Interface | Description |
IPolyhedron | |
ISolid | |
ISolidStore | |
Transformable |
Class | Description |
AbstractPolyhedron |
This solid represents a bounded convex 3D polyhedron.
AbstractSolid | |
Box |
An @see ISolid representing a box.
GeomOp2D | |
GeomOp3D | |
IsoscelesTrapezoid |
This class represents an isosceles trapezoid
The trapezoid has a flat base at the bottom.
Line3D | |
LineSegment3D | |
Plane3D | |
Point3D | |
Polycone |
A port of Polycone that only maintains data members.
Polycone.ZPlane | |
Polygon3D | |
RegularPolygon |
This represents a polygon in 2D space.
RightIsoscelesTrapezoid |
This class encapsulates the behavior of a polyhedron
whose primary axis is aligned with the z axis and
whose parallel ends are made of isosceles trapezoids.
RightRegularPolyhedron |
This class encapsulates the behavior of a right
regular polyhedron whose principal axis is aligned
with the z axis and whose parallel ends are made of
regular polygons.
SolidStore | |
Tolerance |
This class provides the default tolerance level
when doing checks for inside or outside.
Trap |
Port of Geant4's
Trd |
A Trapezoid solid that is based on Geant4's
G4Trd class.
Tube |
Enum | Description |
Inside |
This is an enum indicating whether a point
is inside, outside, or on the surface of a solid.
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