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1   /*
2    *  Class BivariateDistribution
3    */
4   package org.lcsim.math.probability;
6   /**
7    * Calculate the probability integral for a set of bins in the x-y plane
8    * of a bivariate normal distribution (i.e., a 2D Gaussian probability).
9    *<p>
10   * The evaluation of the probability integrals is described in:
11   *<p>
12   * Alan Genz, "Numerical Computation of Rectangular Bivariate and Trivariate
13   * Normal and t Probabilities" in Statistics and Computing 14, 151 (2004).
14   *<p>
15   * The integration code is adapted from the FORTRAN source at:
16   *<p>
17   *
18   *<p>
19   * @author Richard Partridge
20   */
21  public class BivariateDistribution {
23      private int _nx;
24      private int _ny;
25      private double _xmin;
26      private double _ymin;
27      private double _dx;
28      private double _dy;
29      private double[] _h;
30      private double[] _k;
32      //  Weights and coordinates for 6 point Gauss-Legendre integration
33      private double[] _w6 = {0.1713244923791705, 0.3607615730481384, 0.4679139345726904};
34      private double[] _x6 = {0.9324695142031522, 0.6612093864662647, 0.2386191860831970};
36      //  Weights and coordinates for 12 point Gauss-Legendre integration
37      private double[] _w12 = {.04717533638651177, 0.1069393259953183, 0.1600783285433464,
38          0.2031674267230659, 0.2334925365383547, 0.2491470458134029};
39      private double[] _x12 = {0.9815606342467191, 0.9041172563704750, 0.7699026741943050,
40          0.5873179542866171, 0.3678314989981802, 0.1252334085114692};
42      //  Weights and coordinates for 20 point Gauss-Legendre integration
43      private double[] _w20 = {.01761400713915212, .04060142980038694, .06267204833410906,
44          .08327674157670475, 0.1019301198172404, 0.1181945319615184,
45          0.1316886384491766, 0.1420961093183821, 0.1491729864726037,
46          0.1527533871307259};
47      private double[] _x20 = {0.9931285991850949, 0.9639719272779138, 0.9122344282513259,
48          0.8391169718222188, 0.7463319064601508, 0.6360536807265150,
49          0.5108670019508271, 0.3737060887154196, 0.2277858511416451,
50          0.07652652113349733};
52      /**
53       * Set the locations of the x-coordinate bins
54       *
55       * @param nx number of x coordinate bins
56       * @param xmin minimum x coordinate
57       * @param dx width of x coordinate bins
58       */
59      public void xBins(int nx, double xmin, double dx) {
60          _nx = nx;
61          _xmin = xmin;
62          _dx = dx;
63          _h = new double[_nx + 1];
64      }
66      /**
67       * Set the locations of the y-coordinate bins
68       *
69       * @param ny number of y coordinate bins
70       * @param ymin minimum y coordinate
71       * @param dy width of y coordinate bins
72       */
73      public void yBins(int ny, double ymin, double dy) {
74          _ny = ny;
75          _ymin = ymin;
76          _dy = dy;
77          _k = new double[_ny + 1];
78      }
80      /**
81       * Integrate the Gaussian probability distribution over each x-y bins,
82       * which must be defined before calling this method.
83       * <p>
84       * The output is a double array that gives the binned probability
85       * distribution.  The first array index is used to indicate the bin in x
86       * and the second array index is used to indicate the bin in y.
87       * <p>
88       * @param x0 mean x coordinate of Gaussian distribution
89       * @param y0 mean y coordinate of Gaussian distribution
90       * @param sigx x coordinate standard deviation
91       * @param sigy y coordinate standard deviation
92       * @param rho x-y correlation coefficient
93       * @return probability distribution
94       */
95      public double[][] Calculate(double x0, double y0, double sigx, double sigy,
96              double rho) {
98          //  Calculate the scaled x coordinate for each bin edge
99          for (int i = 0; i < _nx + 1; i++) {
100             _h[i] = (_xmin + i * _dx - x0) / sigx;
101         }
103         //  Calculate the scaled y coordinate for each bin edge
104         for (int j = 0; j < _ny + 1; j++) {
105             _k[j] = (_ymin + j * _dy - y0) / sigy;
106         }
108         //  Create the array that will hold the binned probabilities
109         double[][] bi = new double[_nx][_ny];
111         //  Loop over the bin vertices
112         for (int i = 0; i < _nx + 1; i++) {
113             for (int j = 0; j < _ny + 1; j++) {
115                 //  Calculate the probability for x>h and y>k for this vertex
116                 double prob = GenzCalc(_h[i], _k[j], rho);
118                 //  Add or subtract this probability from the affected bins.
