parameter(pars[j])+" +/- "+fitErrors[j]);
285 //                }
286 //                fitMeans[i] = fit.parameter("mean");
287 //                fitSigmas[i] = fit.parameter("sigma");
288 //                plotter.region(i).plot(fit);
289 ////            plotter.region(7).plot(eHist);
290 //
291 //                // the means
292 //                IDataPoint point = energyMeans.addPoint();
293 //                point.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
294 //                point.coordinate(1).setValue(fitMeans[i]);
295 //                point.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[1]);
296 //                point.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[1]);
297 //
298 //                // sigma
299 //                IDataPoint point1 = energySigmas.addPoint();
300 //                point1.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
301 //                point1.coordinate(1).setValue(fitSigmas[i]/energies[i]);
302 //                point1.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
303 //                point1.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
304 //
305 //                // sigma/E vs 1/sqrt(E)
306 //
307 //                IDataPoint point3 = resolutionFit.addPoint();
308 //                point3.coordinate(0).setValue(1./sqrt(energies[i]));
309 //                point3.coordinate(1).setValue(fitSigmas[i]/energies[i]);
310 //                point3.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
311 //                point3.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
312 //
313 //                // residuals
314 //                IDataPoint point2 = energyResiduals.addPoint();
315 //                point2.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
316 //                point2.coordinate(1).setValue(100.*(fitMeans[i]-energies[i])/energies[i]);
317 //
318 //                // axis bookeeping...
319 //                if(energies[i] > eMax) eMax = energies[i];
320 //            } // end of 100 MeV cut
321 //        }
322 //
323 //
324 //
325 //        IPlotter results = af.createPlotterFactory().create("linearity");
326 //        style = results.region(0).style();
327 //        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("MC Energy [GeV]");
328 //        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("Cluster Energy [GeV]");
329 //        style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
330 //        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisibileStatistics("011");
331 //        style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
332 //        IFitResult fitLine =, line);
333 //        System.out.println(" fit status: "+fitLine.fitStatus());
334 //        double eMaxBin = eMax+10.;
335 //        results.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
336 //        results.region(0).setYLimits(0., eMaxBin);
337 //        results.region(0).plot(energyMeans);
338 //        results.region(0).plot(fitLine.fittedFunction());
339 //
340 //
341 //        IPlotter resolution = af.createPlotterFactory().create("resolution");
342 //        style = resolution.region(0).style();
343 //        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Energy [GeV]");
344 //        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("sigma/E");
345 //        style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
346 //        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
347 //        style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
348 //        resolution.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
349 //        resolution.region(0).setYLimits(0., .2);
350 //        resolution.region(0).plot(energySigmas);
351 //
352 //
353 //        IPlotter resolution2 = af.createPlotterFactory().create("sigma/E vs 1/E");
354 //        style = resolution2.region(0).style();
355 //        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("1/ \u221a Energy [1/GeV]");
356 //        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("sigma/E");
357 ////        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisibileStatistics("011");
358 //        style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
359 //        IFitResult resFitLine =, line);
360 //        System.out.println(" fit status: "+resFitLine.fitStatus());
361 ////        resolution2.region(0).setXLimits(0., 1.05);
362 ////        resolution2.region(0).setYLimits(0., .2);
363 //        resolution2.region(0).plot(resolutionFit);
364 //        resolution2.region(0).plot(resFitLine.fittedFunction());
365 //
366 //        IPlotter residuals = af.createPlotterFactory().create("residuals (%)");
367 //        style = residuals.region(0).style();
368 //        style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Energy [GeV]");
369 //        style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("Residuals [%]");
370 //        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
371 //        style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
372 //
373 //        residuals.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
374 //
375 //        residuals.region(0).plot(energyResiduals);
376 //
377 //        if(showPlots)
378 //        {
379 //  ;
380 //  ;
381 //  ;
382 //  ;
383 //  ;
384 //        }
385 //        else
386 //        {
387 //            try
388 //            {
389 //                plotter.writeToFile("energyPlots."+fileType,fileType);
390 //                results.writeToFile("linearity."+fileType,fileType);
391 //                resolution.writeToFile("resolution."+fileType,fileType);
392 //                resolution2.writeToFile("resolutionLinear."+fileType,fileType);
393 //                residuals.writeToFile("residuals."+fileType,fileType);
394 //            }
395 //            catch(IOException e)
396 //            {
397 //                System.out.println("problem writing out hardcopy in "+fileType+" format");
398 //                e.printStackTrace();
399 //            }
400 //        }
401 //    }
405     private double correctClusterEnergy(Cluster c, String type)
406     {
407         double e = 0.;
408         // brute force for the time being
409         // in the future we will either move this to the sampling fraction corrections
410         // or use the cluster direction for calculating the angle effect.
