View Javadoc

1   package;
3   //import hep.physics.*;
4   //import hep.lcd.event.*;
5   //import*;
6   //import hep.lcd.util.driver.*;
7   //import hep.lcd.geometry.*;
8   import java.util.*;
9   import java.lang.Math;
10  //import;
11  //import hep.lcd.recon.tracking.*;
12  //import hep.lcd.recon.cluster.simple.SimpleClusterBuilder;
13  //import hep.lcd.recon.cluster.radial.RadialClusterBuilder;
15  /**
16   * simple helix format for general hits, either 2D or 3D
17   * used within the Garfield track finding package for 
18   * calorimeter assisted tracking with the SiD.
19   * <p>
20   * parametrization is redundant. A helix is defined by<br>
21   * - a point on the helix (base)<br> 
22   * - direction vector at this point (dir)<br> 
23   * - curvature (kappa)<br>
24   * dir is normalized such that the projection of dir into xy plane has length one.
25   *
26   * @see GarfieldTrackFinder 
27   *
28   * @author  E. von Toerne
29   * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007/04/06 21:48:14 onoprien Exp $
30   */
31  final public class GarfieldHelix
32  {
33    // definition of variables
34    private static double k_cm = 10.;
35    private double[] base;  // 
36    private double[] dir;
37    private double kappa;  // if viewing along negative z, positive kappa bends counterclockwise xxx check!!
38    private double[] pointOnHelix; //last point calculated on the helix by routine pointOnHelix
39    private double sSave; // value s associated with pointOnHelix[]
40    private int debugLevel;
42    // constructors
44      /** 
45       * empty constructor
46       */
47    public GarfieldHelix()
48    {
49      this.base = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
50      this.dir = new double[]{1.,0.,0.};
51      this.pointOnHelix = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
52      this.kappa = 0.;
53      this.sSave = 0.;
54      normalizeDir();
55      debugLevel=0;
56    }
57      /** 
58       * @param b base (= point on helix)
59       * @param d dir  (= helix direction vector at base point)
60       * @param ka curvature 
61       */
62    public GarfieldHelix(double[] b, double[] d, double ka)
63    {
64        this.base = new double[]{b[0],b[1],b[2]};  // was =b which is very bad!!
65      this.dir =  new double[]{d[0],d[1],d[2]};;
66      this.pointOnHelix = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
67      normalizeDir();
68      kappa = ka;
69      this.sSave = 0.;
70      debugLevel = 0;
71    }
73    // simple data retriever
74    public int q()  {
75      if (kappa<0.) return -1;
76      return 1;
77    }    
78    public double sSave(){ return sSave;}
79    public double dir(int i){ return dir[i];}
80    public double base(int i){ return base[i];}
81    public double[] dir(){ return dir;}
82    public double[] base(){ return base;}
83    public double kappa(){ return kappa;}
84    final public double getPointOnHelix(int i){ return pointOnHelix[i];}
86    // simple value setter
87      /** controls amount of debug text output and test histograms, =0 not output, >0 debug output  */
88    public void setDebugLevel(int i){ debugLevel = i;}
90    public void setKappa(double ka){ kappa=ka;}
92    public void setBase(double x,double y,double z)
93    {
94      base[0] = x;
95      base[1] = y;
96      base[2] = z;
97    }
99    public void setDir(double x,double y, double z)
100   {
101     dir[0] = x;
102     dir[1] = y;
103     dir[2] = z;
104     normalizeDir();
105   }
107   // simple helper functions
108   public double sqr(double x){ return x*x;}
110     /**
111      * normalizes the direction vector. 
112      * xy-projection of dir is of length one.
