View Javadoc

1   package;
3   import hep.physics.particle.Particle;
4   import;
5   import;
6   import;
7   import java.util.ArrayList;
8   import java.util.Map;
9   import java.util.HashMap;
10  import java.util.List;
11  import java.util.Random;
12  import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
13  import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
14  import org.lcsim.event.ReconstructedParticle;
15  import org.lcsim.event.Track;
16  import;
17  import;
18  import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
19  import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsEvent;
20  import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsListener;
21  import org.lcsim.conditions.ConditionsSet;
23  import static java.lang.Math.abs;
24  import;
25  import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
27  /**
28   *
29   * @author ngraf
30   */
31  public class MCFastReconstructedParticleDriver extends Driver implements ConditionsListener {
32      private boolean refPoint000;
33      private ParticlePropertyProvider ppp;
34      private IDResolutionTables IDEff;
35      private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
36      private ParticleType eminus;
37      private ParticleType eplus;
38      private ParticleType klong;
39      private ParticleType muminus;
40      private ParticleType muplus;
41      private ParticleType neutron;
42      private ParticleType photon;
43      private ParticleType pizero;
44      private ParticleType piplus;
45      private ParticleType piminus;
46      private ParticleType pplus;
47      private ParticleType pminus;
48      private ParticleType kplus;
49      private ParticleType kminus;
51      /** Creates a new instance of MCFastReconstructedParticleDriver */
52      public MCFastReconstructedParticleDriver() {
53          this(true);
54      }
56      public MCFastReconstructedParticleDriver(boolean refPoint000) {
57          this(ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider(), refPoint000);
58      }
60      public MCFastReconstructedParticleDriver(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp) {
61          this(ppp, true);
62      }
64      public MCFastReconstructedParticleDriver(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp, boolean refPoint000) {
65          this.refPoint000 = refPoint000;
66          this.ppp = ppp;
67          //
68          eminus = ppp.get(11);
69          eplus = ppp.get(-11);
70          klong = ppp.get(130);
71          muminus = ppp.get(13);
72          muplus = ppp.get(-13);
73          neutron = ppp.get(2112);
74          photon = ppp.get(22);
75          pizero = ppp.get(111);
76          piplus = ppp.get(211);
77          piminus = ppp.get(-211);
78          pplus = ppp.get(2212);
79          pminus = ppp.get(-2212);
80          kplus = ppp.get(321);
81          kminus = ppp.get(-321);
82      }
84      protected void process(EventHeader event) {
86          boolean hist = getHistogramLevel() > 0;
88          if (IDEff == null) {
89              ConditionsSet idconditions = getConditionsManager().getConditions("IDEfficiency");
90              idconditions.addConditionsListener(this);
91              IDEff = new IDResolutionTables(idconditions);
92          }
94          Random rand = getRandom();
96          List<Track> tracks = event.get(Track.class, "Tracks");
97          List<Cluster> clusters = event.get(Cluster.class, "Clusters");
99          // Set up Track-Cluster association; for now cheat using MCParticle
100         Map<Particle, Track> m_pt = new HashMap<Particle, Track>();
101         Map<Particle, Cluster> m_pc = new HashMap<Particle, Cluster>();
102         Map<Cluster, Track> m_ct = new HashMap<Cluster, Track>();
103         Map<Track, Cluster> m_tc = new HashMap<Track, Cluster>();
105         for (Track t : tracks)
106             m_pt.put(((ReconTrack) t).getMCParticle(), t);
107         for (Cluster c : clusters)
108             m_pc.put((c instanceof ReconEMCluster ? ((ReconEMCluster) c).getMCParticle() : ((ReconHADCluster) c).getMCParticle()), c);
109         for (Track t : tracks)
110             m_tc.put(t, m_pc.get(((ReconTrack) t).getMCParticle()));
111         for (Cluster c : clusters)
112             m_ct.put(c, m_pt.get(c instanceof ReconEMCluster ? ((ReconEMCluster) c).getMCParticle() : ((ReconHADCluster) c).getMCParticle()));
114         List<ReconstructedParticle> rpList = new ArrayList<ReconstructedParticle>();
115         // start with the smeared tracks...
