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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.spacegeom;
2   /**
3    * A class to handle operations in a 2D plane.
4    *
5    *@author Norman A. Graf
6    *@version 1.0
7    *
8    */
9   public class TwoD
10  {
12      /**
13       * Twice the signed area of the triangle determined by a,b,c; positive if counterclockwise, negative if clockwisew
14       * @param a First point on the triangle.
15       * @param b Second point on the triangle.
16       * @param c Third point on the triangle.
17       * @return the are of the traingle, positive if counterclockwise, negative if clockwisew
18       */
19      public static double area2(TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c)
20      {
21          double area=((c.x() - b.x())*(a.y() - b.y())) - ((a.x() - b.x())*(c.y() - b.y()));
22          return area;
23      }
25      public static int areaSign( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c )
26      {
27          double area2;
29          area2 = ( b.x() - a.x() ) * ( c.y() - a.y() ) -
30                  ( c.x() - a.x() ) * ( b.y() - a.y() );
33          /* The area sign should be an integer. */
34          if      ( area2 >  0.5 ) return  1;
35          else if ( area2 < -0.5 ) return -1;
36          else                     return  0;
37      }
39      /**
40       * Determines whether a point is to the left of a line segment define by its endpoints.
41       * @param a The first point on the segment.
42       * @param b The second point on the segment.
43       * @param c The point to check.
44       * @return true if and only if the point c is to the left of the directed line through a and b.
45       */
46      public static boolean left( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c )
47      {
48          return  areaSign( a, b, c ) > 0;
49      }
51      /**
52       * Determines whether a point is to the left or on a line segment define by its endpoints.
53       * @param a The first point on the segment.
54       * @param b The second point on the segment.
55       * @param c The point to check.
56       * @return true if and only if the point c is to the left or on the directed line through a and b.
57       */
58      public static boolean leftOn( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b , TwoSpacePoint c)
59      {
60          return  areaSign( a, b, c) >= 0;
61      }
63      /**
64       * Determines whether a point is on or collinear with a line segment define by its endpoints.
65       * @param a The first point on the segment.
66       * @param b The second point on the segment.
67       * @param c The point to check.
68       * @return true if and only if the point c is on or collinear with the directed line through a and b.
69       */
70      public static boolean collinear( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c)
71      {
72          return  areaSign( a, b, c) == 0;
73      }
75      /**
76       * Determines whether a point is on a line segment define by its endpoints.
77       * @param a The first point on the segment.
78       * @param b The second point on the segment.
79       * @param c The point to check.
80       * @return true if and only if the point c is on the closed line segment through a and b.
81       */
82      public static boolean between( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c)
83      {
84          TwoSpacePoint      ba, ca;
86          if ( ! collinear( a, b, c) )
87              return  false;
89          /* If ab not vertical, check betweenness on x; else on y. */
90          if ( a.x() != b.x() )
91              return ((a.x() <= c.x()) && (c.x() <= b.x())) ||
92                      ((a.x() >= c.x()) && (c.x() >= b.x()));
93          else
94              return ((a.y() <= c.y()) && (c.y() <= b.y())) ||
95                      ((a.y() >= c.y()) && (c.y() >= b.y()));
96      }
98      /**
99       * Determines whether two lines defined by their segments intersect.
100      * @param a The first point on the first line segment.
101      * @param b The second point on the first line segment.
102      * @param c The first point on the second line segment.
103      * @param d The second point on the second line segment.
104      * @return true if and only if the segments ab and cd intersect, properly or improperly.
105      */
106     public static boolean  intersect( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c, TwoSpacePoint d )
107     {
108         if      ( intersectProp( a, b, c, d ) )
109             return  true;
111         else if (   between( a, b, c)
112         || between( a, b, d )
113         || between( c, d, a )
114         || between( c, d, b ) )
115             return  true;
117         else
118             return  false;
119     }
121      /**
122      * Determines whether two line segments intersect.
123      * @param a The first point on the first line segment.
124      * @param b The second point on the first line segment.
125      * @param c The first point on the second line segment.
126      * @param d The second point on the second line segment.
127      * @return true if and only if the segments ab and cd intersect properly.
128      */
129     public static boolean intersectProp( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c, TwoSpacePoint d )
130     {
131         /* Eliminate improper cases. */
132         if (
133                 collinear(a,b,c) ||
134                 collinear(a,b,d) ||
135                 collinear(c,d,a) ||
136                 collinear(c,d,b))
137             return false;
139         return
140                 xOr( left(a,b,c), left(a,b,d) )
141                 && xOr( left(c,d,a), left(c,d,b) );
142     }
144         /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
145          *Exclusive or: true iff exactly one argument is true.
146          */
148     public static boolean xOr( boolean x, boolean y )
149     {
150         /* The arguments are negated to ensure that they are 0/1 values. */
151         /* (Idea due to Michael Baldwin.) */
152         return   !x ^ !y;
153     }
155         /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
156         segSegInt: Finds the point of intersection p between two closed
157         segments ab and cd.  Returns p and a char with the following meaning:
158         'e': The segments collinearly overlap, sharing a point.
