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1   package org.lcsim.math.distribution;
3   import java.util.Random;
5   /**
6    * Generate random numbers according to an empirical distribution provided by 
7    * the user as an array of positive real numbers.
8    * Based on RandomGeneral from CLHEP.
9    *
10   * @author Norman A. Graf
11   *
12   * @version $Id: 
13   */
14  public class EmpiricalDistribution
15  {
16      private Random _rand;
17      protected double[] _cdf; // cumulative distribution function
18      protected int _interpolationType;
20      /**
21       * Create an EmpiricalDistribution from an input array of positive values.
22       * The array value i should be thought of as the central value of bin i in
23       * an equally binned distribution. The values will be normalized internally.
24       * This constructor will return doubles from the usual interval between 
25       * 0 and 1.
26       * @param pdf an array of positive values representing the empirical
27       *            distribution from which random numbers should be drawn.
28       */
29      public EmpiricalDistribution(double[] pdf)
30      {
31          _rand = new Random();
32          setState(pdf);
33      }
35      //TODO implement method which allows random number range to be
36      //set by user beforehand
37  //    public EmpiricalDistribution(double[] pdf, double lowEdge, double interval)
38  //    {
39  //        _rand = new Random();
40  //        setState(pdf);
41  //    }
43      /**
44       * Allows the random number generator seed to be set
45       * @param seed
46       */
47      public void setSeed(long seed)
48      {
49          _rand.setSeed(seed);
50      }
52      /**
53       * Returns a random number from the distribution.
54       * @return the next double value drawn from this distribution
55       */
56      public double nextDouble()
57      {
58          double rand = _rand.nextDouble();
59          if (this._cdf == null)
60          {
61              return rand; // Non-existing pdf
62          }
64          int nBins = _cdf.length - 1;
65          int nbelow = 0;     // largest k such that I[k] is known to be <= rand
66          int nabove = nBins; // largest k such that I[k] is known to be >  rand
68          while (nabove > nbelow + 1)
69          {
70              int middle = (nabove + nbelow + 1) >> 1; // div 2
71              if (rand >= _cdf[middle])
72              {
73                  nbelow = middle;
74              } else
75              {
76                  nabove = middle;
77              }
78          }
79          // nabove is always nbelow+1 and they straddle rand:
80          double binMeasure = _cdf[nabove] - _cdf[nbelow];
81          if (binMeasure == 0.0)
82          {
83              // rand lies right in a bin of measure 0. 
84              // Return the center of the range of that bin.  
85              // (Any value between k/N and (k+1)/N is equally good, 
86              // in this rare case.)
87              return (nbelow + 0.5) / nBins;
88          }
89          double binFraction = (rand - _cdf[nbelow]) / binMeasure;
90          return (nbelow + binFraction) / nBins;
91      }
93      /**
94       * Returns the probability distribution function.
95       */
96      public double pdf(int k)
97      {
98          if (k < 0 || k >= _cdf.length - 1)
99          {
100             return 0.0;
101         }
102         return _cdf[k] - _cdf[k - 1];
103     }
105     /**
106      * Creates and normalizes the cumulative probability distribution
107      */
108     public void setState(double[] pdf)
109     {
110         if (pdf == null || pdf.length == 0)
111         {
112             this._cdf = null;
113             //throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-existing pdf");
114             return;
115         }
116         // compute cumulative distribution function (cdf) from probability 
117         // distribution function (pdf)
118         int nBins = pdf.length;
119         this._cdf = new double[nBins + 1];
121         _cdf[0] = 0;
122         for (int ptn = 0; ptn < nBins; ++ptn)
123         {
124             double prob = pdf[ptn];
125             if (prob < 0.0)
126             {
127                 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative probability");
128             }
129             _cdf[ptn + 1] = _cdf[ptn] + prob;
130         }
131         if (_cdf[nBins] <= 0.0)
132         {
133             throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one probability must be > 0.0");
134         }
135         //normalize to 1.
136         for (int ptn = 0; ptn < nBins + 1; ++ptn)
137         {
138             _cdf[ptn] /= _cdf[nBins];
139         }
141     }
143     /**
144      * Returns a String representation of the receiver.
145      */
146     public String toString()
147     {
148         return this.getClass().getName();
149     }
150 }