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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.ftf;
3   public class FtfBaseHit
4   {
5       public   void         print( )
6       {
7           print(11);
8       }
9       public   void         print( int point_level )
10      {
11          //--
12          //--     print hit info
13          //
15          if ( point_level > 9 )
16              System.out.println( "hit Row    x      y     z" ) ;
18          if ( point_level > 10 )
19              System.out.println( id +" "+ row+" "+ x+" "+ y+ " "+ z ) ;
20      }
22      public  int          id ;
23      public  short        row   ;         // Row #
24      public  FtfTrack track;         // track to which the pnt was assigned
25      public  FtfBaseHit nextTrackHit  ;// Next track hit
26      public  FtfBaseHit nextMcTrackHit;// Next MC track hit
27      public  float        xyChi2 ;        // Chi2 in xy
28      public  float        szChi2 ;        // Chi2 in sz
29      public   float       x    ;
30      public  float        y    ;
31      public  float        z    ;
32      public  float        dx   ;          // error on the x coordinate
33      public  float        dy   ;          // error on the y coordinate
34      public  float        dz   ;          // error on the z coordinate
35      public  float        q    ;          // total charge assigned to this point
36      public  float        wxy  ;          // x-y weight x-y
37      public  float        wz   ;          // z weight on z
38      public  float        s    ;          // Track trajectory
40  }