Source Code

Check Out the Code

The full project sources are stored in a Subversion repository at the following location:


Repository Credentials

The project sources can be downloaded anonymously, but checking in changes to the SVN requires a valid username and password combination.

These should be supplied when executing the 'commit' command:

svn commit --username [username] --password [password] -m "commit message goes here" the/file/to/commit

Generally, this will only need to be done once, as you may allow Subversion to cache this information locally (unencrypted unfortunately!).

Repository write access can be requested by emailing jeremym AT and including your full name, institution, and desired username.

Getting All the Modules

The entire set of modules can be found under this directory:


This command will checkout all of the modules locally:

svn co svn:// lcsim

Getting a Single Module

The HEAD revision of an individual module can be found at a URL with the following form:


To see a list of available modules, e.g. directories containing Maven modules, the following command can be used:

svn list svn://

For instance, to checkout the HEAD copy of the tracking module, this command can be used:

svn co svn:// lcsim-tracking

Downloading Tags and Branches

Global tag names are used, and Maven generates these automatically for releases.

All tags can be found at this URL:


To download a certain tag, use a command with this form:

svn co svn://[tagName]

To see what tags are available, use this command:

svn list svn://

Similarily, branch names also have globally unique names, and all branches can be found here:


To download a certain branch, use a command with this form:

svn co svn://[branchName]

To see what branches are available, use this command:

svn list svn://