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1   /*
2    * Class DigitalReadoutChip
3    */
4   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim;
6   import java.util.ArrayList;
7   import java.util.HashSet;
8   import java.util.List;
9   import java.util.Map.Entry;
10  import java.util.Random;
11  import java.util.Set;
12  import java.util.SortedMap;
13  import java.util.TreeMap;
14  import org.apache.commons.math.MathException;
15  import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.BinomialDistribution;
16  import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.BinomialDistributionImpl;
17  import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistribution;
18  import org.apache.commons.math.distribution.NormalDistributionImpl;
19  import org.lcsim.detector.tracker.silicon.SiSensorElectrodes;
20  import org.lcsim.event.RawTrackerHit;
21  import org.lcsim.math.probability.Erf;
22  import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.digitization.sisim.ReadoutChip.ReadoutChannel;
24  /**
25   * Digital readout chip class.  This class supports the minimal functions
26   * expected of a digital readout chip.  The charge on a strip/pixel is digitized
27   * to give a specified ADC value if the charge is above the noise threshold.
28   * Noise is added to strips/pixels with charge, and random noise hits are generated
29   * as well.  Methods are provided to decode the charge and time (although the
30   * current implementation always returns a time of 0).
31   *
32   * @author Richard Partridge
33   */
34  public class DigitalReadoutChip implements ReadoutChip {
36      private static Random _random = new Random();
37      private static NormalDistribution _gaussian = new NormalDistributionImpl(0.0, 1.0);
38      private static BinomialDistribution _binomial = new BinomialDistributionImpl(1, 1);
39      private double _noise_threshold;
40      private double _neighbor_threshold;
41      private DigitalChannel _channel = new DigitalChannel();
43      /** Creates a new instance of DigitalReadoutChip */
44      public DigitalReadoutChip() {
45      }
47      /**
48       * Set the noise intercept (i.e., the noise for 0 strip/pixel capacitance).
49       * Units are electrons of noise.
50       *
51       * @param noise_intercept noise for 0 capacitance
52       */
53      public void setNoiseIntercept(double noise_intercept) {
54          _channel.setNoiseIntercept(noise_intercept);
55      }
57      /**
58       * Set the noise slope (i.e., the proportionality between noise and capacitance).
59       * Units are electrons of noise per fF of capacitance.
60       *
61       * @param noise_slope noise slope per unit capacitance
62       */
63      public void setNoiseSlope(double noise_slope) {
64          _channel.setNoiseSlope(noise_slope);
65      }
67      /**
68       * Set the threshold for reading out a channel.  Units are electrons.
69       * 
70       * @param noise_threshold
71       */
72      public void setNoiseThreshold(double noise_threshold) {
73          _noise_threshold = noise_threshold;
74          _channel.setNoiseThreshold(noise_threshold);
75      }
77      /**
78       * Set the threshold for reading a channel if it's neighbor is
79       * above the noise threshold.  Units are electrons.
80       *
81       * @param neighbor_threshold
82       */
83      public void setNeighborThreshold(double neighbor_threshold) {
84          _neighbor_threshold = neighbor_threshold;
85      }
87      /**
88       * Set the ADC output value for a hit.
89       *
90       * @param adc_for_hit
91       */
92      public void setConversionConstant(int adc_for_hit) {
93          _channel.setConversionConstant(adc_for_hit);
94      }
96      /**
97       * Return the DigitalChannel associated with a given channel number.
98       * For the digital readout, there is a single instance of DigitalChannel
99       * and thus the channel number is ignored.
100      *
101      * @param channel_number channel number
102      * @return associated DigitalChannel
103      */
104     public DigitalChannel getChannel(int channel_number) {
105         return _channel;
106     }
108     /**
109      * Given a collection of electrode data (i.e., charge on strips/pixels),
110      * return a map associating the channel and it's list of raw data.
