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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcylplane;
3   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Propagator;
4   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDirected;
5   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropDir;
6   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackVector;
7   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.TrackDerivative;
8   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.PropStat;
9   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.TRFMath;
10  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
11  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfcyl.SurfCylinder;
12  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfxyp.SurfXYPlane;
13  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.Surface;
14  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.VTrack;
15  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase.ETrack;
17  /**
18   * Propagates tracks from an XYPlane to a Cylinder in a constant field.
19   *<p>
20   * Propagation will fail if either the origin is not an XYPlane
21   * or destination is not a Cylinder.
22   * Propagator works incorrectly for tracks with very small curvatures.
23   *<p>
24   *@author Norman A. Graf
25   *@version 1.0
26   *
27   */
28  public class PropXYCyl extends PropDirected
29  {
31      // Assign track parameter indices.
33      private static final int IV = SurfXYPlane.IV;
34      private static final int IZC   = SurfXYPlane.IZ;
35      private static final int IDVDU = SurfXYPlane.IDVDU;
36      private static final int IDZDU = SurfXYPlane.IDZDU;
37      private static final int IQP_XY  = SurfXYPlane.IQP;
39      private static final int IPHI = SurfCylinder.IPHI;
40      private static final int IZ   = SurfCylinder.IZ;
41      private static final int IALF = SurfCylinder.IALF;
42      private static final int ITLM = SurfCylinder.ITLM;
43      private static final int IQPT  = SurfCylinder.IQPT;
47      // attributes
49      // BFAC * bfield
50      private double _bfac;
52      // static methods
54      /**
55       *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
56       *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
57       *
58       * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
59       */
60      public static String typeName()
61      { return "PropXYCyl";
62      }
64      /**
65       *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
66       *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
67       *
68       * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
69       */
70      public static String staticType()
71      { return typeName();
72      }
75      /**
76       *Construct an instance from a constant solenoidal magnetic field in Tesla.
77       *
78       * @param   bfield The magnetic field strength in Tesla.
79       */
80      public PropXYCyl(double bfield)
81      {
82          _bfac = TRFMath.BFAC*bfield;
83      }
85      /**
86       *Clone an instance.
87       *
88       * @return A Clone of this instance.
89       */
90      public Propagator newPropagator( )
91      {
92          return new PropXYCyl( bField() );
93      }
95      /**
96       *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction.
97       *
98       * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
99       * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
100      *
101      * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
102      * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
103      * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
104      * @return The propagation status.
105      */
106     public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
107             PropDir dir )
108     {
109         TrackDerivative deriv = null;
110         return vecDirProp(trv, srf, dir, deriv);
111     }
113     /**
114      *Propagate a track without error in the specified direction
115      *and return the derivative matrix in deriv.
116      *
117      * The track parameters for a cylinder are:
118      * phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
119      *
120      * @param   trv The VTrack to propagate.
121      * @param   srf The Surface to which to propagate.
122      * @param   dir The direction in which to propagate.
123      * @param   deriv The track derivatives to update at the surface srf.
124      * @return The propagation status.
125      */
126     public PropStat vecDirProp(VTrack trv,  Surface srf,
127             PropDir dir, TrackDerivative deriv )
128     {
129         return vecPropagateXYCyl( _bfac, trv, srf, dir, deriv);
131     }
133     /**
134      *Return the strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
135      *
136      * @return The strength of the magnetic field in Tesla.
137      */
138     public double bField()
139     {
140         return _bfac/TRFMath.BFAC;
141     }
143     /**
144      *Return a String representation of the class' type name.
145      *Included for completeness with the C++ version.
146      *
147      * @return   A String representation of the class' type name.
148      */
149     public String type()
150     { return staticType();
151     }
153     /**
154      *output stream
155      * @return  A String representation of this instance.
