View Javadoc

1   package;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.List;
6   import org.lcsim.event.CalorimeterHit;
7   import org.lcsim.event.Cluster;
8   import org.lcsim.event.EventHeader;
9   import org.lcsim.geometry.IDDecoder;
10  import;
11  import org.lcsim.util.Driver;
12  import org.lcsim.util.aida.AIDA;
14  /**
15   * creates a list of <code>MipStub</code> which is
16   * filled into the event. Name of event entry is in <code>emcalMipStubsListName</code>.
17   * The default is <code>EmcalMipStubs</code>.
18   *
19   * @see MipStub
20   * @see GarfieldTrackFinder
21   *
22   * @author  E. von Toerne
23   * @author  K. Yamanaka
24   * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2009/09/15 23:23:21 jeremy Exp $
25   */
26  final public class EmcalMipStubs extends Driver {
28    private AIDA aida = AIDA.defaultInstance();
29    private int debugLevel;
30    private int minEcalHits=2;
31    private int evtNo=0;
32    private boolean useSecondMipStub=false;
33    private boolean useThirdMipStub=false;
34    private double[] tempBase;
35    private double[] tempDir;
36    private double[] strtP;
37    private double[] mdlP;
38    private double[] endP;
39    private double lmax;
40    private double lmin;
41    private double deltaR;
42    private int minLayer=0;
43    private CircleFromPoints cir;
44    static final double k_cm=;
45    static final double barrelRadius = 126.0 * k_cm;
46    static final double rotationalKappaCompensation = 0.0 / k_cm;
47    private int minLayerCut = 3; // used in isMipStub()
48    boolean createStubTrackList = false;  //EVTFIXME
50    static final double cosThetaEndcap = 0.8;
51    static final double alphaFactor = 0.015 / k_cm;
52    static String emcalMipStubsListName = "EmcalMipStubs";
53    /**
54     * @param debugL debugLevel. =0 not debug Output, =3 some output
55     */
56    public EmcalMipStubs(String listName, int debugL) {
57      emcalMipStubsListName = listName;
58      this.debugLevel = debugL;
59      if (debugLevel>=1) System.out.println("created EmcalMipStubs object");
60      this.tempBase  = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
61      this.tempDir   = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
62      this.strtP = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
63      this.mdlP = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
64      this.endP  = new double[]{0.,0.,0.};
65      this.cir = new CircleFromPoints();
66    }
67    /** Minimum number of ECAL hits needed to accept a cluster as a MipStub candidate. */
68    public void setMinEcalHits(int i){ minEcalHits =i;}
69    /** controls amount of debug text output and test histograms, =0 not output, >0 debug output  */
70    public void setDebugLevel(int i){ debugLevel = i;}
72    /**
73     * returns true if c is deemed to contain a MipStub
74     */
75    public boolean isMipStub(EventHeader event, Cluster c){
76      if (minLayer > minLayerCut) return false;
77      if (c.getCalorimeterHits().size()<minEcalHits) return false;
78      return true;
79    }
81    public boolean isEndcap(Cluster c){
82      // xxx getITheta() is not filled yet...
83      //if (Math.abs(Math.cos(c.getITheta()))>0.8) return true;
84      double[] p=c.getPosition();
85      return (Math.abs(p[2])/Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2])>0.8);
86    }
88    /**
89     * process event and create list of Mipstubs.
90     * The list is stored in the event record
91     */
92    public void process( EventHeader event) {
93      evtNo++;
94      // list of clusters
95      List distClusters = new ArrayList();
96      List<MipStub> listStubs = new ArrayList();
97      int cnum=0;
98      List<List<Cluster>> clusterSets = event.get(Cluster.class);
99      List<CalorimeterHit> hitsBar = event.get(CalorimeterHit.class,"EcalBarrHits");
100     IDDecoder theCell = event.getMetaData(hitsBar).getIDDecoder();
102     for (List<Cluster> clusters : clusterSets) {
103       //CalorimeterIDDecoder theCell = (CalorimeterIDDecoder) event.getMetaData(clusters).getIDDecoder();
104       String name = event.getMetaData(clusters).getName();
105       if (name.indexOf("Ecal")<0) continue;
106       if (debugLevel >=1) System.out.println("name of Calorimeter"+name);
107       //if (event.get(Cluster.class, name+"NNClusters")==null) continue;
108       //List<Cluster> clusters =event.get(Cluster.class, name+"NNClusters");
109       for (Cluster c : clusters){
110         cnum++;
111         List cHits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
112         MipStub stub1=null,stub2=null,stub3=null;
113         setStartEndPoint(theCell, c, isEndcap(c));
114         if (debugLevel>=1){
115         }
116         if (isMipStub(event,c)){
117           stub1 = createMipStubFromFit(theCell, c);
118 	  //
119 	  if (useSecondMipStub) stub2 = createMipStubStraight(theCell, c); 
120 	  else stub2=null;
121 	  //
122 	  if (useThirdMipStub || isEndcap(c)) stub3 = createMipStub(theCell, c); 
123 	  else stub3=null;
124 	  //
125           if (stub1 != null){
126             //stub1.setMCParticles(c.getMCParticles());
127             listStubs.add(stub1);
128             if (debugLevel>=4 && stub1 != null ) stub1.debug();
129           }
130           if (stub2 != null){
