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1   /*
2    *
3    */
4   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim;
6   import java.util.ArrayList;
7   import java.util.HashMap;
8   import java.util.LinkedList;
9   import java.util.List;
10  import java.util.Map;
11  import java.util.Set;
12  import org.lcsim.detector.identifier.IIdentifier;
13  import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensorElectrodes;
14  import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiTrackerIdentifierHelper;
15  import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
17  /**
18   * This class uses a nearest neighbor algorithm to find clusters of hits on a
19   * set of silicon sensor electrodes (i.e., an instance of SiStrips or SiPixels).
20   *
21   * The algorithm first finds possible cluster seeds that are above the seed
22   * threshold.  Starting from a seed, the neighbor strips/pixels are searched
23   * to see if we have hits above the neighbor threshold.  Neighbor channels
24   * are added until we have a cluster where every neighboring channel for the
25   * cluster has charge lying below the neighbor threshold.
26   *
27   * Thresholds are specified in units of RMS noise of each electrode.
28   *
29   * HashMaps are used to speed up the algorithm when there are large numbers
30   * of hits, and the algorithm is expected to scale linearly with the number
31   * of RawTrackerHits on the electrodes.
32   *
33   * @author Tim Nelson (adapted from NearestNeighbor code of Rich Partridge)
34   */
35  public class NearestNeighborRMS implements ClusteringAlgorithm {
37      private static String _NAME = "NearestNeighborRMS";
38      private double _seed_threshold;
39      private double _neighbor_threshold;
40      private double _cluster_threshold;
42      /**
43       * Instantiate NearestNeighborRMS with specified thresholds.
44       * Seed threshold is the minimum charge to initiate a cluster.  Neighbor
45       * threshold is the minimum charge to add a neighboring cell to a cluster.
46       * Cluster threshold is minimum charge of the entire cluster.
47       * All thresholds are in units of RMS noise of the channel(s).
48       *
49       * @param seed_threshold seed threhold
50       * @param neighbor_threshold neighbor threshold
51       * @param cluster_threshold cluster threshold
52       */
53      public NearestNeighborRMS(double seed_threshold, double neighbor_threshold, double cluster_threshold) {
54          _seed_threshold = seed_threshold;
55          _neighbor_threshold = neighbor_threshold;
56          _cluster_threshold = cluster_threshold;
57      }
59      /**
60       * Instantiate NearestNeighborRMS with default thresholds:
61       *
62       * seed_threshold = 4*RMS noise
63       * neighbor_threhold = 3*RMS noise
64       * cluster_threshold = 4*RMS noise
65       */
66      public NearestNeighborRMS() {
67          this(4.0, 3.0, 4.0);
68      }
70      /**
71       * Set the seed threshold.  Units are RMS noise.
72       *
73       * @param seed_threshold seed threshold
74       */
75      public void setSeedThreshold(double seed_threshold) {
76          _seed_threshold = seed_threshold;
77      }
79      /**
80       * Set the neighbor threshold.  Units are RMS noise.
81       *
82       * @param neighbor_threshold neighbor threshold
83       */
84      public void setNeighborThreshold(double neighbor_threshold) {
85          _neighbor_threshold = neighbor_threshold;
86      }
88      /**
89       * Set the cluster threshold.  Units are RMS noise.
90       *
91       * @param cluster_threshold cluster threshold
92       */
93      public void setClusterThreshold(double cluster_threshold) {
94          _cluster_threshold = cluster_threshold;
95      }
97      /**
98       * Return the seed threshold.  Units are RMS noise.
99       *
100      * @return seed threshold
101      */
102     public double getSeedThreshold() {
103         return _seed_threshold;
104     }
106     /**
107      * Return the neighbor threshold.  Units are RMS noise.
108      *
109      * @return neighbor threshold
110      */
111     public double getNeighborThreshold() {
112         return _neighbor_threshold;
113     }
115     /**
116      * Return the cluster threshold.  Units are RMS noise.
117      *
118      * @return cluster threshold
119      */
120     public double getClusterThreshold() {
121         return _cluster_threshold;
122     }
124     /**
125      * Return the name of the clustering algorithm.
126      * 
127      * @return _name clusting algorithm name
128      */
129     public String getName() {
130         return _NAME;
131     }
133     /**
134      * Find clusters using the nearest neighbor algorithm.
