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1   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfbase;
2   import java.util.*;
3   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.trfutil.Assert;
4   /** Abstract interface for clusters.
5    *
6    * The abstract base class Cluster represents a detector observation
7    * that is independent of other such observations.  I.e., the track
8    * crossing contributing to a particular cluster does not contribute
9    * to any others.  Due to finite detector resolution, more than one track
10   * crossing may contribute to a single cluster.
11   *<p>
12   * The abstract base class Hit represents a measurement derived from
13   * a cluster which is assigned to a single track.  If the hit only makes
14   * use of a portion of the cluster, then it is assumed that the remainder
15   * of the cluster is independent of the track crossing which produced the
16   * portion of interest.
17   *<p>
18   * The only requirement on a cluster is that it is able to generate a list
19   * hits from a track. The track must first be propagated to the cluster
20   * surface.  The returned list contains reference-counting pointers so
21   * that each hit is deleted when its list element
22   * is deleted.
23   *<p>
24   *@author Norman A. Graf
25   *@version 1.0
26   */
27  public abstract class Cluster
28  {
30      /**
31       *Return the type name.
32       *
33       * @return  String name of this class.
34       * Included for consistency with C++ version
35       */
36      public static String typeName()
37      { return "Cluster"; }
38      //
40      /**
41       *Return the type.
42       *
43       * @return  String name of this class
44       * Included for consistency with C++ versio
45       */
46      public static String staticType()
47      { return typeName(); }
50      //
52      /**
53       *equality
54       * Return true if and only if the two clusters are identical.
55       *
56       * @param   clus Cluster to compare with
57       * @return  true if Clusters are equal
58       */
59      public abstract boolean equal(  Cluster clus )  ;
61      //
63      /**
64       *Generate and return the predictions for a track.
65       *
66       * @param   tre ETrack generating the prediction
67       * @return  Cluster for this ETrack
68       */
69      public abstract List predict( ETrack tre)  ;
71      //
73      /**
74       *constructor
75       *
76       */
77      public Cluster()
78      {
79      }
81      //
83      /**
84       *copy constructor
85       *
86       * @param   clus Cluster to replicate
87       */
88      public Cluster( Cluster clus)
89      {
90      }
92      //
94      /**
95       *Return the type.
96       *
97       * @return String representation of generic type
98       * Included for consistency with C++ versio
99       */
100     public String genericType()
101     { return staticType(); }
103     /**
104      *Return the type.
105      *
106      * @return String representation of the type
107      * Included for consistency with C++ version
108      */
109     public String type()
110     { return staticType(); }
112     //
114     /**
115      *Return the cluster surface.
116      *
117      * @return The Surface at which this Cluster is defined
118      */
119     public abstract  Surface surface()  ;
121     //
124     /**
125      *Return the ID's of MC tracks contributing to this cluster.
126      * The default implementation returns an empty list
127      *
128      * @return a list of Monte Carlo ID's  contributing to this Cluster
129      */
130     public List mcIds()
131     {
132         return new ArrayList();
133     }
136     /**
137      *Return the ID's of MC tracks contributing to this cluster.
138      * The default implementation returns an empty list
139      *
140      * @return n array of Monte Carlo ID's  contributing to this Cluster
141      */
142     public int[] mcIdArray()
143     {
144         return new int[0];
146     }
148     //
150     /**
151      *Generate and return the predictions for a track.
152      * This is a list of Hits.
153      * The specified parent is assigned to each prediction.
154      *
155      * @param   tre The ETrack for which to generate a prediction
156      * @param   clus The predicted Cluster
157      * @return  a list of Hits for this prediction
158      */
159     public List predict( ETrack tre,  Cluster clus)
160     {
161         // check clus points to this cluster
162         Assert.assertTrue( this == clus );
163         // use virtual method to fetch list
164         List hits = predict(tre);
165         // Iterate through the list and
166         // assign the parent cluster for each prediction
167         for (Iterator it = hits.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
168         {
169             ((Hit);
170         }
171         return hits;
172     }
174     //
176     /**
177      *equality
178      * false if the cluster predictions are of diffent type
179      * otherwise compare with public abstract function equal
180      *
181      * @param   clus Cluster to compare with
182      * @return true if Clusters are equal
183      */
184     public boolean equals(  Cluster clus )
185     {
186         if( !type().equals(clus.type()) ) return false;
187         return equal(clus);
188     }
190     //
192     /** inequality
193      *
194      * @param   clus Cluster to compare with
195      * @return true if Clusters are not equal
196      */
197     public boolean notEquals(  Cluster clus )
198     {
199         return ! equals(clus);
200     }
202 }