411         List<CalorimeterHit> hits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
412         for (CalorimeterHit hit : hits)
413         {
414             Subdetector det = hit.getSubdetector();
415             String detName = det.getName();
416 //            System.out.println(detName);
417             boolean isEM = detName.startsWith("EM");
418             boolean isEndcap = det.isEndcap();
419             IDDecoder decoder = hit.getIDDecoder();
420             decoder.setID(hit.getCellID());
421             int layer = decoder.getLayer();
422             int caltype = 0;
423             if(isEM)
424             {
425                 for(int i=1; i<_ecalLayering.length+1; ++i)
426                 {
427                     if(layer >= _ecalLayering[i-1]) caltype = i-1;
428                 }
429             }
430             //TODO change this when had cal layering changes...
431             else
432             {
433                 caltype  = 3;
434             }
435 //            System.out.println("layer= "+layer+" caltype= "+caltype);
436             String name = type + "_" +(isEM ? "em"+caltype : "had") + (isEndcap ? "e" : "b");
437 //            System.out.println("fit parameter name "+name);
438             SpacePoint p = new CartesianPoint(hit.getPosition());
439             double hitTheta = p.theta();
440             double normalTheta = hitTheta;
441             // now calculate normal to the sampling plane
442             if(isEndcap)
443             {
444                 normalTheta -= PI/2.;
445                 normalTheta = abs(normalTheta);
446             }
447             else
448             {
449                 normalTheta -= PI;
450             }
451             double a = 0.;
452             double b = 0.;
453             if(caltype==0 && !_useFirstLayer)
454             {
455                 a = 0.;
456                 b = 1.;
457             }
458             else
459             {
460                 a = _fitParameters.get(name+"_0");
461                 b = _fitParameters.get(name+"_1");
462             }
464             double correctionFactor = a + b*sin(normalTheta);
465 //            aida.cloud2D(name+" "+layer+"hit Theta vs correction factor ").fill(hitTheta, correctionFactor);
466 //            aida.cloud2D(name+" hit Theta vs correction factor ").fill(hitTheta, correctionFactor);
467 //            if(isEM) aida.cloud2D("EM layer vs caltype").fill(layer, caltype);
469             // now apply the correction
471             e += hit.getRawEnergy()/correctionFactor;
472         }
473         return e;
474     }
476 //    private static void sortDirectoriesByEnergy(String[] s)
477 //    {
478 //        Map<Double, String> map = new HashMap<Double, String>();
479 //        double[] energies = new double[s.length];
480 //        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
481 //        {
482 ////            System.out.println(onames[j]);
483 //            String subDir = s[j].substring(8); // length of "./gamma/" is 8, so remove leading directory
484 //            StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(subDir,"_");
485 //            String e = st.nextToken();
486 //            String unit = st.nextToken();
487 ////            System.out.println(e+" "+unit);
488 //            energies[j] = Double.parseDouble(e);
489 //            if(unit.contains("MeV")) energies[j]/=1000.;
490 //            map.put(energies[j], s[j]);
491 ////            System.out.println("energy: "+energies[j]);
492 //        }
493 //        Arrays.sort(energies);
494 //        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
495 //        {
496 //            s[j] = map.get(energies[j]);
497 //        }
498 //        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
499 //        {
500 //            System.out.println(s[j]);
501 //        }
502 //
503 //
504 //
505 //    }
507     protected void endOfData()
508     {
509         boolean showPlots = false;
510         boolean doit = false;
511         if(doit)
512         {
513             String fileType = "png";
514             String[] pars = {"amplitude", "mean","sigma"};
516             IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create();
517             String[] dirs = _tree.listObjectNames(".");
518             for (int ii=0; ii<dirs.length; ++ii)
519             {
520 //            System.out.println("dirs["+i+"]= "+dirs[i]);
521                 String[] parts = dirs[ii].split("/");
522 //            for(int k=0; k<parts.length; ++k)
523 //            {
524 //                System.out.println("parts["+k+"]= "+parts[k]);
525 //            }
526       [ii]);
527                 String[] objects = _tree.listObjectNames(".");
529 //            for(int j=0; j<objects.length;++j)
530 //            {
531 //                System.out.println("obj["+j+"]= "+objects[i]);
532 //            }
534                 sortDirectoriesByEnergy(objects);
536                 int numberOfPoints = objects.length;
537                 double[] energies = new double[objects.length];
538                 for(int j=0; j<objects.length; ++j)
539                 {
540 //                System.out.println(objects[j]);
542                     String subDir =parts[1];
543                     String[] st = objects[j].split("/")[1].split("_");
544                     String e = st[0];
545                     String unit = st[1];
546 ////            System.out.println(e+" "+unit);