111      *
112      * @param data  electrode data from the charge distribution
113      * @param electrodes  strip or pixel electrodes
114      * @return  map containing the ADC counts for this sensor
115      */
116     public SortedMap<Integer, List<Integer>> readout(SiElectrodeDataCollection data, SiSensorElectrodes electrodes) {
118         //  If there is no electrode data for this readout chip,  create an empty
119         //  electrode data collection
120         if (data == null) {
121             data = new SiElectrodeDataCollection();
122         }
124         //  Add noise hits to the electrode data collection
125         addNoise(data, electrodes);
127         //  return the digitized charge data as a map that associates a hit
128         //  channel with a list of raw data for the channel
129         return digitize(data, electrodes);
130     }
132     /**
133      * Decode the hit charge stored in the RawTrackerHit.  Since this method
134      * isn't well defined for digital readout, return the noise threshold if
135      * there is a hit.
136      *
137      * @param hit raw hit
138      * @return hit pseudo-charge in units of electrons
139      */
140     public double decodeCharge(RawTrackerHit hit) {
142         //  Get the ADC value
143         int adc = hit.getADCValues()[0];
145         //  If there is a hit (i.e., adc > 0) return the charge as being the
146         //  value of the noise threshold, otherwise return 0
147         if (adc > 0) return _noise_threshold;
148         else return 0.;
149     }
151     /**
152      * Decode the hit time.  Currently, the digital readout chip ignores the
153      * hit time and returns 0.
154      *
155      * @param hit raw hit data
156      * @return hit time
157      */
158     public int decodeTime(RawTrackerHit hit) {
159         return 0;
160     }
162     /**
163      * Digitizes the hit channels in a SiElectrodeDataCollection.
164      *
165      * The SiElectrodeDataCollection is a map that associates a given channel with
166      * it's SiElectrodeData.  The SiElectrodeData encapsulates the deposited charge
167      * on an strip/pixel and any associated SimTrackerHits.
168      *
169      * The output of this class is a map that associates a channel number with
170      * a list of raw data
171      *
172      * @param data electrode data collection
173      * @return map associating channels with a list of raw data
174      */
175     private SortedMap<Integer, List<Integer>> digitize(SiElectrodeDataCollection data,
176             SiSensorElectrodes electrodes) {
178         //  Create the map that associates a given sensor channel with it's list of raw data
179         SortedMap<Integer, List<Integer>> chip_data = new TreeMap<Integer, List<Integer>>();
181         //  Loop over the channels contained in the SiElectrodeDataCollection
182         for (Integer channel : data.keySet()) {
184             //  Fetch the electrode data for this channel
185             SiElectrodeData eldata = data.get(channel);
187             //  Get the charge in units of electrons
188             double charge = eldata.getCharge();
190             //  If the charge is below the neighbor threshold, don't digitize it
191             if (charge < _neighbor_threshold) continue;
193             //  If charge is between neighbor and noise thresholds, check it's neighbors
194             if (charge < _noise_threshold) {
196                 //  Loop over neighbors and look for a neighbor with charge above the noise
197                 boolean nbrhit = false;
198                 for (Integer nbr : electrodes.getNearestNeighborCells(channel)) {
200                     //  See if we have electrode data for this neighbor
201                     SiElectrodeData nbrdata = data.get(nbr);
202                     if (nbrdata == null) continue;
204                     //  See if we have found a neigbor above the noise threshold
205                     if (nbrdata.getCharge() >= _noise_threshold) {
206                         nbrhit = true;
207                         break;
208                     }
209                 }
211                 //  If there were no neighbor channels above threshold, don't digitize it
212                 if (!nbrhit) continue;
213             }
215             //  Calculate the ADC value for this channel and make sure it is positive
216             int adc = getChannel(channel).computeAdcValue(charge);
217             if (adc <= 0) {
218                 continue;
219             }
221             //  Create a list containing the adc value - for the digital readout
222             //  there is only 1 word of raw data
223             List<Integer> channel_data = new ArrayList<Integer>();
224             channel_data.add(adc);
226             //  Save the list of raw data in the chip_data map
227             chip_data.put(channel, channel_data);
228         }
230         return chip_data;
231     }
233     /**
234      * Add noise hits for this readout chip
235      *
236      * @param data electrode data collection
237      * @param electrodes strip or pixel electrodes
