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1   package org.lcsim.spacegeom;
2   /** A differential path element vector ds in Cartesian,
3    * cylindrical or spherical coordinates.  It is constructed using a
4    * subclass and then elements can be fetched for any of these coordinate
5    * systems.  The stored vector can also include scalar quantities.
6    * Typical applications include velocity ds/dt and direction ds/d|s|.
7    *<p>
8    * Transformations (translations, rotations, etc) are not provided.
9    * It is expected these will be carried out by external functions which
10   * return new SpacePath objects.
11   *
12   *<p>
13   * Three orthogonal coordinate systems are:
14   *<ul>
15   *<li>   Cartesian: (x, y, z)
16   *<li>   Cylindrical: (rxy, phi, z)
17   *<li>   Spherical: (rxyz, theta, phi) .
18   *</ul>
19   * These coordinates may be obtained via the space point interface.
20   *
21   *<p>
22   * The corresponding path element vectors are:
23   *<ul>
24   *<li>   Cartesian: (dx, dy, dz)
25   *<li>   Cylindrical: (drxy, rxy*dphi, dz)
26   *<li>   Spherical: (drxyz, rxyz*dtheta, rxy*dphi) .
27   *</ul>
28   * These elements may be accessed via the usual space vector interface
29   * (v_x(), v_y(), ...) or via the methods defined here.
30   *<p>
31   *@author Norman A. Graf
32   *@version $Id:,v 2010/12/01 00:15:57 jeremy Exp $
33   *@deprecated this class does not offer additional functionality to SpacePointVector
34   *
35   */
36  @Deprecated public class SpacePath extends SpacePointVector
37  {
39      // methods
41      /** Default constructor.
42       *
43       */
44      public SpacePath( )
45      {
46          super();
47      }
49      /** Constructor from a space vector.
50       * @param svec the SpacePointVector from which to contruct
51       */
52      public SpacePath( SpacePointVector svec )
53      {
54          super(svec);
55      }
58      /** Cartesian dx.
59       * @return delta x
60       */
61      public double dx( )
62      {
63          return v_x();
64      }
66      /** Cartesian dy.
67       * @return delta y
68       */
69      public double dy( )
70      {
71          return v_y();
72      }
74      /** Cartesian or cylindrical dz.
75       * @return Cartesian or cylindrical dz.
76       */
77      public double dz( )
78      {
79          return v_z();
80      }
82      /** Cylindrical drxy.
83       * Can be well defined at rxy=0.
84       * @return Cylindrical dradius
85       */
86      public double drxy( )
87      {
88          return v_rxy();
89      }
91      /** Cylindrical or spherical rxy*dphi.
92       * Can be well defined at rxy=0.
93       * @return radius*dphi (2d radius)
94       */
95      public double rxy_dphi( )
96      {
97          return v_phi();
98      }
100     /** Cylindrical or spherical dphi.
101      * Not well defined at rxy=0.
102      * @return dphi (not well defined at r=0)
103      */
104     public double dphi( )
105     {
106         return v_phi()/v_rxy();
107     }
109     /** Spherical rxyz.
110      * Can be well defined at rxyz=0.
111      * @return spherical radius
112      */
113     public double drxyz( )
114     { return v_rxyz(); }
116     /** Spherical rxyz*dtheta.
117      * Can be well defined at rxyz=0.
118      * @return spherical radius*dtheta
119      */
120     public double rxyz_dtheta( )
121     {
122         return v_theta();
123     }
125     /** Spherical dtheta.
126      * Not well defined at rxyz=0;
127      * @return Spherical dtheta.
128      */
129     public double dtheta( )
130     {
131         return v_theta()/v_rxyz();
132     }
135     /** Output stream
136      *
137      *
138      * @return String representation of the object
139      */
140     public String toString()
141     {
142         return super.toString()
143         + "SpacePath: " + "\n"
144                 + "       dx: " + dx() + "\n"
145                 + "       dy: " + dy() + "\n"
146                 + "       dz: " + dz() + "\n"
147                 + "     drxy: " + drxy() + "\n"
148                 + "    drxyz: " + drxyz() + "\n"
149                 + "  rt*dphi: " + rxy_dphi() + "\n"
150                 + " r*dtheta: " + rxyz_dtheta() + "\n"
151                 + "Magnitude: " + magnitude() + "\n";
152     }
154 }