156      */
157     public String toString()
158     {
159         return "XYPlane-Cylinder propagation with constant "
160                 + bField() +" Tesla field";
162     }
165     //**********************************************************************
167     // Private function to propagate a track without error
168     //
169     // The track parameters for a cylinder are:
170     // phi z alpha tan(lambda) curvature
171     // (NOT [. . . lambda .] as in TRF and earlier version of TRF++.)
172     //
173     // If pderiv is nonzero, return the derivative matrix there.
174     // On Cylinder:
175     // r (cm) is fixed
176     // 0 - phi
177     // 1 - z (cm)
178     // 2 - alp
179     // 3 - tlam
180     // 4 - q/pt   pt is transverse momentum of a track, q is its charge
181     // On XYPlane:
182     // u (cm) is fixed
183     // 0 - v (cm)
184     // 1 - z (cm)
185     // 2 - dv/du
186     // 3 - dz/du
187     // 4 - q/p   p is momentum of a track, q is its charge
189     PropStat
190             vecPropagateXYCyl( double bfac, VTrack trv, Surface srf,
191             PropDir dir,
192             TrackDerivative deriv  )
193     {
195         // construct return status
196         PropStat pstat = new PropStat();
198         // fetch the originating surface and vector
199         Surface srf1 = trv.surface();
200         TrackVector vec1 = trv.vector();
202         // Check origin is a XYPlane.
203         Assert.assertTrue( srf1.pureType().equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()) );
204         if ( !srf1.pureType( ).equals(SurfXYPlane.staticType()) )
205             return pstat;
206         SurfXYPlane sxyp1 = ( SurfXYPlane) srf1;
208         // Check destination is a cylinder.
209         Assert.assertTrue( srf.pureType().equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) );
210         if ( !srf.pureType( ).equals(SurfCylinder.staticType()) )
211             return pstat;
212         SurfCylinder scy2 = ( SurfCylinder) srf;
215         // Fetch the dist and phi of the plane and the starting track vector.
216         int iphi  = SurfXYPlane.NORMPHI;
217         int idist = SurfXYPlane.DISTNORM;
218         double phi = sxyp1.parameter(iphi);
219         double    r = sxyp1.parameter(idist);
221         TrackVector vec = trv.vector();
222         double v = vec.get(IV);                  // v
223         double z = vec.get(IZC);                  // z
224         double b = vec.get(IDVDU);               // dv/du
225         double a = vec.get(IDZDU);               // dz/du
226         double e = vec.get(IQP_XY);              // q/p
228         // Fetch the radii and the starting track vector.
229         int irad = SurfCylinder.RADIUS;
230         double r2 = scy2.parameter(irad);
232         int sign_du = 0;
233         if(trv.isForward())  sign_du =  1;
234         if(trv.isBackward()) sign_du = -1;
235         if(sign_du == 0)
236         {
237             System.out.println("PropXYCyl._vec_propagate: Unknown direction of a track ");
238             return pstat;
239         }
241         // Calculate cylindrical coordinates
243         double cnst=sign_du>0?0.: Math.PI;
244         double atn=Math.atan(v/r);
245         Assert.assertTrue(r!=0.);
247         double phi1= TRFMath.fmod2(phi+atn,TRFMath.TWOPI);
248         double r1=Math.sqrt(r*r+v*v);
249         double z1=z;
250         double alp1= TRFMath.fmod2(Math.atan(b)-atn+cnst,TRFMath.TWOPI);
251         double tlm1= a*sign_du/Math.sqrt(1+b*b);
252         double qpt1=e*Math.sqrt((1+a*a+b*b)/(1+b*b));
255         // Check alpha range.
256         alp1 = TRFMath.fmod2( alp1, TRFMath.TWOPI );
257         Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp1) <= Math.PI );
258         //if ( trv.is_forward() ) Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp1) <= TRFMath.PI2 );
259         //else Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp1) > TRFMath.PI2 );
261         // Calculate the cosine of lambda.
