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1   package;
3   import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
4   import hep.physics.vec.BasicHepLorentzVector;
5   import;
6   import java.util.*;
7   import java.lang.Math;
8   import;
9   /**
10   * Constrains two tracks to a common vertex. 
11   * Starts with interesection in XY and constrains the z-info. 
12   * Intended for tracks with insufficient z-measurement (barrel tracks without VXD)
13   * <p>
14   * It changes dir[2] of both track until the deltaZ 
15   * at intersection point is Zero
16   * This is done by minimizing 
17   * Chi^2 = Chi^2(track1) + Chi^2(track1) + 10000 * (z1-z2)^2
18   *
19   * @author  E. von Toerne
20   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007/04/06 21:48:14 onoprien Exp $
21   */
22  final public class SimpleConstrainedFit 
23  {
24      private int nIter;
25      private double chi2;
26      private double bField=5.;  // please note that the momentum is only used
27                                 // for the vertex constrined, 
28                                 // a different bField does not affect the fit
29      private int debugLevel;
30      public GarfieldTrack track1;
31      public GarfieldTrack track2;
32      private double[] vtx2D;
33      private double rXY;
34      double[] bas1;
35      double[] bas2;
36      double[] dir1;
37      double[] dir2;
39      private BasicHepLorentzVector pp1;
40      private BasicHepLorentzVector pp2;
41      private BasicHepLorentzVector ppsum;
43      private boolean usePrimaryVertexConstraint=true;
45      public SimpleConstrainedFit(){
46        nIter = 10;
47        debugLevel =0;
48        chi2=0.;
49        debugLevel=0;
50        vtx2D = new double[]{0.,0.};
51        bas1 = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
52        bas2 = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
53        dir1 = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
54        dir2 = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
55        track1 = new GarfieldTrack();
56        track2 = new GarfieldTrack();
57        pp1=new BasicHepLorentzVector();
58        pp2=new BasicHepLorentzVector();
59        ppsum=new BasicHepLorentzVector();
60        System.out.println("SimpleConstrainedFit constructor");
61      }
62      public void setDebugLevel(int i){ debugLevel = i;}
63      public void setPrimaryVertexConstraint(boolean val){ usePrimaryVertexConstraint = val;}
64      public void setNIter(int i){ nIter = i;}
66      private void calculateChi2(){
67        track1.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(vtx2D[0],vtx2D[1]);
68        track2.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(vtx2D[0],vtx2D[1]);
69        double z1= track1.hel.getPointOnHelix(2); 
70        double z2= track2.hel.getPointOnHelix(2); 
71        track1.calculateChi2();
72        track2.calculateChi2();
73        chi2 = track1.getChi2()+track2.getChi2()+(z1-z2)*(z1-z2)*1.E4;
74        if (usePrimaryVertexConstraint &&
75  	  Math.abs(track1.getPara("kappa")) > 1.E-10 && 
76  	  Math.abs(track2.getPara("kappa")) > 1.E-10 ){
77  	  double dZ= 0.5*(z1+z2);
78  	  double tanVtx = dZ / rXY;
79  	  getTrack4MomentumAtRxy(track1, vtx2D[0],vtx2D[1], 0.139, pp1);
80  	  getTrack4MomentumAtRxy(track2, vtx2D[0],vtx2D[1], 0.139, pp2);
81  	  addLorentzVector(pp1,pp2,ppsum);
82  	  double tanK0s= ppsum.v3().z()/Math.sqrt(ppsum.v3().x()*ppsum.v3().x()+ppsum.v3().y()*ppsum.v3().y());
83  	  chi2=chi2+(tanVtx-tanK0s)*(tanVtx-tanK0s)*1.E10;
84  	  //System.out.println("SimpleC "+tanVtx+" "+tanK0s+" chi2="+chi2+" z1="+z1+" z2="+z2);
85        }
87      }
89    private void getTrack4MomentumAtRxy(GarfieldTrack g, double xpos, double ypos, double mass, BasicHepLorentzVector pp) {
90      double pt= g.getPt(bField);
91      (g.hel).setPointOnHelixWithXY(xpos,ypos);
92      double px    = pt*(g.hel).dirAtPoint(0);
93      double py    = pt*(g.hel).dirAtPoint(1);
94      double pz    = pt*g.getPara("lambda");
95      double en    = Math.sqrt(mass*mass+px*px+py*py+pz*pz);
96      pp.setV3(en, px, py, pz);
97    }
99      private void addLorentzVector(BasicHepLorentzVector a, BasicHepLorentzVector b , BasicHepLorentzVector sum){
100     sum.setV3(component(a,0)+component(b,0),
101     component(a,1)+component(b,1),
102     component(a,2)+component(b,2),
103     component(a,3)+component(b,3));
104   }
106     private double component(BasicHepLorentzVector a, int i) 
107     {
108 	if (i==0) return a.t();
109 	else return (a.v3().v())[i-1];
110     }
113     /**
114      * Constrains two tracks, t1,t2, in z to a common vertex. 
115      * Fitted tracks are stored in this.track1 and this.track2.
