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1   package;
3   import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
4   import java.util.ArrayList;
5   import java.util.List;
6   import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
7   import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
8   import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
9   import static;
11  /**
12   * CreateFinalStateMCParticleList writes a list of Final state MCParticles to event. The choices are GeneratorFS(Gen) and SimulatorFS(Sim). The final state particles are those at the end of the
13   * decay/interaction chain for the choice(Gen or Sim). By default no particles created without destroying the parent are included. This can be overridden by the setKeepContinuousXXX methods. Decays
14   * and interactions beyond a radius or z position can be ignored by using the setRadiusCut and setZCut methods. The collection name of the final state particles can also be set.
15   * @author Ron Cassell
16   */
17  public class CreateFinalStateMCParticleList extends Driver {
18      private MCPClass fs;
19      private String FStype;
20      private String CollectionName;
21      private double Rcut;
22      private double Zcut;
23      private boolean keepce;
24      private boolean keepcp;
25      private boolean keepch;
26      private final static String[] types = { "Gen", "Sim" };
27      private int itype;
28      private MCParticleClassifier cl;
30      /**
31       * Set up the defaults for creating the lists. Type parameter must be Gen or Sim.
32       *
33       * @param type
34       */
35      public CreateFinalStateMCParticleList(String type) {
36          fs = MCPClass.GEN_FINAL_STATE;
37          cl = new MCParticleClassifier();
38          FStype = type;
39          if (FStype.compareTo(types[0]) == 0) {
40              itype = 0;
41          } else if (FStype.compareTo(types[1]) == 0) {
42              itype = 1;
43          } else {
44              itype = 0;
45              System.out.println("CreateFinalStateMCParticleList created with invalid type " + FStype + ": Defaulting to " + types[0]);
46              FStype = types[0];
47          }
48          Rcut = 99999.;
49          Zcut = 99999.;
50          keepce = false;
51          keepcp = false;
52          keepch = false;
53          CollectionName = FStype + "FinalStateParticles";
54      }
56      /**
57       * Set the output collection name
58       *
59       * @param name
60       */
61      public void setCollectionName(String name) {
62          CollectionName = name;
63      }
65      /**
66       * Set a radius cut beyond which interactions and decays are ignored.
67       *
68       * @param rc
69       */
70      public void setRadiusCut(double rc) {
71          Rcut = rc;
72      }
74      /**
75       * Set a z cut beyond which interactions and decays are ignored.
76       *
77       * @param zc
78       */
79      public void setZCut(double zc) {
80          Zcut = zc;
81      }
83      /**
84       * Keep electrons created without destroying parent. (deltas, comptons)
85       */
86      public void setKeepContinuousElectrons() {
87          keepce = true;
88      }
90      /**
91       * Keep photons created without destroying parent. (brem, nuclear elastic and pseudo-elastic)
92       */
93      public void setKeepContinuousPhotons() {
94          keepcp = true;
95      }
97      /**
98       * Keep hadrons created without destroying parent. (nuclear elastic and pseudo-elastic)
99       */
100     public void setKeepContinuousHadrons() {
101         keepch = true;
102     }
104     /**
105      * Process and event. Create the final state particle list and store it in event.
106      *
107      * @param event
108      */
109     public void process(EventHeader event) {
110         //
111         // Create a list to hold the final state particles
112         //
113         List<MCParticle> fslist = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
114         //
115         // Get the list of all MCParticles
116         //
117         List<MCParticle> all = (List<MCParticle>) event.get("MCParticle");
118         //
119         // If Generator final state particles requested, use the MCParticleClassifier
120         // to identify the final state particles, and add them to the list
121         //
122         if (itype == 0) {
123             boolean simulated = false;
124             for (MCParticle p : all) {
125                 if (p.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInTracker() || p.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInCalorimeter() || p.getSimulatorStatus().hasLeftDetector() || p.getSimulatorStatus().isStopped()) {
126                     simulated = true;
127                     continue;
128                 }
129             }
130             if (!simulated) {
131                 for (MCParticle p : all) {
132                     if (p.getGeneratorStatus() == MCParticle.FINAL_STATE)
133                         fslist.add(p);
134                 }
135             } else {
136                 for (MCParticle p : all) {
137                     if (cl.getClassification(p) == fs) {
138                         fslist.add(p);
139                     }
140                 }
141             }
142         }
143         //
144         // Simulator final state particles requested
145         //
146         else {
147             //
148             // Check if we are keeping any continuous process created particles
149             //
150             boolean keepsome = keepce || keepcp || keepch;
151             //
152             // Loop over all MCParticles
153             //
154             for (MCParticle p : all) {
155                 //
156                 // Never keep backscatter particles
157                 //
158                 if (p.getSimulatorStatus().isBackscatter())
159                     continue;
160                 //
161                 // Don't keep particles the Simulator never saw
162                 //
163                 boolean inSim = p.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInTracker() || p.getSimulatorStatus().isDecayedInCalorimeter() || p.getSimulatorStatus().hasLeftDetector() || p.getSimulatorStatus().isStopped();
164                 if (!inSim)
165                     continue;
166                 //
167                 // Find out if the particle has endpoint daughters
168                 //
169                 boolean hasepd = false;
170                 for (MCParticle d : p.getDaughters()) {
171                     if (d.getSimulatorStatus().isBackscatter())
172                         continue;
173                     if (d.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())
174                         continue;
175                     hasepd = true;
176                     break;
177                 }
178                 //
179                 // If the particle has endpoint daughters it is not final state
180                 //
181                 if (hasepd)
182                     continue;
183                 //
184                 // This is a simulator final state particle. If it is a result of a
185                 // continuous process, check to see if we keep it.