547                     energies[j] = Double.parseDouble(e);
548                     if(unit.contains("MeV")) energies[j]/=1000.;
549 //                System.out.println("energy: "+energies[j]);
550                 }
551                 IFunctionFactory  functionFactory = af.createFunctionFactory(_tree);
552                 IFitFactory       fitFactory = af.createFitFactory();
553                 IFitter jminuit = fitFactory.createFitter("Chi2","jminuit");
554                 IFunction gauss = functionFactory.createFunctionByName("gauss","G");
555                 IFunction line = functionFactory.createFunctionByName("line","P1");
556                 IDataPointSetFactory dpsf = af.createDataPointSetFactory(_tree);
558                 IPlotter plotter = af.createPlotterFactory().create("sampling fraction plot");
559                 plotter.createRegions(3, 4, 0);
560                 IPlotterStyle style2 = plotter.region(7).style();
561                 style2.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
562                 style2.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
565                 IPlotterStyle style;
567                 double[] fitMeans = new double[numberOfPoints];
568                 double[] fitSigmas = new double[numberOfPoints];
569                 IDataPointSet energyMeans = dpsf.create("energy means vs E",2);
570                 IDataPointSet energySigmas = dpsf.create("sigma \\/ E vs E",2);
571                 IDataPointSet resolutionFit = dpsf.create("sigma \\/  E vs 1 \\/ \u221a E",2);
572                 IDataPointSet energyResiduals = dpsf.create("energy residuals (%) vs E",2);
573                 double eMax = 0;
574                 for(int i=0; i< numberOfPoints; ++i)
575                 {
576                     if(energies[i] > .1) // do not analyze 100MeV and below...
577                     {
578                         System.out.println("Energy "+energies[i]);
580                         ICloud1D e = (ICloud1D) _tree.find(objects[i]+"corrected cluster energy for all clusters");
581                         if(!e.isConverted()) e.convertToHistogram();
582                         IHistogram1D eHist = e.histogram();
583                         gauss.setParameter("amplitude",eHist.maxBinHeight());
584                         gauss.setParameter("mean",eHist.mean());
585                         gauss.setParameter("sigma",eHist.rms());
586                         style = plotter.region(i).style();
587                         style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
588                         style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
589                         double loElimit = energies[i] - .6*sqrt(energies[i]); // expect ~20% resolution, and go out 3 sigma
590                         double hiElimit = energies[i] + .6*sqrt(energies[i]);;
591                         plotter.region(i).setXLimits(loElimit, hiElimit);
592                         plotter.region(i).plot(eHist);
593                         IFitResult jminuitResult =,gauss);
594                         double[] fitErrors = jminuitResult.errors();
595                         IFunction fit = jminuitResult.fittedFunction();
596                         for(int j=0; j<pars.length; ++j)
597                         {
598                             System.out.println("   "+pars[j]+": "+ fit.parameter(pars[j])+" +/- "+fitErrors[j]);
599                         }
600                         fitMeans[i] = fit.parameter("mean");
601                         fitSigmas[i] = fit.parameter("sigma");
602                         plotter.region(i).plot(fit);
603 //            plotter.region(7).plot(eHist);
605                         // the means
606                         IDataPoint point = energyMeans.addPoint();
607                         point.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
608                         point.coordinate(1).setValue(fitMeans[i]);
609                         point.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[1]);
610                         point.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[1]);
612                         // sigma
613                         IDataPoint point1 = energySigmas.addPoint();
614                         point1.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
615                         point1.coordinate(1).setValue(fitSigmas[i]/energies[i]);
616                         point1.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
617                         point1.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
619                         // sigma/E vs 1/sqrt(E)
621                         IDataPoint point3 = resolutionFit.addPoint();
622                         point3.coordinate(0).setValue(1./sqrt(energies[i]));
623                         point3.coordinate(1).setValue(fitSigmas[i]/energies[i]);
624                         point3.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
625                         point3.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(fitErrors[2]/energies[i]);
627                         // residuals
628                         IDataPoint point2 = energyResiduals.addPoint();
629                         point2.coordinate(0).setValue(energies[i]);
630                         point2.coordinate(1).setValue(100.*(fitMeans[i]-energies[i])/energies[i]);
632                         // axis bookeeping...