116         for (Track t : tracks) {
117             ParticleType type = null;
118             if (t instanceof ReconTrack) {
119                 ReconTrack rt = (ReconTrack) t;
120                 Particle p = rt.getMCParticle();
121                 int pdgid = p.getPDGID();
123                 // charged track id
124                 if ((abs(pdgid) == 11) && (rand.nextDouble() < IDEff.getElectronEff())) {
125                     type = rt.getCharge() > 0 ? eplus : eminus;
126                 } else if ((abs(pdgid) == 13) && (rand.nextDouble() < IDEff.getMuonEff())) {
127                     type = rt.getCharge() > 0 ? muplus : muminus;
128                 } else if ((abs(pdgid) == 2212) && (rand.nextDouble() < IDEff.getProtonEff())) {
129                     type = rt.getCharge() > 0 ? pplus : pminus;
130                 } else if ((abs(pdgid) == 321) && (rand.nextDouble() < IDEff.getKaonEff())) {
131                     type = rt.getCharge() > 0 ? kplus : kminus;
132                 } else {
133                     type = rt.getCharge() > 0 ? piplus : piminus;
134                 }
136                 if ((p.getEnergy() > 10) && (hist)) {
137                     if (Math.abs(t.getTrackParameter(4)) < 1) {
138                         aida.histogram1D("track-particle", 150, -0.0003, 0.0003).fill((Math.sqrt(t.getPX() * t.getPX() + t.getPY() * t.getPY() + t.getPZ() * t.getPZ()) - Math.sqrt(p.getPX() * p.getPX() + p.getPY() * p.getPY() + p.getPZ() * p.getPZ())) / (p.getPX() * p.getPX() + p.getPY() * p.getPY() + p.getPZ() * p.getPZ()));
139                     }
140                     if ((Math.abs(t.getTrackParameter(4)) < 2.16) && (Math.abs(t.getTrackParameter(4)) > 1.96) && (p.getMomentum().magnitude() > 80) && (p.getMomentum().magnitude() < 120)) {
141                         aida.histogram1D("track-particle-cut", 150, -0.01, 0.01).fill((Math.sqrt(t.getPX() * t.getPX() + t.getPY() * t.getPY() + t.getPZ() * t.getPZ()) - Math.sqrt(p.getPX() * p.getPX() + p.getPY() * p.getPY() + p.getPZ() * p.getPZ())) / (Math.sqrt(p.getPX() * p.getPX() + p.getPY() * p.getPY() + p.getPZ() * p.getPZ())));
142                     }
143                 }
145                 // assume pion for remaining charged tracks
146                 MCFastReconstructedParticle rp = new MCFastReconstructedParticle(t, type, p, m_tc.get(t), IDEff.getWtChgTrkCal(), refPoint000);
147                 rpList.add(rp);
149                 if (hist) {
150                     aida.histogram1D("recon-particle", 150, -5, 5).fill((rp.getEnergy() - p.getEnergy()) / (Math.sqrt(p.getEnergy())));
151                 }
152             }
153         }
155         // loop over clusters...
156         for (Cluster c : clusters) {
157             // if(m_ct.get(c) != null) continue;
158             Particle p = null;
159             ParticleType type = null;
160             // photons for EM
161             if (c instanceof ReconEMCluster) {
162                 ReconEMCluster emc = (ReconEMCluster) c;
163                 p = emc.getMCParticle();
164                 if (m_ct.get(c) != null)
165                     continue;
166                 type = photon;
167                 if (hist) {
168                     aida.histogram1D("photonCLS-particle", 150, -3, 3).fill((emc.getEnergy() - emc.getMCParticle().getEnergy()) / (Math.sqrt(emc.getMCParticle().getEnergy())));
169                 }
170             }
171             // assume a KZeroLong here for had cluster
172             else if (c instanceof ReconHADCluster) {
173                 ReconHADCluster emc = (ReconHADCluster) c;
174                 p = emc.getMCParticle();
175                 int pdgid = p.getPDGID();
176                 if ((abs(pdgid) == 2112) && (rand.nextDouble() < IDEff.getNeutronEff())) {
177                     type = neutron;
178                 } else {
179                     type = klong;
180                 }
181                 if (m_ct.get(c) != null || c.getEnergy() < type.getMass())
182                     continue;
183                 if (hist) {
184                     aida.histogram1D("hadronCLS-particle", 150, -3, 3).fill((emc.getEnergy() - emc.getMCParticle().getEnergy()) / (Math.sqrt(emc.getMCParticle().getEnergy())));
185                 }
187             }
188             MCFastReconstructedParticle rp = new MCFastReconstructedParticle(c, type, p);
189             rpList.add(rp);
190             if (hist) {
191                 aida.histogram1D("recon-particle", 150, -10, 10).fill(rp.getEnergy() - p.getEnergy());
192             }
194         }
195         // add the reconstructedparticles to the event
196         event.put("MCFastReconstructedParticles", rpList, ReconstructedParticle.class, 0);
198     }
200     public void conditionsChanged(ConditionsEvent event) {
201         ConditionsSet idconditions = getConditionsManager().getConditions("IDEfficiency");
202         IDEff = new IDResolutionTables(idconditions);
203     }
205 }