262         //double clam1 = 1.0/Math.sqrt(1+tlm1*tlm1);
264         // Calculate curvature: C = _bfac*(q/p)/Math.cos(lambda)
265         // and its derivatives
266         // Assert.assertTrue( clam1 != 0.0 );
267         // double dcrv1_dqp1 = bfac/clam1;
268         // double crv1 = dcrv1_dqp1*qp1;
269         // double dcrv1_dtlm1 = crv1*clam1*clam1*tlm1;
271         // Calculate the curvature = _bfac*(q/pt)
272         double dcrv1_dqpt1 = bfac;
273         double crv1 = dcrv1_dqpt1*qpt1;
274         //double dcrv1_dtlm1 = 0.0;
276         // Evaluate the new track vector.
277         // See dla log I-044
279         // lambda and curvature do not change
280         double tlm2 = tlm1;
281         double crv2 = crv1;
282         double qpt2 = qpt1;
284         // We can evaluate Math.sin(alp2), leaving two possibilities for alp2
285         // 1st solution: alp21, phi21, phid21, tht21
286         // 2nd solution: alp22, phi22, phid22, tht22
287         // evaluate phi2 to choose
288         double salp1 = Math.sin( alp1 );
289         double calp1 = Math.cos( alp1 );
290         double salp2 = r1/r2*salp1 + 0.5*crv1/r2*(r2*r2-r1*r1);
291         // if salp2 > 1, track does not cross cylinder
292         if ( Math.abs(salp2) > 1.0 ) return pstat;
293         double alp21 = Math.asin( salp2 );
294         double alp22 = alp21>0 ? Math.PI-alp21 : -Math.PI-alp21;
295         double calp21 = Math.cos( alp21 );
296         double calp22 = Math.cos( alp22 );
297         double phi20 = phi1 + Math.atan2( salp1-r1*crv1, calp1 );
298         double phi21 = phi20 - Math.atan2( salp2-r2*crv2, calp21 );   // phi position
299         double phi22 = phi20 - Math.atan2( salp2-r2*crv2, calp22 );
301         // Construct an sT object for each solution.
302         STCalcXY sto1 = new STCalcXY(r1,phi1,alp1,crv1,r2,phi21,alp21);
303         STCalcXY sto2 = new STCalcXY(r1,phi1,alp1,crv1,r2,phi22,alp22);
304         // Check the two solutions are nonzero and have opposite sign
305         // or at least one is nonzero.
307         // Choose the correct solution
308         boolean use_first_solution = false;
310         if (dir.equals(PropDir.NEAREST))
311         {
312             use_first_solution = Math.abs( > Math.abs(;
313         }
314         else if (dir.equals(PropDir.FORWARD))
315         {
316             use_first_solution = > 0.0;
317         }
318         else if (dir.equals(PropDir.BACKWARD))
319         {
320             use_first_solution = < 0.0;
321         }
322         else
323         {
324             System.out.println("PropCyl._vec_propagate: Unknown direction.");
325             System.exit(1);
326         }
328         // Assign phi2, alp2 and sto2 for the chosen solution.
329         double phi2, alp2;
330         STCalcXY sto;
331         double calp2;
332         if ( use_first_solution )
333         {
334             sto = sto1;
335             phi2 = phi21;
336             alp2 = alp21;
337             calp2 = calp21;
338         }
339         else
340         {
341             sto = sto2;
342             phi2 = phi22;
343             alp2 = alp22;
344             calp2 = calp22;
345         }
347         // fetch sT.
348         double st =;
350         // use sT to evaluate z2
351         double z2 = z1 + tlm1*st;
353         // Check alpha range.
354         Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(alp2) <= Math.PI );
356         // put new values in vec
357         vec.set(IPHI , phi2);
358         vec.set(IZ   , z2);
359         vec.set(IALF , alp2);
360         vec.set(ITLM , tlm2);
361         vec.set(IQPT , qpt2);
363         // Update trv
364         trv.setSurface(srf.newPureSurface());
365         trv.setVector(vec);
366         if ( Math.abs(alp2) <= TRFMath.PI2 ) trv.setForward();
367         else trv.setBackward();
369         // Set the return status.