113      */
114   public void normalizeDir(){
115     double r=Math.sqrt(dir[0]*dir[0]+dir[1]*dir[1]);
116     if (r>1.E-25){
117       dir[0]=dir[0]/r;
118       dir[1]=dir[1]/r;
119       dir[2]=dir[2]/r;
120     }
121   }
123   final public double distanceToHit3D(double[] pos)
124   {
125     // works well in endcaps, might not be great in VertexDetecto
126     if (Math.abs(pos[2])>100.*k_cm && Math.abs(dir[2])>0.1) setPointOnHelixWithZ(pos[2]);
127     else setPointOnHelixWithXY(pos[0],pos[1]);
129     return Math.sqrt((pos[0]-pointOnHelix[0])*(pos[0]-pointOnHelix[0])+(pos[1]-pointOnHelix[1])*(pos[1]-pointOnHelix[1])+(pos[2]-pointOnHelix[2])*(pos[2]-pointOnHelix[2]));
130   }
132   final public double distanceBaseToPoint(double[] p){
133       return Math.sqrt(sqr(p[0]-base[0])+sqr(p[1]-base[1]));
134   }
136     /** added for convenience and to avoid creating more double vectors **/
137   final public double distanceBaseToPoint(GarfieldHit h){
138       return Math.sqrt(sqr(base[0]-h.getPoint(0))+sqr(base[1]-h.getPoint(1)));
139   }
141     /**
142      *  absolute value of a double
143      */
144   private final static double myAbs(double ka){return ka>0.? ka : -ka;}
146     /**
147      *  sinfrac(x, ka) = sin(x*ka) / ka
148      */
149   final private double sinfrac(double x, double ka){
150     // sinfrac = sin(x*ka) / ka
151     // sin p = p - 1/6 p^3 + 1/120. p^5 - ...
152     // sin(x ka) /ka = x - 1/6 x^3 ka^2
153     double kabs=ka>0.? ka : -ka;
154     double xx=x*ka;
155     double y= 0.;
156     if (kabs > 1.E-3){
157       y=Math.sin(xx)/ka;
158     }
159     else if (kabs > 1.E-5){
160       y= x - (x*xx*xx)/6. + (x*xx*xx*xx*xx)/120.;
161     }
162     else if (kabs>1.E-7){
163       y=  x - (x*xx*xx)/6.;
164     }
165     else{
166        y=  x ;
167     }
168     return y;    
169   }
171     /**
172      *  cosfrac(x, ka) = (cos(x*ka)-1) / ka
173      */
174   final private double cosfrac(double x, double ka){
175     // cosfrac = (cos(x*ka)-1) / ka
176     // cos p = 1 - 1/2 p^2 + 1/24 p^4
177     // (cos(x ka) -1)/ka = -1/2 x^2 ka + 1/24 x^4 ka^3 
178     double kabs=ka>0.? ka : -ka;
179     double xx=x*ka;
180     double y= 0.;
181     if (kabs > 1.E-3){
182       y=(Math.cos(xx)-1.)/ka;
183     }
184     else if (kabs > 1.E-5){
185       y= -(x*xx)/2. + (x*xx*xx*xx)/24.;
186     }
187     else{
188       y=  -(x*xx)/2.;
189     }
190     return y;
191   }
193     /**
194      * returns distance to that interval a,b (0 or the distance to the edge)
195      * allows for arbitrary ordering (a<b or a>b)
196      */
197   final private double distanceToInterval(double a, double b, double c)
198     {
199 	if (a<b){
200 	    if (c<a) return Math.abs(a-c);
201 	    else if (c>b) return Math.abs(c-b);
202 	    else return 0.;
203 	}
204 	else{
205 	    if (c<b) return Math.abs(b-c);
206 	    else if (c>a) return Math.abs(c-a);
207 	    else return 0.;
208 	}
209     }
211     final public double getCenter(int i){
212 	if (i==0) return base[0]-dir[1]/kappa;
213 	if (i==1) return base[1]+dir[0]/kappa;
214 	return 0.;
215     }
217   //
218   // functions that do something
219   //
221   public void setPointOnHelix(double s) {
222     sSave = s;  // store s for savekeeping
223     double cfrac=cosfrac(s,kappa);
224     double sfrac=sinfrac(s,kappa);
225     pointOnHelix[0]=base[0]+dir[1]*cfrac + dir[0]*sfrac;      
226     pointOnHelix[1]=base[1]-dir[0]*cfrac + dir[1]*sfrac;
227     pointOnHelix[2]=base[2]+dir[2]*s;
228   }      
230   public void setPointOnHelixWithXY(double x, double y) {
231     //