135      *
136      * @param electrodes electrodes we are clustering
137      * @param readout_chip readout chip for these electrodes
138      * @param raw_hits List of RawTrackerHits to be clustered
139      * @return list of clusters, with a cluster being a list of RawTrackerHits
140      */
141     public List<List<RawTrackerHit>> findClusters(SiSensorElectrodes electrodes,
142             ReadoutChip readout_chip, List<RawTrackerHit> raw_hits) {
144         //  Check that the seed threshold is at least as large as  the neighbor threshold
145         if (_seed_threshold < _neighbor_threshold) {
146             throw new RuntimeException("Tracker hit clustering error: seed threshold below neighbor threshold");
147         }
149         //  Create maps that show the channel status and relate the channel number to the raw hit and vice versa
150         int mapsize = 2 * raw_hits.size();
151         Map<Integer, Boolean> clusterable = new HashMap<Integer, Boolean>(mapsize);
152         Map<RawTrackerHit, Integer> hit_to_channel = new HashMap<RawTrackerHit, Integer>(mapsize);
153         Map<Integer, RawTrackerHit> channel_to_hit = new HashMap<Integer, RawTrackerHit>(mapsize);
155         //  Create list of channel numbers to be used as cluster seeds
156         List<Integer> cluster_seeds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
158         //  Loop over the raw hits and construct the maps used to relate cells and hits, initialize the
159         //  clustering status map, and create a list of possible cluster seeds
160         for (RawTrackerHit raw_hit : raw_hits) {
162             // get the channel number for this hit
163             SiTrackerIdentifierHelper sid_helper = (SiTrackerIdentifierHelper) raw_hit.getIdentifierHelper();
164             IIdentifier id = raw_hit.getIdentifier();
165             int channel_number = sid_helper.getElectrodeValue(id);
167             //  Check for duplicate RawTrackerHit
168             if (hit_to_channel.containsKey(raw_hit)) {
169                 throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate hit: "+id.toString());
170             }
172             //  Check for duplicate RawTrackerHits or channel numbers
173             if (channel_to_hit.containsKey(channel_number)) {
174                 throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate channel number: "+channel_number);
175             }
177             //  Add this hit to the maps that relate channels and hits
178             hit_to_channel.put(raw_hit, channel_number);
179             channel_to_hit.put(channel_number, raw_hit);
181             //  Get the signal from the readout chip
182             double signal = readout_chip.decodeCharge(raw_hit);
183             double noiseRMS = readout_chip.getChannel(channel_number).computeNoise(electrodes.getCapacitance(channel_number));
185             //  Mark this hit as available for clustering if it is above the neighbor threshold
186             clusterable.put(channel_number, signal/noiseRMS >= _neighbor_threshold);
188             //  Add this hit to the list of seeds if it is above the seed threshold
189             if (signal/noiseRMS >= _seed_threshold) {
190                 cluster_seeds.add(channel_number);
191             }
192         }
194         //  Create a list of clusters
195         List<List<RawTrackerHit>> cluster_list = new ArrayList<List<RawTrackerHit>>();
197         //  Now loop over the cluster seeds to form clusters
198         for (int seed_channel : cluster_seeds) {
200             //  First check if this hit is still available for clustering
201             if (!clusterable.get(seed_channel)) continue;
203             //  Create a new cluster
204             List<RawTrackerHit> cluster = new ArrayList<RawTrackerHit>();
205             double cluster_signal = 0.;
206             double cluster_noise_squared = 0.;
208             //  Create a queue to hold channels whose neighbors need to be checked for inclusion
209             LinkedList<Integer> unchecked = new LinkedList<Integer>();
211             //  Add the seed channel to the unchecked list and mark it as unavailable for clustering
212             unchecked.addLast(seed_channel);
213             clusterable.put(seed_channel, false);
215             //  Check the neighbors of channels added to the cluster
216             while (unchecked.size() > 0) {
218                 //  Pull the next channel off the queue and add it's hit to the cluster
219                 int clustered_cell = unchecked.removeFirst();
220                 cluster.add(channel_to_hit.get(clustered_cell));
221                 cluster_signal += readout_chip.decodeCharge(channel_to_hit.get(clustered_cell));
222                 cluster_noise_squared += Math.pow(readout_chip.getChannel(clustered_cell).computeNoise(electrodes.getCapacitance(clustered_cell)),2);
224                 //  Get the neigbor channels
225                 Set<Integer> neighbor_channels = electrodes.getNearestNeighborCells(clustered_cell);
227                 //   Now loop over the neighbors and see if we can add them to the cluster
228                 for (int channel : neighbor_channels) {
230                     //  Get the status of this channel
231                     Boolean addhit = clusterable.get(channel);
233                     //  If the map entry is null, there is no raw hit for this channel
234                     if (addhit == null) continue;
236                     //  Check if this neighbor channel is still available for clustering
237                     if (!addhit) continue;
239                     //  Add channel to the list of unchecked clustered channels
240                     //  and mark it unavailable for clustering
241                     unchecked.addLast(channel);
242                     clusterable.put(channel, false);
244                 }  // end of loop over neighbor cells
245             }  // end of loop over unchecked cells
247             //  Finished with this cluster, check cluster threshold and add it to the list of clusters
248             if (cluster.size() > 0 &&
249                 cluster_signal/Math.sqrt(cluster_noise_squared) > _cluster_threshold)
250             {
251                 cluster_list.add(cluster);
252             }
254         }  //  End of loop over seeds
256         //  Finished finding clusters
257         return cluster_list;
258     }
259 }