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1   package org.lcsim.conditions;
3   /**
4    * The conditions manager is the main interface to the conditions system. The
5    * conditions manager allows conditions to be stored in a hierarchical
6    * structure, but places no restrictions on the type of data provided. The
7    * conditions manager makes no assumptions about how the data is stored or
8    * retrieved.
9    */
10  public abstract class ConditionsManager {
11      private static ConditionsManager theConditionsManager;
13      /**
14       * Get the default (shared) condition manager implementation.
15       * @return The default conditions manager.
16       */
17      public static ConditionsManager defaultInstance() {
18          if (theConditionsManager == null)
19              theConditionsManager = new ConditionsManagerImplementation();
20          return theConditionsManager;
21      }
23      public static void setDefaultConditionsManager(ConditionsManager manager) {
24          //System.out.println("ConditionsManager.setDefaultConditionsManager from...");
25          //new RuntimeException().printStackTrace();
26          theConditionsManager = manager;
27      }
29      /**
30       * Return true if there is a conditions manager installed.
31       * @return true if conditions managed is setup
32       */
33      public static boolean isSetup() {
34          return theConditionsManager != null;
35      }
37      /**
38       * Normally called automatically by the framework to set the detector name
39       * and run number,
40       * @param name The current detector name.
41       * @param run The current run number.
42       * @throws org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager.ConditionsNotFoundException
43       *             If the conditions associated with this detector/run number
44       *             can not be found.
45       */
46      public abstract void setDetector(String name, int run) throws ConditionsNotFoundException;
48      /**
49       * Set the current run number. Normally called automatically by the
50       * framework.
51       * @param run The current run number
52       * @throws org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager.ConditionsNotFoundException
53       *             If the conditions associated with the specified run number
54       *             can not be found.
55       */
56      public abstract void setRun(int run) throws ConditionsNotFoundException;
58      /**
59       * Get the current detector name
60       * @return The detector name.
61       */
62      public abstract String getDetector();
64      /**
65       * Get the current run number.
66       * @return The run number.
67       */
68      public abstract int getRun();
70      /**
71       * Get the conditions associated with the given name.
72       * @param name The name of the conditions to search for.
73       * @throws org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager.ConditionsSetNotFoundException
74       *             If the named conditions can not be found.
75       * @return The requested conditions.
76       */
77      public abstract ConditionsSet getConditions(String name) throws ConditionsSetNotFoundException;
79      /**
80       * Access conditions converted to a java object using a conditions
81       * converter. The conditions are cached so that they do not need to be
82       * re-read each time the same object is requested.
83       * @param type The type of conditions requested (used to select an
84       *            appropriate conditions converter).
85       * @param name The name of the conditions requested.
86       * @throws org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager.ConditionsSetNotFoundException
87       *             If the specified conditions can not be found.
88       * @return The converted conditions.
89       */
90      public abstract <T> CachedConditions<T> getCachedConditions(Class<T> type, String name) throws ConditionsSetNotFoundException;
92      /**
93       * Get an input stream to directly read raw conditions from the database.
94       * The database makes no assumptions about the format of the data when this
95       * method is used.
96       * @param name The name of the conditions requested.
97       * @throws org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsManager.ConditionsSetNotFoundException
98       *             If the requested conditions can not be found.
99       * @return The input stream from which the data can be read. The called
100      *         should close thsi input stream when they have finished using it.
101      */
102     public abstract RawConditions getRawConditions(String name) throws ConditionsSetNotFoundException;
104     /**
105      * Adds a conditions converter. A conditions converter can be used to
106      * convert data requested by the user into a specific Java object.
107      * @param conv The converter to add.
108      */
109     public abstract void registerConditionsConverter(ConditionsConverter conv);
111     /**
112      * Removes a conditions converter.
113      * @param conv The converter to remove.
114      */
115     public abstract void removeConditionsConverter(ConditionsConverter conv);
117     /**
118      * Add a listener to be notified about changes to ANY conditions.
119      * @param listener The listener to add.
120      */
121     public abstract void addConditionsListener(ConditionsListener listener);
123     /**
124      * Remove a global change listener.
125      * @param listener The listener to remove.
126      */
127     public abstract void removeConditionsListener(ConditionsListener listener);
129     /**
130      * Thrown if conditions associated with a given detector can not be found.
131      */
132     public static class ConditionsNotFoundException extends Exception {
133         public ConditionsNotFoundException(String name, int run) {
134             super("Conditions not found for detector " + name);
135         }
137         public ConditionsNotFoundException(String name, int run, Throwable t) {
138             super("Conditions not found for detector " + name, t);
139         }
140     }
142     /**
143      * Thrown if specific set of conditions can not be found.
144      */
145     public static class ConditionsSetNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
146         public ConditionsSetNotFoundException(String message) {
147             super(message);
148         }
150         public ConditionsSetNotFoundException(String message, Throwable t) {
151             super(message, t);
152         }
153     }
154 }