119                 //  The bin probability for bin (0,0) is the sum of the Genz
120                 //  probabilities for the (0,0) and (1,1) vertices MINUS the
121                 //  sum of the probabilities for the (0,1) and (1,0) vertices
122                 if (i > 0 && j > 0) {
123                     bi[i - 1][j - 1] += prob;
124                 }
125                 if (i > 0 && j < _ny) {
126                     bi[i - 1][j] -= prob;
127                 }
128                 if (i < _nx && j > 0) {
129                     bi[i][j - 1] -= prob;
130                 }
131                 if (i < _nx && j < _ny) {
132                     bi[i][j] += prob;
133                 }
134             }
135         }
137         return bi;
138     }
140     private double GenzCalc(double dh, double dk, double rho) {
142         double twopi = 2. * Math.PI;
144         //  Declare the Gauss-Legendre constants
145         int ng;
146         double[] w;
147         double[] x;
149         if (Math.abs(rho) < 0.3) {
150             //  for rho < 0.3 use 6 point Gauss-Legendre integration
151             ng = 3;
152             w = _w6;
153             x = _x6;
154         } else if (Math.abs(rho) < 0.75) {
155             //  for 0.3 < rho < 0.75 use 12 point Gauss-Legendre integration
156             ng = 6;
157             w = _w12;
158             x = _x12;
159         } else {
160             //  for rho > 0.75 use 20 point Gauss-Legendre integration
161             ng = 10;
162             w = _w20;
163             x = _x20;
164         }
166         //  Initialize the probability and some local variables
167         double bvn = 0.;
168         double h = dh;
169         double k = dk;
170         double hk = h * k;
172         //  For rho < 0.925, integrate equation 3 in the Genz paper
173         if (Math.abs(rho) < 0.925) {
175             //  More or less direct port of Genz code follows
176             //  It is fairly easy to match this calculation against equation 3 of
177             //  Genz's paper if you take into account that you need to change
178             //  variables so the integration argument spans the range -1 to 1
179             double hs = (h * h + k * k) / 2.;
180             double asr = Math.asin(rho);
181             double sn;
182             for (int i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
183                 sn = Math.sin(asr * (1 - x[i]) / 2.);
184                 bvn += w[i] * Math.exp((sn * hk - hs) / (1 - sn * sn));
185                 sn = Math.sin(asr * (1 + x[i]) / 2.);
186                 bvn += w[i] * Math.exp((sn * hk - hs) / (1 - sn * sn));
187             }
188             //  The factor of asr/2 comes from changing variables so the
189             //  integration is over the range -1 to 1 instead of 0 - asin(rho)
190             bvn = bvn * asr / (2. * twopi) + Erf.phi(-h) * Erf.phi(-k);
192         } else {
193             //  rho > 0.925 - integrate equation 6 in Genz paper with the
194             //  extra term in the Taylor expansion given in equation 7.
195             //  The rest of this code is pretty dense and is a pretty direct
196             //  port of Genz's code.
198             if (rho < 0.) {
199                 k = -k;
200                 hk = -hk;
201             }
203             if (Math.abs(rho) < 1.) {
205                 double as = (1 - rho) * (1 + rho);
206                 double a = Math.sqrt(as);
207                 double bs = (h - k) * (h - k);
208                 double c = (4. - hk) / 8.;
209                 double d = (12. - hk) / 16.;
210                 double asr = -(bs / as + hk) / 2.;
212                 if (asr > -100.) {
213                     bvn = a * Math.exp(asr) *
214                             (1. - c * (bs - as) * (1. - d * bs / 5.) / 3. +
215                             c * d * as * as / 5.);
216                 }
218                 if (-hk < 100.) {
219                     double b = Math.sqrt(bs);
220                     bvn -= Math.exp(-hk / 2.) * Math.sqrt(twopi) * Erf.phi(-b / a) *
221                             b * (1 - c * bs * (1 - d * bs / 5.) / 3.);
222                 }
224                 a = a / 2.;
225                 for (int i = 0; i < ng; i++) {
226                     for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
227                         int is = -1;
228                         if (j > 0) {
229                             is = 1;
230                         }
231                         double xs = Math.pow(a * (is * x[i] + 1), 2);
232                         double rs = Math.sqrt(1 - xs);
233                         asr = -(bs / xs + hk) / 2;
235                         if (asr > -100) {
236                             double sp = (1 + c * xs * (1 + d * xs));
237                             double ep = Math.exp(-hk * (1 - rs) / (2 * (1 + rs))) / rs;
238                             bvn += a * w[i] * Math.exp(asr) * (ep - sp);
239                         }
240                     }
241                 }
243                 bvn = -bvn / twopi;
244             }
246             if (rho > 0) {
247                 bvn = bvn + Erf.phi(-Math.max(h, k));
248             } else {
249                 bvn = -bvn;
250                 if (k > h) {
251                     bvn += Erf.phi(k) - Erf.phi(h);
252                 }
253             }
254         }
256         return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, bvn));
257     }
258 }