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1   /*
2    * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
3    * and open the template in the editor.
4    */
6   package org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.strategybuilder;
8   import;
9   import org.lcsim.recon.tracking.seedtracker.StrategyXMLUtils;
10  import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
11  import org.lcsim.util.loop.LCSimLoop;
13  /**
14   * Class used to run StrategyBuilder from outside of Jas3. 
15   * 
16   * With Maven 2, it is possible to use the command (from inside the base lcsim directory):
17   * 
18   * mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.lcsim.contrib.seedtracker.strategybuilder.RunStrategyBuilder" -Dexec.args="arg1 arg2 etc..."
19   * 
20   * A shell script to do this is provided in resources/org/lcsim/contrib/seedtracker/strategybuilder/, 
21   * note that the script should be run from the base lcsim directory. 
22   * 
23   * If anybody wants to write a windows shell script, that would be great. 
24   * 
25   * @author cozzy
26   */
27  public class RunStrategyBuilder {
28      public static void main(String[] args) {
29          String filename=""; 
30          String outFile = StrategyBuilder.defaultOutputFile; 
31          int numEvents=-1; 
32          String startingStrategies = ""; 
33          String prototypeFile = "";
34          int prototypeN = -1; 
35          boolean verbose = StrategyBuilder.defaultVerbose; 
36          boolean symmetrize = StrategyBuilder.defaultSymmetrize; 
37          String lwfn = ""; 
38          int mintrks = StrategyBuilder.defaultMinUnweightedScore;
39          String filterClassName = ""; 
40          String altDriver = ""; 
42          //parse arguments.. if error print usage
43          try{
44              int no_flag_counter = 0; 
45              for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++){
47                  String arg = args[i]; 
49                  if (arg.equals("-h")) {
50                      printUsage();
51                      System.exit(0);
52                  } else if (arg.equals("-o")) {
53                      outFile = args[++i]; 
54                  } else if (arg.equals("-e")) {
55                      numEvents = Integer.valueOf(args[++i]); 
56                  } else if (arg.equals("-s")) {
57                      startingStrategies = args[++i]; 
58                  } else if (arg.equals("-p")) {
59                      prototypeFile = args[++i];
60                      prototypeN = Integer.valueOf(args[++i]); 
61                  } else if (arg.equals("-v")) {
62                      verbose = !verbose; 
63                  } else if (arg.equals("-l")) {
64                      lwfn = args[++i]; 
65                  } else if (arg.equals("-m")) {
66                      mintrks = Integer.valueOf(args[++i]);
67                  } else if (arg.equals("-f")) {
68                      filterClassName = args[++i]; 
69                  } else if (arg.equals("-a")) {
70                      altDriver = args[++i]; 
71                  } else if (arg.equals("-y")) {
72                      symmetrize = !symmetrize; 
73                  } else if (arg.startsWith("-")){
74                      throw new Exception(); 
75                  } else {
76                      if (no_flag_counter > 0) throw new Exception(); 
77                      no_flag_counter++; 
78                      filename = arg; 
79                  }
80              }
81              if (no_flag_counter == 0) throw new Exception(); 
83          } catch (Exception e){
84              printUsage();
85              System.exit(1); 
86          }
87          IStrategyBuilder builder = new StrategyBuilder(); 
89          if (altDriver.length() > 0) {
90              try {
91                  builder = (IStrategyBuilder) Class.forName(altDriver).newInstance();
92              }  catch (ClassNotFoundException cfne) {
93                  System.out.println("Class "+altDriver+ " not found :'( Exiting."); 
94                  System.exit(3); 
95              } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
96                  System.out.println("Class "+altDriver+ " could not be instantiated. Does the constructor take arguments? Exiting.");
97                  System.exit(4); 
98              } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
99                  System.out.println("IllegalAccessException? WTF does that mean? Exiting."); 
100                 System.exit(5); 
101             } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
102                 System.out.println("Unable to cast "+altDriver+ " as a IStrategyBuilder. Exiting"); 
103                 System.exit(6); 
104             }
106             if (!(builder instanceof Driver)) {
107                 System.out.println("Alternative driver must extend Driver. Exiting"); 
108                 System.exit(14123); 
109             }
110         } 
112         builder.setVerbose(verbose);
113         builder.setMinimumUnweightedScore(mintrks);
114         builder.setOutput(outFile);
115         builder.setSymmetrize(symmetrize);
117         if (startingStrategies.length() > 0)
118             builder.setStartingStrategyList(startingStrategies);
120         if (prototypeFile.length() > 0)
121             builder.setStrategyPrototype(prototypeFile,prototypeN);
123         if (lwfn.length() > 0)
124             builder.setLayerWeight(lwfn);
127         // if a non-default MCParticle Filter is set, then try to load it and assign it. 
