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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfeloss;
2   /**
3    *Class for evaluating the energy loss
4    * according to the Bethe-Bloch equation.
5    *
6    *@author Norman A. Graf
7    *@version 1.0
8    *
9    */
11  public class DeDxBethe extends DeDx
12  {
15      private double _density;
16      private double _particleMass;
18      // use notations from Sternheimer ...
19      private double _a;
20      private double _ionizationPot;
21      private double _cA;
22      private double  _X0;
23      private double _X1;
24      private double _m;
25      private double _C;
27      /**
28       *Construct an instance given a material density.
29       *
30       * @param   density The density of the material.
31       */
32      public DeDxBethe(double density)
33      {
34          _density = density;
35          // assume that the ionizing particle is a pion and
36          // all parameters of the absorber (except density)
37          // are the average of Si, Be, Al and polyvinyl Cl.
38          _particleMass = 0.13957;
39          _a = 0.074315;
40          _ionizationPot = 127.726;
41          _cA = 0.3123;
42          _X0 = 0.0966;
43          _X1 = 2.45;
44          _C = -3.878;
45          _m = 2.878;
46      }
48      /**
49       *Return energy loss (dE/dx) for a given energy.
50       *
51       * @param   energy The energy of the particle.
52       * @return The average energy lost by a particle of this energy.
53       */
54      public double dEdX(double energy)
55      {
56          double de_dx;
57          de_dx = _a*_density;
58          // need a protection ...
59          double gamma = energy/_particleMass;
60          double beta = Math.sqrt(gamma*gamma-1)/gamma;
61          double weakDep = Math.log(1.044e12*Math.pow(beta,4)*Math.pow(gamma,4)
62          /Math.pow(_ionizationPot,2));
63          weakDep -= 2*beta*beta;
65          // include density effect correction
66          double X = Math.log(beta*gamma)/2.3026; // recall log10(x) = log(x)/log(10)
67          double delta;
68          if(X<_X1 && X>_X0)
69          {delta = 4.6052*X + _cA*Math.pow((_X1-X),_m) + _C;}
70          else if(X>_X1)
71          {delta = 4.6052*X + _C;}
72          else
73          {delta = 0;}
74          weakDep -= delta;
76          de_dx *= weakDep; // MeV/cm
77          de_dx /= beta*beta;
79          de_dx /= 1000.0; // GeV/cm
80          return de_dx;
81      }
83      /**
84       *Return the uncertainty in the energy lost sigma(E).
85       *
86       * @param   energy The energy of the particle.
87       * @param   x The amount of material.
88       * @return The uncertainty in the energy lost sigma(E).
89       */
90      public double sigmaEnergy(double energy, double x)
91      {
92          double factor = 1.022;
93          double sigma_e = factor*_density*_a*x;
95          // add relativistic correction
96          double gamma = energy/_particleMass;
97          double beta = Math.sqrt(gamma*gamma - 1)/gamma;
98          sigma_e *= (1-0.5*beta*beta)/(1-beta*beta); // MeV^2
99          sigma_e = Math.sqrt(sigma_e)/1000; // GeV
100         return sigma_e;
101     }
103     /**
104      *Return new energy for a given path distance.
105      * Energy increases if x < 0.
106      *
107      * @param   energy The energy of the particle.
108      * @param   x The amount of material.
109      * @return New energy for a given path distance.
110      */
111     public double loseEnergy(double energy, double x)
112     {
113         double deltaE = dEdX(energy)*x;
114         return energy-deltaE;
115     }
118     /**
119      *output stream
120      *
121      * @return A String representation of this instance.
122      */
123     public String toString()
124     {
125         return "DeDxBethe";
126     }
128 }