238      */
239     private void addNoise(SiElectrodeDataCollection data, SiSensorElectrodes electrodes) {
241         //  First add noise to the strips/pixels in the SiElectrodeDataCollection
242         //  Loop over the entries in the SiElectrodeDataCollection (which extends TreeMap)
243         for (Entry datum : data.entrySet()) {
245             //  Get the channel number and electrode data for this entry
246             int channel = (Integer) datum.getKey();
247             SiElectrodeData eldata = (SiElectrodeData) datum.getValue();
249             //  Get the RMS noise for this channel in units of electrons
250             double noise = getChannel(channel).computeNoise(electrodes.getCapacitance(channel));
252             //  Add readout noise to the deposited charge
253             int noise_charge = (int) Math.round(_random.nextGaussian() * noise);
254             eldata.addCharge(noise_charge);
255         }
257         //  Add random noise hits where the noise charge exceeds the noise threshold
259         //  Find the number of pixels/strips that are not currently hit
260         int nelectrodes = electrodes.getNCells();
261         int nelectrodes_empty = nelectrodes - data.size();
263         //  Get the noise threshold in units of the noise charge
264         double noiseRMS = _channel.computeNoise(electrodes.getCapacitance());
265         double normalized_integration_limit = _noise_threshold / noiseRMS;
267         //  Calculate how many channels should get noise hits
268         double integral = Erf.phic(normalized_integration_limit);
269         int nchannels_throw = drawBinomial(nelectrodes_empty, integral);
271         // Now throw Gaussian randoms above the seed threshold and put signals on unoccupied channels
272         for (int ithrow = 0; ithrow < nchannels_throw; ithrow++) {
273             // Throw to get a channel number
274             int channel = _random.nextInt(nelectrodes);
275             while (data.keySet().contains(channel)) {
276                 channel = _random.nextInt(nelectrodes);
277             }
279             //  Calculate the noise for this channel in units of electrons
280             double noise = getChannel(channel).computeNoise(electrodes.getCapacitance(channel));
282             // Throw Gaussian above threshold
283             int charge = (int) Math.round(drawGaussianAboveThreshold(integral) * noise);
284             data.add(channel, new SiElectrodeData(charge));
285         }
287         // Now throw to lower threshold on channels that neighbor hits until we are exhausted
288         //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289         nchannels_throw = 1;
290         while (nchannels_throw > 0) {
291             //            System.out.println("\n"+"Throw nieghbors...");
293             // Get neighbor channels
294             Set<Integer> neighbors = new HashSet<Integer>();
295             for (int channel : data.keySet()) {
296                 neighbors.addAll(electrodes.getNearestNeighborCells(channel));
297             }
298             neighbors.removeAll(data.keySet());
300             nelectrodes_empty = neighbors.size();
302             //  Get the noise threshold in units of the noise charge
303             normalized_integration_limit = _neighbor_threshold / noiseRMS;
305             integral = Erf.phic(normalized_integration_limit);
306             nchannels_throw = drawBinomial(nelectrodes_empty, integral);
308             // Now throw Gaussian randoms above a threshold and put signals on unoccupied channels
309             for (int ithrow = 0; ithrow < nchannels_throw; ithrow++) {
310                 // Throw to get a channel number
311                 List<Integer> neighbors_list = new ArrayList<Integer>(neighbors);
313                 int channel = neighbors_list.get(_random.nextInt(nelectrodes_empty));
315                 while (data.keySet().contains(channel)) {
316                     channel = neighbors_list.get(_random.nextInt(nelectrodes_empty));
317                 }
319                 double noise = getChannel(channel).computeNoise(electrodes.getCapacitance(channel));
322                 // Throw Gaussian above threshold
323                 int charge = (int) Math.round(drawGaussianAboveThreshold(integral) * noise);
324                 data.add(channel, new SiElectrodeData(charge));
325             }
327         }
329     }
331     public static int drawBinomial(int ntrials, double probability) {
332         _binomial.setNumberOfTrials(ntrials);
333         _binomial.setProbabilityOfSuccess(probability);
335         int nsuccess = 0;
336         try {
337             nsuccess = _binomial.inverseCumulativeProbability(_random.nextDouble());
338         } catch (MathException exception) {
339             throw new RuntimeException("Kpix failed to calculate inverse cumulative probability of binomial!");
340         }
341         return nsuccess;
342     }
344     /**
345      * Return a random variable following normal distribution, but beyond
346      * threshold provided during initialization.