128         if (filterClassName.length() > 0){
129             builder.setParticleFilter(filterClassName);
130         }
132         // check data file existence
133         File file = new File(filename);
134         if (!file.exists()) {
135             System.out.println("Cannot find data file "+file.toString()+". Exiting. "); 
136             System.exit(7);
137         }
140         if(verbose){
141             System.out.println("Starting... Reading Geometry"); 
142         }
145         //load the driver and run it. 
146         try {
148             LCSimLoop loop = new LCSimLoop(); 
149             loop.setLCIORecordSource(file); 
150             loop.add( (Driver) builder ); 
151             loop.loop(numEvents, null); 
152             loop.dispose(); 
153         } catch (Exception e){
154             e.printStackTrace(); 
155             throw new RuntimeException("oopsie"); 
156         }    
157     }
160     private static void printUsage(){
162         System.out.println("Usage: RunStrategyBuilder INPUTRECORD [flags]");
163         System.out.println(" -h \t\t\t\tPrint this message");
164         System.out.println(" -v \t\t\t\tBe verbose");
165         System.out.println(" -y \t\t\t\tDon't auto-symmetrize north/south. \n\t\t\t\t You may want to do this is starting strategies\n\t\t\t\t aren't symmetric.");
166         System.out.println(" -o OUTPUTFILE \t\t\tset output XML file to OUTPUTFILE\n\t\t\t\t (default is in TEMP dir)");
167         System.out.println(" -e NUM_EVENTS \t\t\tRun only NUM_EVENTS events instead of all"); 
168         System.out.println(" -s STARTING_STRATEGY_FILE \tUse starting strategies in the specified file"); 
169         System.out.println(" -p PROTOTYPE_STRATEGY_FILE N\tUse the Nth strategy in the specified file\n\t\t\t\t as a prototype. N is 0-indexed.");       
170         System.out.println(" -l LAYER_WEIGHTS_FILE\t\tUse the weights in the specified file");       
171         System.out.println(" -m MIN_TRKS_FOR_STRATEGY \tMinimum number of tracks to \n\t\t\t\t that could theoretically be found" +
172                 "\n\t\t\t\tnecessary to make a strategy\n\t\t\t\t (default: 3)");    
173         System.out.println(" -f FILTER_CLASS\t\tSpecify an MCParticle filter by naming a " +
174                 "\n\t\t\t\t fully qualified (i.e. org.lcsim.etc) class. \n\t\t\t\t By default, " +
175                 "a filter based on the prototype \n\t\t\t\t strategy cutoffs is used.");
176         System.out.println(" -a ALTERNATIVE_DRIVER\t\tUse an alternative driver instead of \n\t\t\t\t the default StrategyBuilder. " +
177                 "Must implement\n\t\t\t\t IStrategyBuilder and extend Driver. UNTESTED.\n\t\t\t\t " +
178                 "Fully qualified class name must be used \n\t\t\t\t (i.e. org.lcsim.etc)"); 
179     }
181 }