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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil;
2   import java.util.Random;
3   /** This class smears a vector of quantities in
4    * accordance with a multivariate normal distribution.
5    * The constructor takes a covariance matrix as input;
6    * only a minimal amount of checking is done.
7    * The method 'smear' takes an array and smears its
8    * members according to a gaussian distribution, whose
9    * width corresponds to the square root of the diagonal
10   * element of the covariance matrix. Here is an example
11   * of how the covariance terms are handled:
12   *<pre>
13   *        v11
14   * cov =  v12 v22
15   *        v13 v23 v33
16   *
17   *  x1 = x1 + a1*rn1
18   *  x2 = x2 + a2*rn1 + b2*rn2
19   *  x3 = x3 + a3*rn1 + b3*rn2 + c3*rn3
20   *</pre>
21   *<p>
22   *  where rn1, rn2 and rn3 are independently generated normal random numbers
23   *
24   *<pre>
25   *  a1 = sqrt(v11)
26   *  if a1 = 0, then a2 = a3 = 0
27   *  otherwise a2 = v12/a1, a3 = v13/a1
28   *
29   *  b2 = sqrt(v22 - a2*a2)
30   *  if b2 = 0, then b3 = 0
31   *  otherwise b3 = (v23 - a2*a3)/b2
32   *
33   *  c3 = sqrt(v33 - a3*a3 - b3*b3)
34   *</pre>
35   *
36   *@author Norman A. Graf
37   *@version 1.0
38   *
39   */
42  public class ArraySmearer
43  {
44      //attributes
45      // store the matrix used later for smearing
46      private double[][] _smear;
47      //store a copy of the covariance matrix for printing
48      // could be eliminated for efficiency
49      private double[][] _cov;
50      // the size of the matrix and arrays to be smeared
51      private int _ndim;
52      // the random number generator
53      private Random _r = new Random();
55      // methods
57      /**
58       *constructor from the covariance matrix
59       *
60       * @param   cov The covariance matrix as
61       */
62      public ArraySmearer( double[][] cov)
63      {
64          // sanity checks...
65          _ndim = cov.length;
66          // dimension
67          for(int i = 0; i< _ndim; ++i)
68          {
69              if(cov[i].length != _ndim) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array Smearer: Bad covariance matrix!");
70          }
71          // symmetry
72          for(int i = 0; i < _ndim; ++i)
73          {
74              for (int j = 0; j< _ndim ; ++j )
75              {
76                  if( cov[i][j] != cov[j][i] ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array Smearer: Bad covariance matrix!");
77              }
78          }
79          // should also check the determinant, punt for now
81          _smear = new double[_ndim][_ndim];
82          // store local copy, could be elimated
83          _cov = new double[_ndim][_ndim];
84          System.arraycopy(cov,0,_cov,0,_ndim);
85          // calculate the elements of the smearing matrix
86          double ck = 0.;
87          double sum;
88          for (int i=0; i<_ndim; i++)
89          {
90              // Diagonal terms...
91              sum = 0;
92              for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
93              {
94                  sum += _smear[i][j]*_smear[i][j];
95              }
96              _smear[i][i] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(cov[i][i] - sum));
97              // Off-Diagonal terms...
98              for (int k=i+1; k<_ndim; k++)
99              {
100                 sum = 0;
101                 for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
102                 {
103                     sum += _smear[k][j]*_smear[i][j];
104                 }
105                 _smear[k][i] = (cov[k][i] - sum)/_smear[i][i];
106             }
107         }
108     }
110     /**
111      * Smear a vector according to the covariance matrix.
112      * Note overwrite of input argument!
113      * @param   vec  The array to be smeared.
114      */
115     public void smear(double[] vec)
116     {
117         if(vec.length!=_ndim) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array Smearer: Bad input vector!");
118         double smrfac;
120         for (int i=0; i<_ndim; i++)
121         {
122             smrfac = 0.0;
123             for (int j=0; j<=i; j++)
124             {
125                 smrfac += _smear[i][j]*_r.nextGaussian();
126             }
127             vec[i] += smrfac;
128         }
129     }
131     // generate random vector according to the covariance matrix
133     /**
134      * Generate a vector of variables distributed according to the covariance matrix.
135      *
136      * @param   vec  Array to be filled
137      */
138     public void generate(double[] vec)
139     {
140         if(vec.length!=_ndim) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array Generator: Bad input vector!");
141         double[] z = new double[_ndim];
142         // generate a vector of uncorrelated gaussians
143         for (int i=0; i<_ndim; i++)
144         {
145             z[i] = _r.nextGaussian();
146         }
147         // add correlations
148         for (int i=0; i<_ndim; i++)
149         {
150             vec[i]=0.;
151             for (int j=0; j<=i; j++)
152             {
153                 vec[i] += _smear[i][j]*z[j];
154             }
156         }
157     }
160     /**
161      *Output Stream
162      *
163      * @return  String representation of object
164      */
165     public String toString()
166     {
167         String className = getClass().getName();
168         int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf('.');
169         if(lastDot!=-1)className = className.substring(lastDot+1);
170         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(className+" of dimension "+_ndim+"\n");
171         for ( int i = 0; i<_ndim ; ++i )
172         {
173             for (int j = 0 ; j<_ndim ; ++j )
174             {
175                 sb.append( _cov[i][j] +" ");
176             }
177             sb.append("\n");
178         }
179         sb.append("\n smear= \n");
180         for ( int i = 0; i<_ndim ; ++i )
181         {
182             for (int j = 0 ; j<_ndim ; ++j )
183             {
184                 sb.append( _smear[i][j] +" ");
185             }
186             sb.append("\n");
187         }
188         return sb.toString();
189     }
190 }