347      *
348      * @param prob_above_threshold
349      * @return
350      */
351     public static double drawGaussianAboveThreshold(double prob_above_threshold) {
352         double draw, cumulative_probability;
354         draw = prob_above_threshold * _random.nextDouble();
355         cumulative_probability = 1.0 - prob_above_threshold + draw;
357         assert cumulative_probability < 1.0 : "cumulProb=" + cumulative_probability + ", draw=" + draw + ", probAboveThreshold=" + prob_above_threshold;
358         assert cumulative_probability >= 0.0 : "cumulProb=" + cumulative_probability + ", draw=" + draw + ", probAboveThreshold=" + prob_above_threshold;
360         double gaussian_random = 0;
361         try {
362             gaussian_random = _gaussian.inverseCumulativeProbability(cumulative_probability);
363         } catch (MathException e) {
364             System.out.println("MathException caught: " + e);
365         }
367         return gaussian_random;
368     }
370     /**
371      * DigitalChannel class representing a single channel's behavior
372      */
373     private class DigitalChannel implements ReadoutChannel {
375         private double _noise_intercept = 0.;
376         private double _noise_slope = 0.;
377         private double _noise_threshold = 100.;
378         private int _adc_for_hit = 100;
380         /**
381          * Set the conversion between ADC counts and charge in fC
382          *
383          * @param adc_per_fC conversion constant
384          */
385         private void setConversionConstant(int adc_for_hit) {
386             _adc_for_hit = adc_for_hit;
387         }
389         /**
390          * Return the conversion constant between ADC counts and charge in fC
391          *
392          * @return conversion constant
393          */
394         private double getConversionConstant() {
395             return _adc_for_hit;
396         }
398         /**
399          * Set the noise (in electrons) for 0 capacitance
400          *
401          * @param noise_intercept noise intercept
402          */
403         private void setNoiseIntercept(double noise_intercept) {
404             _noise_intercept = noise_intercept;
405         }
407         /**
408          * Set the capacitative noise slope (in electrons / pF)
409          *
410          * @param noise_slope noise slope
411          */
412         private void setNoiseSlope(double noise_slope) {
413             _noise_slope = noise_slope;
414         }
416         /**
417          * Set the noise threshold in units of electrons.
418          * 
419          * @param noise_threshold
420          */
421         private void setNoiseThreshold(double noise_threshold) {
422             _noise_threshold = noise_threshold;
423         }
425         /**
426          * Return the noise in electrons for a given strip/pixel capacitance
427          *
428          * @param capacitance capacitance in pF
429          * @return noise in electrons
430          */
431         public double computeNoise(double capacitance) {
432             return _noise_intercept + _noise_slope * capacitance;
433         }
435         /**
436          * Calculate the ADC value associated with a pixel/strip charge deposit
437          * 
438          * @param data electrode data
439          * @return charge
440          */
441         private int computeAdcValue(double charge) {
443             //  Set to the specified value for a hit if we are above the
444             //  noise threshold
445             int adc = 0;
446             if (charge > _noise_threshold) adc = _adc_for_hit;
448             //  Don't allow negative adc values
449             if (adc < 0) {
450                 adc = 0;
451             }
453             //  Check for overflow - will be stored as a 16 bit integer
454             if (adc > 32767) {
455                 adc = 32767;
456             }
458             return adc;
459         }
460     }
461 }