116      *
117      * @param v  v[0]=x coordinate of vertex, v[1]=y coordinate
118      * @param t1 input track1
119      * @param t2 input track2
120      */
121     public boolean fitTwoTracksToVertexXY(double[] v, GarfieldTrack t1, GarfieldTrack t2){
122       vtx2D[0]=v[0];
123       vtx2D[1]=v[1];
124       track1= new GarfieldTrack(t1);
125       //track1.setHasZ(false); // added Nov 2006, EVT
126       track1.calculateChi2();
127       track1.setDebugLevel(debugLevel);
128       track1.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(track1.getMipStubBase(0),track1.getMipStubBase(1));
129       track1.hel.setDir(track1.hel.dirAtPoint(0),track1.hel.dirAtPoint(1),track1.hel.dirAtPoint(2)); 
130       track1.hel.setBase(track1.hel.getPointOnHelix(0),track1.hel.getPointOnHelix(1),
131 			 track1.hel.getPointOnHelix(2));
132       track2= new GarfieldTrack(t2);
133       //track2.setHasZ(false); // added Nov 2006, EVT
134       track2.setDebugLevel(debugLevel);
135       track2.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(track2.getMipStubBase(0),track2.getMipStubBase(1));
136       track2.hel.setDir(track2.hel.dirAtPoint(0),track2.hel.dirAtPoint(1),track2.hel.dirAtPoint(2)); 
137       track2.hel.setBase(track2.hel.getPointOnHelix(0),track2.hel.getPointOnHelix(1),
138 			 track2.hel.getPointOnHelix(2));
140       rXY=Math.sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]);
142       calculateChi2();
143       double chi2Diff = track1.getChi2()+track2.getChi2()-t1.getChi2()+t2.getChi2();
144       if (debugLevel>=2){
145 	  System.out.println("SimpleConstrainedFit FULLChi2Fit before"+chi2+" chi2Diff="+
146 	   chi2Diff);
147       }
148       if (chi2Diff>1.E5){
149 	  if (debugLevel>=1) System.out.println("SimpleConstrainedFit refitting track");
150 	  track1.fullChi2Fit(0.1,10);
151 	  track2.fullChi2Fit(0.1,10);
152       }
154       track1.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(v[0],v[1]);
155       track2.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(v[0],v[1]);
156       double z1= track1.hel.getPointOnHelix(2); 
157       double z2= track2.hel.getPointOnHelix(2); 
158       double zMin = Math.min(z1,z2);
159       double zMax = Math.max(z1,z2);
160       double z=zMin;
161       double zStep=(Math.abs(zMax-zMin)/20.+1.*; // this is a bug fix EVT, Nov 2006
162       boolean done =false;
163       double oldChi2=chi2;
164       int oldLevel =debugLevel;
165       this.debugLevel=0;
166       int n=0;
167       int nRounds = 0;
168       while (nRounds < nIter && chi2 > 3.){	
169 	done=false;
170 	while (!done){
171 	  chi2FitIteration(zStep/rXY);
172 	  n++;
173 	  if (oldChi2<=chi2) done =true;
174 	  oldChi2=chi2;
175 	  if (n>4000){
176 	    this.debugLevel=oldLevel;
177 	    if (debugLevel>=2) System.out.println("GarfieldTrack FullChi2Fit runaway chi2="
178 						  +chi2+" zstep="+zStep);
179 	    this.track1.setTrackParameters();
180 	    this.track2.setTrackParameters();
181 	    if (chi2>1.E5) return false;
182 	    else return true;
183 	  }
184 	}
185 	zStep = zStep/4.;
186 	//System.out.println(" chi2  "+chi2+" n="+n+" zstep="+zStep+" nRounds"+nRounds);
187 	nRounds++;
188       }
189       this.debugLevel=oldLevel;
190       if (debugLevel>=2) System.out.println("++FULLChi2Fit after"+chi2+" n="+n+" zstep="+zStep+" nRounds"+nRounds);
191       this.track1.setTrackParameters();
192       this.track2.setTrackParameters();
193       if (debugLevel>=4) {
194 	  System.out.println("SimpleConstrainedFit first track");
195 	  t1.debug();
196 	  System.out.println("first track constrained");
197 	  this.track1.debug();
198 	  System.out.println("second track");
199 	  t2.debug();
200 	  System.out.println("second track constrained");
201 	  this.track2.debug();
202       }
203       if (chi2>1.E8) return false;
204       return true;
205     }    
207     private void chi2FitIteration(double dirStep){
208       // fast variation of dir 
209       double deltaD = dirStep;
210       calculateChi2();
211       int nItera = 2;
212       double oldChi2=chi2;
213       dir1[0]=track1.hel.dir(0);
214       dir1[1]=track1.hel.dir(1);
215       dir1[2]=track1.hel.dir(2);
216       dir2[0]=track2.hel.dir(0);
217       dir2[1]=track2.hel.dir(1);
218       dir2[2]=track2.hel.dir(2);
220       bas1[0]=track1.hel.base(0);
221       bas1[1]=track1.hel.base(1);
222       bas1[2]=track1.hel.base(2);
223       bas2[0]=track2.hel.base(0);
224       bas2[1]=track2.hel.base(1);
225       bas2[2]=track2.hel.base(2);
227       double bestDirZtrack1=track1.hel.dir(2);
228       double bestDirZtrack2=track2.hel.dir(2);
229       double minChi2=chi2;
231       for (int i1=-nItera; i1<=nItera;i1++){
232 	track1.hel.setDir(dir1[0],dir1[1],dir1[2]+deltaD*i1);
233 	for (int i2=-nItera; i2<=nItera;i2++){
234 	  track2.hel.setDir(dir2[0],dir2[1],dir2[2]+deltaD*i2);
235 	  calculateChi2();
236 	  if (chi2<minChi2){ 		  
237 	    bestDirZtrack1=track1.hel.dir(2);
238 	    bestDirZtrack2=track2.hel.dir(2);
239 	    minChi2=chi2;		  
240 	  }
241 	}
242       }
243       track1.hel.setDir(dir1[0],dir1[1],bestDirZtrack1);
244       track2.hel.setDir(dir2[0],dir2[1],bestDirZtrack2);
245       calculateChi2();
246     }
247 }