186                 //
187                 MCParticle pp = getFirstContinuousParticle(p);
188                 if (pp != null) {
189                     if (keepsome) {
190                         if (keepThis(p, pp))
191                             fslist.add(p);
192                     }
193                 }
194                 //
195                 // Add the final state particle to the list
196                 //
197                 else {
198                     fslist.add(p);
199                 }
200             }
201         }
202         //
203         // We now have the complete list of final state particles. Check for
204         // production vertex cuts
205         //
206         if ((Rcut < 9999.) || (Zcut < 9999.)) {
207             //
208             // Create a remove list and an add list
209             //
210             List<MCParticle> removelist = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
211             List<MCParticle> addtolist = new ArrayList<MCParticle>();
212             //
213             // Loop over the final state list
214             //
215             for (MCParticle p : fslist) {
216                 //
217                 // Check vertex against cuts
218                 //
219                 Hep3Vector vtx = p.getOrigin();
220                 if ((Math.abs(vtx.z()) > Zcut) || (Math.sqrt(vtx.x() * vtx.x() + vtx.y() * vtx.y()) > Rcut)) {
221                     //
222                     // Vertex failed cuts. Remove it.
223                     //
224                     removelist.add(p);
225                     //
226                     // Unless a continuous process particle, add the parent to the list of particles to add back in
227                     //
228                     if (!p.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent()) {
229                         if (!addtolist.contains(p.getParents().get(0)))
230                             addtolist.add(p.getParents().get(0));
231                     }
232                 }
233             }
234             //
235             // Remove all the particles in the remove list from the final state list
236             //
237             for (MCParticle p : removelist) {
238                 fslist.remove(p);
239             }
240             //
241             // Loop over the add list
242             //
243             for (MCParticle p : addtolist) {
244                 Hep3Vector vtx = p.getOrigin();
245                 MCParticle pp = p;
246                 boolean hasparent = true;
247                 //
248                 // Trace parentage until cut is passed (or run out of parents or break chain with continuous particle)
249                 //
250                 while ((hasparent) && ((Math.abs(vtx.z()) > Zcut) || (Math.sqrt(vtx.x() * vtx.x() + vtx.y() * vtx.y()) > Rcut))) {
251                     if (pp.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent()) {
252                         pp = null;
253                     } else {
254                         pp = pp.getParents().get(0);
255                     }
256                     if (pp == null) {
257                         hasparent = false;
258                     } else {
259                         vtx = pp.getOrigin();
260                     }
261                 }
262                 //
263                 // Add the particle to the fs list if it exists
264                 //
265                 if (!(pp == null)) {
266                     if (!fslist.contains(pp))
267                         fslist.add(pp);
268                 }
269             }
270         }
271         //
272         // Write the collection to event
273         //
274         event.put(CollectionName, fslist);
275         event.getMetaData(fslist).setSubset(true);
276     }
278     /**
279      * Decide if a particle resulting from continuous production should be kept as a final state particle.
280      *
281      * @param p - particle in question
282      * @param pp - first continuous production particle in parentage chain of p
283      */
284     public boolean keepThis(MCParticle p, MCParticle pp) {
285         boolean keepit = false;
286         //
287         // if first vneop particle is the particle in question, only need to check it for validity
288         //
289         if (p == pp) {
290             if (Math.abs(p.getPDGID()) == 11) {
291                 if (keepce)
292                     keepit = true;
293             } else if (p.getPDGID() == 22) {
294                 if (keepcp)
295                     keepit = true;
296             } else {
297                 if (keepch)
298                     keepit = true;
299             }
300             return keepit;
301         }
302         //
303         // otherwise, check the whole chain for validity
304         //
305         else {
306             //
307             // First check the particle in question
308             //
309             if (p.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent()) {
310                 if (Math.abs(p.getPDGID()) == 11) {
311                     if (keepce)
312                         keepit = true;
313                 } else if (p.getPDGID() == 22) {
314                     if (keepcp)
315                         keepit = true;
316                 } else {
317                     if (keepch)
318                         keepit = true;
319                 }
320                 if (!keepit)
321                     return keepit;
322             }
323             //
324             // Particle itself is valid, check the chain
325             //
326             keepit = true;
327             MCParticle ppp = p;
328             while ((keepit) && (ppp != pp)) {
329                 ppp = ppp.getParents().get(0);
330                 if (ppp.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent()) {
331                     keepit = false;
332                     if (Math.abs(ppp.getPDGID()) == 11) {
333                         if (keepce)
334                             keepit = true;
335                     } else if (ppp.getPDGID() == 22) {
336                         if (keepcp)
337                             keepit = true;
338                     } else {
339                         if (keepch)
340                             keepit = true;
341                     }
342                 }
343             }
344             return keepit;
345         }
346     }
348     /**
349      * Find and return the top VNEOP particle in parentage chain
350      *
351      * @param p - particle in question
352      */
353     public MCParticle getFirstContinuousParticle(MCParticle p) {
354         MCParticle rp = null;
355         if (p.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())
356             rp = p;
357         MCParticle pp = p;
358         while (pp.getParents().size() == 1) {
359             pp = pp.getParents().get(0);
360             if (pp.getSimulatorStatus().vertexIsNotEndpointOfParent())
361                 rp = pp;
362         }
363         return rp;
364     }
365 }