633                         if(energies[i] > eMax) eMax = energies[i];
634                     } // end of 100 MeV cut
635                 }
637                 IPlotter results = af.createPlotterFactory().create("linearity");
638                 style = results.region(0).style();
639                 style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("MC Energy [GeV]");
640                 style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("Cluster Energy [GeV]");
641                 style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
642                 style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisibileStatistics("011");
643                 style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(true);
644                 IFitResult fitLine =, line);
645                 System.out.println(" fit status: "+fitLine.fitStatus());
646                 double eMaxBin = eMax+10.;
647                 results.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
648                 results.region(0).setYLimits(0., eMaxBin);
649                 results.region(0).plot(energyMeans);
650                 results.region(0).plot(fitLine.fittedFunction());
653                 IPlotter resolution = af.createPlotterFactory().create("resolution");
654                 style = resolution.region(0).style();
655                 style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Energy [GeV]");
656                 style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("sigma/E");
657                 style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
658                 style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
659                 style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
660                 resolution.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
661                 resolution.region(0).setYLimits(0., .2);
662                 resolution.region(0).plot(energySigmas);
665                 IPlotter resolution2 = af.createPlotterFactory().create("sigma/E vs 1/E");
666                 style = resolution2.region(0).style();
667                 style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("1/ \u221a Energy [1/GeV]");
668                 style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("sigma/E");
669 //        style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisibileStatistics("011");
670                 style.legendBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
671                 IFitResult resFitLine =, line);
672                 System.out.println(" fit status: "+resFitLine.fitStatus());
673 //        resolution2.region(0).setXLimits(0., 1.05);
674 //        resolution2.region(0).setYLimits(0., .2);
675                 resolution2.region(0).plot(resolutionFit);
676                 resolution2.region(0).plot(resFitLine.fittedFunction());
678                 IPlotter residuals = af.createPlotterFactory().create("residuals (%)");
679                 style = residuals.region(0).style();
680                 style.xAxisStyle().setLabel("Energy [GeV]");
681                 style.yAxisStyle().setLabel("Residuals [%]");
682                 style.statisticsBoxStyle().setVisible(false);
683                 style.titleStyle().setVisible(false);
685                 residuals.region(0).setXLimits(0., eMaxBin);
687                 residuals.region(0).plot(energyResiduals);
689                 if(showPlots)
690                 {
691           ;
692           ;
693           ;
694           ;
695           ;
696                 }
697                 else
698                 {
699                     try
700                     {
701                         // hardcopy
702                         plotter.writeToFile("energyPlots."+fileType,fileType);
703                         results.writeToFile("linearity."+fileType,fileType);
704                         resolution.writeToFile("resolution."+fileType,fileType);
705                         resolution2.writeToFile("resolutionLinear."+fileType,fileType);
706                         residuals.writeToFile("residuals."+fileType,fileType);
707                     }
708                     catch(IOException e)
709                     {
710                         System.out.println("problem writing out hardcopy in "+fileType+" format");
711                         e.printStackTrace();
712                     }
714                 }
715             }// end of loop over directories
716         }
717     }
719     private static void sortDirectoriesByEnergy(String[] s)
720     {
721         Map<Double, String> map = new HashMap<Double, String>();
722         double[] energies = new double[s.length];
723         for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
724         {
725 //           System.out.println(s[j]);
726             String subDir = s[j].split("/")[1]; // first token should be "."
727 //            System.out.println(subDir);
728             String[] st = subDir.split("_");
729             String e = st[0];
730             String unit = st[1];
731 //            System.out.println(e+" "+unit);
732             energies[j] = Double.parseDouble(e);
733             if(unit.contains("MeV")) energies[j]/=1000.;
734             map.put(energies[j], s[j]);
735 //            System.out.println("energy: "+energies[j]);
736         }
737         Arrays.sort(energies);
738         for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
739         {
740             s[j] = map.get(energies[j]);
741         }
742 //        for(int j=0; j<s.length; ++j)
743 //        {
744 //            System.out.println(s[j]);
745 //        }
746     }
748 }