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1   /*
2    *
3    *
4    * Created on July 7th, 2008, 11:09 AM
5    *
6    * 
7    */
8   package;
10  import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
11  import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector;
12  import org.lcsim.constants.Constants;
13  import org.lcsim.event.MCParticle;
14  import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
16  /**
17   * Class used for calculating MC particle track paramters
18   * @author Pelham Keahey
19   * 
20   */
21  public class HelixParamCalculator  {
23      private double R, p, pt, theta, arclength;
24      //Some varibles are usesd in other calculations, thus they are global
25      /*
26      xc, yc --coordinates
27      mcdca -- MC distance of closest approach 
28      mcphi0 --azimuthal angle
29      tanL -- Slope SZ plane ds/dz
30      x0,y0 are the position of the particle at the dca
31      */
32      private double mcdca,mcphi0,tanL,z0;
33      private double x0,y0;
34      /**
35       * Constructor that is fed a magnetic field and MCPARTICLE
36       * @param mcpc
37       * @param cBField
38       */
39      public HelixParamCalculator(MCParticle mcp, double BField)
40      {
42          //Calculate theta, the of the helix projected into an SZ plane, from the z axis
43          double px = mcp.getPX();
44          double py = mcp.getPY();
45          double pz = mcp.getPZ();
46          pt = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py);
47          p = Math.sqrt(pt*pt + pz*pz);
48          double cth = pz / p;
49          theta = Math.acos(cth);
51          //Calculate Radius of the Helix
52          R = mcp.getCharge() * pt / (Constants.fieldConversion * BField);
54          //Slope in the Dz/Ds sense, tanL Calculation
55          tanL = pz / pt;
57          //  Azimuthal direction at origin
58          double mcphi = Math.atan2(py, px);
60          //Distance of closest approach Calculation
61          double xc   = mcp.getOriginX() + R * Math.sin(mcphi);
62          double yc   = mcp.getOriginY() - R * Math.cos(mcphi);
64          double Rc = Math.sqrt(xc*xc + yc*yc);
66              if(mcp.getCharge()>0)
67              {
68              mcdca = R - Rc;
69              }
70              else
71              {
72              mcdca = R + Rc;
73              }
76          //azimuthal calculation of the momentum at the DCA, phi0, Calculation
77          mcphi0 = Math.atan2(xc/(R-mcdca), -yc/(R-mcdca));
78              if(mcphi0<0)
79              {
80                  mcphi0 += 2*Math.PI;
81              }
82          //z0 Calculation, z position of the particle at dca
83          x0 = -mcdca*Math.sin(mcphi0);
84          y0 = mcdca*Math.cos(mcphi0);
85          arclength  = (((mcp.getOriginX()-x0)*Math.cos(mcphi0))+((mcp.getOriginY()-y0)*Math.sin(mcphi0)));
86          z0 = mcp.getOriginZ() - arclength * tanL;
88      }
91      /*
92      *  added 9/3/2012 by mgraham
93      *   calculate the helix parameters given 3-momentum and a point (+ charge and field)  
94     */            
95      public HelixParamCalculator(Hep3Vector momentum, Hep3Vector origin, int charge,double BField)
96      {
98          //Calculate theta, the of the helix projected into an SZ plane, from the z axis
99          double px = momentum.x();
100         double py = momentum.y();
101         double pz = momentum.z();
102         pt = Math.sqrt(px*px + py*py);
103         p = Math.sqrt(pt*pt + pz*pz);
104         double cth = pz / p;
105         theta = Math.acos(cth);
106 //        System.out.println("pt = "+pt+"; costh = "+cth);
108         //Calculate Radius of the Helix
109         R = charge* pt / (Constants.fieldConversion * BField);
112         //Slope in the Dz/Ds sense, tanL Calculation
113         tanL = pz / pt;
115         //  Azimuthal direction at origin
116         double mcphi = Math.atan2(py, px);
118         //Distance of closest approach Calculation
119         double xc   = origin.x() + R * Math.sin(mcphi);
120         double yc   = origin.y() - R * Math.cos(mcphi);
121 //        System.out.println("xc = "+xc+"; yc = "+yc);
122         double Rc = Math.sqrt(xc*xc + yc*yc);
124             if(charge>0)
125             {
126             mcdca = R - Rc;
127             }
128             else
129             {
130             mcdca = R + Rc;
131             }
134         //azimuthal calculation of the momentum at the DCA, phi0, Calculation
135         mcphi0 = Math.atan2(xc/(R-mcdca), -yc/(R-mcdca));
136             if(mcphi0<0)
137             {
138                 mcphi0 += 2*Math.PI;
139             }
140         //z0 Calculation, z position of the particle at dca
141         x0 = -mcdca*Math.sin(mcphi0);
142         y0 = mcdca*Math.cos(mcphi0);
143         arclength  = (((origin.x()-x0)*Math.cos(mcphi0))+((origin.y()-y0)*Math.sin(mcphi0)));
144         z0 =origin.z() - arclength * tanL;
146     }
147     /**
148      * Calculates the B-Field from event
149      * @param mcpc
150      * @param eventc
151      */
152     public HelixParamCalculator(MCParticle mcpc,EventHeader eventc)
153     {
154         this(mcpc,eventc.getDetector().getFieldMap().getField(new BasicHep3Vector(0.,0.,0.)).z());
155     }
156     /**
157      * Return the radius of the Helix track
158      * @return double R
159      */
160     public double getRadius()
161     {
162         return R;
163     }
164     /**
165      * Return the theta angle for the projection of the helix in the SZ plane 
166      * from the  z axis
167      * @return double theta
168      */
169     public double getTheta()
170     {
171         return theta;
172     }
173     /**
174      * Return the particle's momentum
175      * @return double mcp momentum
176      */
177     public double getMCMomentum()
178     {
179         return p;
180     }
181     /**
182      * Return the curvature (omega)
183      * @return double omega
184      */
185     public double getMCOmega()
186     {     
187         return 1. / R;
188     }
189     /**
190      * Return the transvers momentum of the MC particle, Pt
191      * @return double Pt
192      */
193     public double getMCTransverseMomentum()
194     {
195         return pt;
196     }
197     /**
198      * Return the slope of the helix in the SZ plane, tan(lambda)
199      * @return double tanL
200      */
201     public double getSlopeSZPlane()
202     {
203         return tanL;
204     }
205     /**
206      * Return the distance of closest approach
207      * @return double mcdca
208      */
209     public double getDCA()
210     {
211       return mcdca;
212     }
213     /**
214      * Return the azimuthal angle of the momentum when at the position of closest approach
215      * @return double mcphi0
216      */
217     public double getPhi0()
218     {
219       return mcphi0;
220     }
221     /**
222      * Return the z position at the distance of closest approach
223      * @return double z0 position
224      */
225     public double getZ0()
226     {
227         return z0;
228     }
229     /**
230      * Return the arclength of the helix from the ORIGIN TO THE DCA
231      * @return double arclength
232      */
233     public double getArcLength()
234     {
235         return arclength;
236     }
237     /**
238      * Return the x position of the particle when at the dca
239      * @return double arclength
240      */
241     public double getX0()
242     {
243         return x0;
244     }
245     /**
246      * Return the y position of the particle at the dca
247      * @return double arclength
248      */
249     public double getY0()
250     {
251         return y0;
252     }
254 }