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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil;
3   /**
4    * Abstract interface for classes which find a root of an
5    * equation,  i.e. x for which f(x) = 0.
6    *
7    * Different root-finding algorithms inherit from this base and
8    * implement methods solve(double,double) and status().
9    *
10   * Equations are solved by inheriting from those methods and
11   * implementing method evaluate(double).  It may also optionally
12   * implement method no_solution() which should return a value that
13   * the function cannot reach.
14   *
15   * @version 1.0
16   * @author  Norman A. Graf
17   */
18  public interface RootFinder
19  {
20      // Find solution starting with two guesses.
21      // Return no_solution() for failure.
22      public StatusDouble solve(double x1, double x2);
24      // Evaluate the function.
25      public StatusDouble evaluate(double x);
28  }