370         double s = st*Math.sqrt(1.0+tlm2*tlm2);
371         pstat.setPathDistance(s);
372         //st > 0 ? pstat.set_forward() : pstat.set_backward();
374         // exit now if user did not ask for error matrix.
375         if ( deriv == null ) return pstat;
377         // Calculate derivatives.
378         // dphi1
380         double dphi1_dv= r/(r*r+v*v);
382         // dz1
384         double dz1_dz=1.;
386         // dalf1
388         double dalp1_db= 1./(1.+b*b);
389         double dalp1_dv= -r/(r*r+v*v);
391         // dr1
393         double dr1_dv= v/Math.sqrt(v*v+r*r);
395         // dtlm1
397         double dtlm1_da= sign_du/Math.sqrt(1+b*b);
398         double dtlm1_db= -a*sign_du*b/(1+b*b)/Math.sqrt(1+b*b);
400         // dcrv1
402         double dqpt1_de= Math.sqrt((1+a*a+b*b)/(1+b*b));
403         double dqpt1_da= a*e/Math.sqrt((1+b*b)*(1+a*a+b*b));
404         double dqpt1_db= -e*b*a*a/Math.sqrt(1+a*a+b*b)/Math.sqrt(1+b*b)/(1+b*b);
406         double dcrv1_de= dqpt1_de*bfac;
407         double dcrv1_da= dqpt1_da*bfac;
408         double dcrv1_db= dqpt1_db*bfac;
410         // alpha_2
411         double da2da1 = r1*calp1/r2/calp2;
412         double da2dc1 = (r2*r2-r1*r1)*0.5/r2/calp2;
413         double da2dr1 = (salp1-crv2*r1)/r2/calp2;
415         // phi2
416         double rcsal1 = r1*crv1*salp1;
417         double rcsal2 = r2*crv2*salp2;
418         double den1 = 1.0 + r1*r1*crv1*crv1 - 2.0*rcsal1;
419         double den2 = 1.0 + r2*r2*crv2*crv2 - 2.0*rcsal2;
420         double dp2dp1 = 1.0;
421         double dp2da1 = (1.0-rcsal1)/den1 - (1.0-rcsal2)/den2*da2da1;
422         double dp2dc1 = -r1*calp1/den1 + r2*calp2/den2
423                 - (1.0-rcsal2)/den2*da2dc1;
424         double dp2dr1= -crv1*calp1/den1-(1.0-rcsal2)*da2dr1/den2;
426         // z2
427         double dz2dz1 = 1.0;
428         double dz2dl1 = st;
429         double dz2da1 = tlm1*sto.d_st_dalp1(dp2da1, da2da1);
430         double dz2dc1 = tlm1*sto.d_st_dcrv1(dp2dc1, da2dc1);
431         double dz2dr1 = tlm1*sto.d_st_dr1(  dp2dr1, da2dr1);
433         // final derivatives
435         // phi2
436         double dphi2_dv=dp2dp1*dphi1_dv+dp2da1*dalp1_dv+dp2dr1*dr1_dv;
437         double dphi2_db=dp2da1*dalp1_db+dp2dc1*dcrv1_db;
438         double dphi2_da=dp2dc1*dcrv1_da;
439         double dphi2_de=dp2dc1*dcrv1_de;
441         // alp2
442         double dalp2_dv= da2da1*dalp1_dv+da2dr1*dr1_dv;
443         double dalp2_db= da2da1*dalp1_db+da2dc1*dcrv1_db;
444         double dalp2_da= da2dc1*dcrv1_da;
445         double dalp2_de= da2dc1*dcrv1_de;
447         // crv2
448         double dqpt2_da=dqpt1_da;
449         double dqpt2_db=dqpt1_db;
450         double dqpt2_de=dqpt1_de;
453         // tlm2
454         double dtlm2_da= dtlm1_da;
455         double dtlm2_db= dtlm1_db;
457         // z2
458         double dz2_dz= dz2dz1*dz1_dz;
459         double dz2_dv= dz2dr1*dr1_dv+dz2da1*dalp1_dv;
460         double dz2_db= dz2da1*dalp1_db+dz2dl1*dtlm1_db+dz2dc1*dcrv1_db;
461         double dz2_da= dz2dl1*dtlm1_da+dz2dc1*dcrv1_da;
462         double dz2_de= dz2dc1*dcrv1_de;
465         // Build derivative matrix.