159         'v': An endpoint (vertex) of one segment is on the other segment,
160         but 'e' doesn't hold.
161         '1': The segments intersect properly (i.e., they share a point and
162         neither 'v' nor 'e' holds).
163         '0': The segments do not intersect (i.e., they share no points).
164         Note that two collinear segments that share just one point, an endpoint
165         of each, returns 'e' rather than 'v' as one might expect.
166         ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
168     public char segSegInt( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c, TwoSpacePoint d, TwoSpacePoint p, TwoSpacePoint q )
169     {
170         double  s, t;       /* The two parameters of the parametric eqns. */
171         double num, denom;  /* Numerator and denoninator of equations. */
172         char code = '?';    /* Return char characterizing intersection. */
173         //    p.x() = p.y() = 100.0;  /* For testing purposes only... */
175         denom = a.x() * ( d.y() - c.y() ) +
176                 b.x() * ( c.y() - d.y() ) +
177                 d.x() * ( b.y() - a.y() ) +
178                 c.x() * ( a.y() - b.y() );
180         /* If denom is zero, then segments are parallel: handle separately. */
181         if (denom == 0.0)
182             return  parallelInt(a, b, c, d, p, q);
184         num =    a.x() * ( d.y() - c.y() ) +
185                 c.x() * ( a.y() - d.y() ) +
186                 d.x() * ( c.y() - a.y() );
187         if ( (num == 0.0) || (num == denom) ) code = 'v';
188         s = num / denom;
189         System.out.println("SegSegInt: num=" + num + ",denom=" + denom + ",s="+s);
191         num = -( a.x() * ( c.y() - b.y() ) +
192                 b.x() * ( a.y() - c.y() ) +
193                 c.x() * ( b.y() - a.y() ) );
194         if ( (num == 0.0) || (num == denom) ) code = 'v';
195         t = num / denom;
196         System.out.println("SegSegInt: num=" +num + ",denom=" + denom + ",t=" + t);
198         if      ( (0.0 < s) && (s < 1.0) &&
199                 (0.0 < t) && (t < 1.0) )
200             code = '1';
201         else if ( (0.0 > s) || (s > 1.0) ||
202                 (0.0 > t) || (t > 1.0) )
203             code = '0';
205         p._x = a.x() + s * ( b.x() - a.x() );
206         p._y = a.y() + s * ( b.y() - a.y() );
208         return code;
209     }
211     public char parallelInt( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c, TwoSpacePoint d, TwoSpacePoint p, TwoSpacePoint q )
212     {
213         if ( !collinear( a, b, c) )
214             return '0';
216         if ( between1( a, b, c ) && between1( a, b, d ) )
217         {
218             assigndi( p, c );
219             assigndi( q, d );
220             return 'e';
221         }
222         if ( between1( c, d, a ) && between1( c, d, b ) )
223         {
224             assigndi( p, a );
225             assigndi( q, b );
226             return 'e';
227         }
228         if ( between1( a, b, c ) && between1( c, d, b ) )
229         {
230             assigndi( p, c );
231             assigndi( q, b );
232             return 'e';
233         }
234         if ( between1( a, b, c ) && between1( c, d, a ) )
235         {
236             assigndi( p, c );
237             assigndi( q, a );
238             return 'e';
239         }
240         if ( between1( a, b, d ) && between1( c, d, b ) )
241         {
242             assigndi( p, d );
243             assigndi( q, b );
244             return 'e';
245         }
246         if ( between1( a, b, d ) && between1( c, d, a ) )
247         {
248             assigndi( p, d );
249             assigndi( q, a );
250             return 'e';
251         }
252         return '0';
253                 /*
254                 if ( Between1( a, b, c ) ) {
255                 Assigndi( p, c );
256                 return 'e';
257                 }
258                 if ( Between1( a, b, d ) ) {
259                 Assigndi( p, d );
260                 return 'e';
261                 }
262                 if ( Between1( c, d, a ) ) {
263                 Assigndi( p, a );
264                 return 'e';
265                 }
266                 if ( Between1( c, d, b ) ) {
267                 Assigndi( p, b );
268                 return 'e';
269                 }
270                 return '0';
271                  */
272     }
274     public void assigndi( TwoSpacePoint p, TwoSpacePoint a )
275     {
276         p._x = a.x();
277         p._y = a.y();
278     }
280         /*---------------------------------------------------------------------
281         Returns TRUE iff point c lies on the closed segement ab.
282         Assumes it is already known that abc are collinear.
283         (This is the only difference with Between().)
284         ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
286     public boolean between1( TwoSpacePoint a, TwoSpacePoint b, TwoSpacePoint c )
287     {
288         TwoSpacePoint      ba, ca;
290         /* If ab not vertical, check betweenness on x; else on y. */
291         if ( a.x() != b.x() )
292             return ((a.x() <= c.x()) && (c.x() <= b.x())) ||
293                     ((a.x() >= c.x()) && (c.x() >= b.x()));
294         else
295             return ((a.y() <= c.y()) && (c.y() <= b.y())) ||
296                     ((a.y() >= c.y()) && (c.y() >= b.y()));
297     }
298 }