public class DetectorIdentifierHelper extends IdentifierHelper
An IIdentifierHelper
for decoding IIdentifier
from the top-level of the detector description.
This class uses the following fields from the ID description.
- The system number that uniquely identifies a subdetector.barrel
- A flag that indicates whether a subdetector is a barrel (0), endcap positive (1), or endcap negative (2).layer
- The layer number of a subcomponent (optional).
The system numbers can be set from a DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap
which is a map of strings
to integer values for system. These could be read from a compact description.
The basic method signatures are as follows.
int getASubdetectorValue()
- Get the system value of SomeSubdetector.
isASubdetector(IIdentifier i)
- Check if the id is of some subdetector type or it it has matching barrel flag.
IIdentifier getASubdetectorId()
- Get the id for SomeSubdetector.
int getAFieldValue(IIdentifier i)
- Get a field value from an id.
boolean AFieldEquals(IIdentifier i, int x)
- Check if field from identifier equals the argument value.
Every DetectorIdentifierHelper is associated with a single subdetector, such as the Hcal Barrel.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap |
Constructor and Description |
DetectorIdentifierHelper(IDetectorElement subdetectorDetectorElement,
IIdentifierDictionary dict,
DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap systemMap) |
createExpandedIdentifier, getFieldIndex, getIdentifierDictionary, getValue, getValue, hasField, pack, unpack
public static final int invalidIndex
int systemIndex
int barrelIndex
int layerIndex
private static final int barrelValue
private static final int endcapPositiveValue
private static final int endcapNegativeValue
private int invalidSystemValue
private int unknownValue
private int vtxBarrelValue
private int vtxEndcapValue
private int sitBarrelValue
private int sitEndcapValue
private int sitForwardValue
private int tpcValue
private int ecalBarrelValue
private int ecalEndcapValue
private int hcalBarrelValue
private int hcalEndcapValue
private int muonBarrelValue
private int muonEndcapValue
private int ecalForwardValue
private int lumiValue
IIdentifier barrelId
IIdentifier endcapPositiveId
IIdentifier endcapNegativeId
IIdentifier vtxBarrelId
IIdentifier vtxEndcapId
IIdentifier vtxEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier vtxEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier sitBarrelId
IIdentifier sitEndcapId
IIdentifier sitEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier sitEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier sitForwardId
IIdentifier sitForwardEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier sitForwardEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier tpcId
IIdentifier ecalBarrelId
IIdentifier ecalEndcapId
IIdentifier ecalEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier ecalEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier hcalBarrelId
IIdentifier hcalEndcapId
IIdentifier hcalEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier hcalEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier muonBarrelId
IIdentifier muonEndcapId
IIdentifier muonEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier muonEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier ecalForwardId
IIdentifier ecalForwardEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier ecalForwardEndcapNegativeId
IIdentifier lumiId
IIdentifier lumiEndcapPositiveId
IIdentifier lumiEndcapNegativeId
private IDetectorElement subdetectorDetectorElement
private int subdetectorSystemNumber
SubdetectorType subdetectorType
private DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap defaultSystemMap
public DetectorIdentifierHelper(IDetectorElement subdetectorDetectorElement, IIdentifierDictionary dict, DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap systemMap)
private DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap makeDefaultSystemMap()
private void setSystemValues(DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap s)
private void setup(IIdentifierDictionary dict, DetectorIdentifierHelper.SystemMap systemMap)
private IIdentifier makeSubsysId(int system)
private IIdentifier makeSubsysId(int system, int barrel)
private IIdentifier makeBarrelId(int barrel)
private boolean compareSystem(IIdentifier id, int system)
public int getBarrelValue()
public int getEndcapPositiveValue()
public int getEndcapNegativeValue()
public int getUnknownValue()
public int getVtxBarrelValue()
public int getVtxEndcapValue()
public int getSitForwardValue()
public int getSitBarrelValue()
public int getSitEndcapValue()
public int getEcalBarrelValue()
public int getEcalEndcapValue()
public IIdentifier getBarrelId()
public IIdentifier getEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getVtxBarrelId()
public IIdentifier getVtxEndcapId()
public IIdentifier getVtxEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getVtxEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getSitEndcapId()
public IIdentifier getSitBarrelId()
public IIdentifier getSitEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getSitEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getSitForwardId()
public IIdentifier getSitForwardEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getSitForwardEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getTpcId()
public IIdentifier getEcalEndcapId()
public IIdentifier getEcalBarrelId()
public IIdentifier getEcalEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getEcalEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getHcalBarrelId()
public IIdentifier getHcalEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getHcalEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getMuonBarrelId()
public IIdentifier getMuonEndcapId()
public IIdentifier getMuonEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getMuonEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getEcalForwardId()
public IIdentifier getEcalForwardEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getEcalForwardEndcapNegativeId()
public IIdentifier getLumiId()
public IIdentifier getLumiEndcapPositiveId()
public IIdentifier getLumiEndcapNegativeId()
public boolean isBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isTracker(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isTrackerBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isTrackerEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isTrackerEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isTrackerEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isCalorimeter(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isCalorimeterBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isCalorimeterEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isCalorimeterEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isCalorimeterEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isVtx(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isVtxBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isVtxEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isVtxEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isVtxEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSit(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitForward(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitForwardEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isSitForwardEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isTpc(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcal(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isHcal(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isHcalBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isHcalEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isHcalEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isHcalEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isMuon(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isMuonBarrel(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isMuonEndcap(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isMuonEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isMuonEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalForward(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalForwardEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isEcalForwardEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isLumi(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isLumiEndcapPositive(IIdentifier i)
public boolean isLumiEndcapNegative(IIdentifier i)
public int getSystemValue(IIdentifier i)
public int getBarrelValue(IIdentifier i)
public int getLayerValue(IIdentifier i)
public boolean layerEquals(IIdentifier i, int layer)
public boolean systemEquals(IIdentifier i, int system)
public boolean barrelEquals(IIdentifier i, int barrel)
public int getSystemIndex()
public int getLayerIndex()
public int getBarrelIndex()
public int getInvalidIndex()
public String getSubdetectorName()
public int getSubdetectorSystemNumber()
public IDetectorElement getSubdetectorDetectorElement()
public SubdetectorType getSubdetectorType()
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