467         deriv.set(IPHI,IV , dphi2_dv);
468         deriv.set(IPHI,IDVDU,  dphi2_db);
469         deriv.set(IPHI,IDZDU,  dphi2_da);
470         deriv.set(IPHI,IQP_XY,  dphi2_de);
471         deriv.set(IZ,IV   ,  dz2_dv);
472         deriv.set(IZ,IZC  ,  dz2_dz);
473         deriv.set(IZ,IDVDU , dz2_db);
474         deriv.set(IZ,IDZDU , dz2_da);
475         deriv.set(IZ,IQP_XY, dz2_de);
476         deriv.set(IALF,IV ,  dalp2_dv);
477         deriv.set(IALF,IDVDU ,  dalp2_db);
478         deriv.set(IALF,IDZDU ,  dalp2_da);
479         deriv.set(IALF,IQP_XY ,  dalp2_de);
480         deriv.set(ITLM,IDVDU ,  dtlm2_db);
481         deriv.set(ITLM,IDZDU ,  dtlm2_da);
482         deriv.set(IQPT,IDVDU ,  dqpt2_db);
483         deriv.set(IQPT,IDZDU ,  dqpt2_da);
484         deriv.set(IQPT,IQP_XY ,  dqpt2_de);
486         return pstat;
488     }
490     //**********************************************************************
491     // helpers
492     //**********************************************************************
494     // Private class STCalcXY.
495     //
496     // An STCalcXY_ object calculates sT (the signed transverse path length)
497     // and its derivatives w.r.t. alf1 and crv1.  It is constructed from
498     // the starting (r1, phi1, alf1, crv1) and final track parameters
499     // (r2, phi2, alf2) assuming these are consistent.  Methods are
500     // provided to retrieve sT and the two derivatives.
502     class STCalcXY
503     {
505         private boolean _big_crv;
506         private double _st;
507         private double _dst_dphi21;
508         private double _dst_dcrv1;
509         private double _dst_dr1;
510         private double _cnst1,_cnst2;
511         public  double _crv1;
513         // constructor
514         public STCalcXY()
515         {
516         }
517         public STCalcXY(double r1, double phi1, double alf1, double crv1,
518                 double r2, double phi2, double alf2)
519         {
521             _crv1 = crv1;
522             Assert.assertTrue( r1 > 0.0 );
523             Assert.assertTrue( r2 > 0.0 );
524             double rmax = r1+r2;
526             // Calculate the change in xy direction
527             double phi_dir_diff = TRFMath.fmod2(phi2+alf2-phi1-alf1,TRFMath.TWOPI);
528             Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(phi_dir_diff) <= Math.PI );
530             // Evaluate whether |C| is" big"
531             _big_crv = rmax*Math.abs(crv1) > 0.001 || Math.abs(r1-r2)<1.e-9;
532             if( Math.abs(crv1) < 1.e-10 ) _big_crv=false;
534             // If the curvature is big we can use
535             // sT = (phi_dir2 - phi_dir1)/crv1
536             if ( _big_crv )
537             {
538                 Assert.assertTrue( crv1 != 0.0 );
539                 _st = phi_dir_diff/crv1;
540             }
542             // Otherwise, we calculate the straight-line distance
543             // between the points and use an approximate correction
544             // for the (small) curvature.