232     // sinfrac = \vec{Dxy} * \vec{P-B}xy  
233       double kabs = kappa>0.? kappa : -kappa;
234       if (kabs<1.E-7){
235           double s=dir[0]*(x-base[0])+dir[1]*(y-base[1]);
236 	  setPointOnHelix(s);
237       }
238       else{
239 	  double d = Math.sqrt((x-base[0])*(x-base[0])+(y-base[1])*(y-base[1]));
240 	  if (d<1.E-12){
241 	      setPointOnHelix(0.);
242 	      return;
243 	  }
244 	  double cx=getCenter(0);
245 	  double cy=getCenter(1);
246 	  double l = Math.sqrt((x-cx)*(x-cx)+(y-cy)*(y-cy));
247 	  double R = 1./kabs;
248 	  double cosAngle = 0.5*(l/R+R/l-d*d/(l*R));
249 	  double s=0.;
250 	  if (cosAngle <=1. && cosAngle >= -1.) s=Math.acos(cosAngle)*R;
251 	  else if (debugLevel>=4){ 
252 	      System.out.println("GarfieldHelix problem in setXY"+cosAngle+" "+l+" "+R+" "+d);
253 	      System.out.println("  center x="+cx+" "+cy);
254 	  }
255 	  if (dir[0]*(x-base[0])+dir[1]*(y-base[1])>0.) setPointOnHelix(s);
256 	  else setPointOnHelix(-s);
257       }
258   }      
260   public void setPointOnHelixWithZ(double z) {
261     //pointOnHelix[2]=base[2]+dir[2]*s;
262     // z = base_z + dir[2] * s  => s = (z - base_z)/dir[2]
263     if (dir[2]>1.E-12 || dir[2]<-1.E-12){ 
264 	sSave = (z-base[2])/dir[2];
265     }
266     else{
267 	if (debugLevel>=4) {System.out.println("problem in GarfieldHelix setPointOnHelixWithZ, dir2="+dir[2]);}
268 	sSave= 10.;
269     }
270     double cfrac=cosfrac(sSave,kappa);
271     double sfrac=sinfrac(sSave,kappa);
272     pointOnHelix[0]=base[0]+dir[1]*cfrac + dir[0]*sfrac;      
273     pointOnHelix[1]=base[1]-dir[0]*cfrac + dir[1]*sfrac;
274     pointOnHelix[2]=z;
275   }      
277   public double dirAtPoint(int i)
278   {
279     double phi= sSave*kappa;
280     if (i==2) return dir[2];
281     else if (i==0) return dir[0]*Math.cos(phi)-dir[1]*Math.sin(phi); 
282     else if (i==1) return dir[1]*Math.cos(phi)+dir[0]*Math.sin(phi); 
283     else {
284 	System.out.println("GarfieldHelix dirAtPoint bad index i="+i);
285 	return -999.;
286     }
287   }
290   public double distanceToLine2D(GarfieldHit h, double px, double py)
291   {
292       double x = h.getLength2D();
293       double xx = h.x1(0)-h.x0(0);
294       double xy = h.x1(1)-h.x0(1);
295       double lx = px - h.x0(0);
296       double ly = py - h.x0(1);
297       double ll = lx*lx+ly*ly;
298       double lDotX=lx*xx+ly*xy;
299       if (lDotX<0.) return Math.sqrt(ll);
300       if (lDotX > x*x) return Math.sqrt((px - h.x1(0))*(px - h.x1(0))+(py - h.x1(1))*(py - h.x1(1)));
301       return Math.sqrt(ll-(lDotX/x)*(lDotX/x));
302   }
305   public double distanceToHit2D(GarfieldHit h)
306   {
307       double kabs = Math.abs(kappa);
308       if (h.hasZ() && Math.abs(dir[2])>0.1){ // changed EVT - March 11th, for JonTrackFinder routines
309 	  setPointOnHelixWithZ(h.getPoint(2));    
310 	  return distanceToLine2D(h,pointOnHelix[0],pointOnHelix[1]);
311       }
312       else{
313 	  double x=h.getPoint(0);
314 	  double y=h.getPoint(1);
315 	  setPointOnHelixWithXY(x,y);
316 	  double eps = distanceToInterval(h.x0(2),h.x1(2),pointOnHelix[2]);
317 	  //if (debugLevel>=4){
318 	  //    System.out.println("distanceToHit2D d="+Math.sqrt((pos[0]-pointOnHelix[0])*(pos[0]-pointOnHelix[0])+(pos[1]-pointOnHelix[1])*(pos[1]-pointOnHelix[1])+eps*eps)+" eps="+eps);
319 	  //    System.out.println("   "+pointOnHelix[0]+" "+pointOnHelix[1]+" "+pointOnHelix[2]);
320 	  //    System.out.println("   "+pos[0]+" "+pos[1]+" "+pos[2]);
321 	  //}
322           return Math.sqrt(sqr(x-pointOnHelix[0])+sqr(y-pointOnHelix[1]));
323       }
324   }
326 }