545             else
546             {
548                 // evaluate the distance
549                 double d = Math.sqrt( r1*r1 + r2*r2 - 2.0*r1*r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1) );
550                 double arg = 0.5*d*crv1;
551                 double arg2 = arg*arg;
552                 double st_minus_d = d*arg2*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/40.0*arg2 );
553                 _st = d + st_minus_d;
555                 // evaluate the sign
556                 // We define a metric xsign = abs( (dphid-d*C)/(d*C) ).
557                 // Because sT*C = dphid and d = abs(sT):
558                 // xsign = 0 for sT > 0
559                 // xsign = 2 for sT < 0
560                 // Numerical roundoff will smear these predictions.
561                 double xsign = (crv1 == 0. ? 0.: Math.abs( (phi_dir_diff - _st*crv1) / (_st*crv1)) );
562                 double sign = 0.0;
563                 if ( crv1 != 0. )
564                 {
565                     if ( xsign < 0.5 ) sign = 1.0;
566                     if ( xsign > 1.5  &&  xsign < 3.0 ) sign = -1.0;
567                 }
568                 // If the above is indeterminate, assume zero curvature.
569                 // In this case abs(alpha) decreases monotonically
570                 // with sT.  Track passing through origin has alpha = 0 on one
571                 // side and alpha = +/-pi on the other.  If both points are on
572                 // the same side, we use dr/ds > 0 for |alpha|<pi/2.
573                 if ( sign == 0. )
574                 {
575                     sign = 1.0;
576                     if ( Math.abs(alf2) > Math.abs(alf1) ) sign = -1.0;
577                     if ( Math.abs(alf2) == Math.abs(alf1) )
578                     {
579                         if ( Math.abs(alf2) < TRFMath.PI2 )
580                         {
581                             if ( r2 < r1 ) sign = -1.0;
582                         }
583                         else
584                         {
585                             if ( r2 > r1 ) sign = -1.0;
586                         }
587                     }
588                 }
590                 // Correct _st using the above sign.
591                 Assert.assertTrue( Math.abs(sign) == 1.0 );
592                 _st = sign*_st;
594                 // save derivatives
595                 _dst_dcrv1 = sign*d*d*arg*( 1.0/6.0 + 3.0/20.0*arg2);
596                 double root = (1.0 + 0.5*arg*arg + 3.0/8.0*arg*arg*arg*arg );
597                 _dst_dphi21 = sign*(r1*r2*Math.sin(phi2-phi1))*root/d;
598                 _dst_dr1= (1.+arg2/2.*(1+3./4.*arg2))/d*sign;
599                 _cnst1=r1-r2*Math.cos(phi2-phi1);
600                 _cnst2=r1*r2*Math.sin(phi2-phi1);
601             }
602         }
604         public double st()
605         { return _st;
606         }
608         public double d_st_dalp1(double d_phi2_dalf1, double d_alf2_dalf1 )
609         {
610             if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dalf1 + d_alf2_dalf1 - 1.0 ) / _crv1;
611             else return _dst_dphi21 * d_phi2_dalf1;
613         }
614         public double d_st_dcrv1(double d_phi2_dcrv1, double d_alf2_dcrv1 )
615         {
616             if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dcrv1 + d_alf2_dcrv1 - _st ) / _crv1;
617             else return _dst_dcrv1 + _dst_dphi21*d_phi2_dcrv1;
619         }
620         public double d_st_dr1(  double d_phi2_dr1,   double d_alf2_dr1   )
621         {
622             if ( _big_crv ) return ( d_phi2_dr1 + d_alf2_dr1 ) / _crv1;
623             else return _dst_dr1*(_cnst1+_cnst2*d_phi2_dr1);
624         }
625     }
626 }