131             //stub2.setMCParticles(c.getMCParticles());
132             listStubs.add(stub2);
133             if (debugLevel>=4 && stub2 != null ) stub2.debug();
134           }
135           if (stub3 != null){
136             //stub3.setMCParticles(c.getMCParticles());
137             listStubs.add(stub3);
138             if (debugLevel>=4 && stub3 != null ) stub3.debug();
139           }
140         }
141       }
142     }
143     if (debugLevel >=3) System.out.println("EmcalMipStubs n="+listStubs.size());
144     event.put(emcalMipStubsListName,listStubs);
146     if (createStubTrackList){
147       List<GarfieldTrack> listStubTracks = new ArrayList<GarfieldTrack>();
148       for (MipStub mStub : listStubs) {
149         GarfieldTrack newTrack = new GarfieldTrack(mStub, debugLevel);
150         newTrack.setTrackParameters();
151         listStubTracks.add(newTrack);
152       }
153       event.put("GarfieldStubTracks",listStubTracks);
154     }
155   }
157   /** Interface to U. Iowa MipStub algorithm. */
158   public MipStub createUIowaMipstub(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c) {
159     // needs to be implemented
160     return createMipStubSimple(theCell, c);
161   }
163   public MipStub createMipStubFromFit(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c) {
164     int i;
165     int nHit = c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
166     cir.calculate(0.,0.,strtP[0],strtP[1],endP[0],endP[1]);
167     GarfieldTrack newTrk = new GarfieldTrack();
168     newTrk.setDebugLevel(debugLevel-2);
169     double err = 0.2 * k_cm;
170     for (i=0;i<=2;i++) tempBase[i]=0;
171     newTrk.addHit( new GarfieldHit(endP,err,4,4));
172     newTrk.addHit( new GarfieldHit(mdlP,5.*err,3,3));
173     newTrk.addHit( new GarfieldHit(strtP,err,2,2));
174     newTrk.addHit( new GarfieldHit(tempBase,10.*err,1,1));
176     newTrk.setHelix(strtP,endP);
177     newTrk.hel.setKappa(cir.getKappa());
178     newTrk.calculateChi2();
179     //newTrk.debug();
180     newTrk.fullChi2Fit(0.1,2);
181     if (strtP[0]*strtP[0]+strtP[1]*strtP[1]>2500.*k_cm*k_cm){
182       newTrk.hel.setPointOnHelixWithXY(strtP[0],strtP[1]);} else {newTrk.hel.setPointOnHelixWithZ(strtP[2]);}
183     //newTrk.debug();
184     for (i=0;i<=2;i++){
185       tempBase[i]=newTrk.hel.getPointOnHelix(i);
186       tempDir[i]=newTrk.hel.dirAtPoint(i);
187     }
188     return new MipStub(tempBase,tempDir,newTrk.hel.kappa(),nHit, isEndcap(c),this.minLayer, c);
189   }
191   public MipStub createMipStubKyoko(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c) {
192     double[] base = new double[]{0,0,0};
193     double[] dir = new double[]{0,0,0};
194     double[] ddir = new double[]{0,0,0}; // added this on July 2004
195     double kappa = 0.;
196     int nHit = c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
197     int iCount = 0;
198     double[] p;
199     double Rmax = -10.;
200     double RRmax = -10.; // added this on July 2004
201     double Rmin = 1000000.;
202     double R;
203     List<CalorimeterHit> cHits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
204     int n = 0;
205     double sigmaxy = 0.;
206     double sigmax = 0.;
207     double sigmay =0.;
208     double sigmaxx =0.;
209     double sigmayy = 0.;
210     double sigmaxx2;
211     double[] b = new double[100]; //xxx check!
212     double[] rr = new double[100]; // Correlation coefficient
213     double [] x = new double[100];
214     double [] y = new double[100];
215     double [] z = new double[100];
216     double avex, avey; // Average
217     double ssxx, ssyy,ssxy; // Sum of squares
218     // loop over hits in cluster
219     for (CalorimeterHit ch: cHits) {
220       iCount++;
221       theCell.setID(ch.getCellID());
222       p = ch.getPosition();
223       R = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]+p[2]*p[2]);
224       if (debugLevel>=5) System.out.println("EmcalMipStub pos="+p[0]+" "+p[1]+" "+p[2]);
225       if (R>RRmax){ //The direction of the furthest point is used in a shower
226         RRmax = R;
227         ddir=p;
228       }
229       if (R<Rmin){ //The nearest point is Base point
230         Rmin = R;
231         base=p;
232       }
234       // The following was changed on July 23rd-30th, 2004
235       // Least squares fitting on xy-plane
236       //(
237       // Z direction is from the nearest point to the furthest point
238       n = iCount;
239       x[n] = p[0];
240       y[n] = p[1];
241       z[n] = p[2];
242     }
243     dir[0]=ddir[0]-base[0];
244     dir[1]=ddir[1]-base[1];
245     dir[2]=ddir[2]-base[2];
246     double cotTheta= dir[2]/Math.sqrt(dir[0]*dir[0]+dir[1]*dir[1]);
248     sort(x,y,z,n);
250     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
251       sigmaxy += x[i]*y[i];
252       sigmax += x[i];
253       sigmay += y[i];
254       sigmaxx += x[i]*x[i];
255       sigmayy += y[i]*y[i];
256       sigmaxx2 = sigmax*sigmax;
257       //Calculate the correlation coefficient on xy-plane
258       avex = sigmax/i;
259       avey = sigmay/i;
260       ssxx = sigmaxx-i*avex*avex;
261       ssyy = sigmayy-i*avey*avey;
262       ssxy = sigmaxy-i*avex*avey;
263       if(ssxx==0){
264         b[i] = 1.E15;
265         rr[i] = 1.;
266       } else if(ssyy==0){
267         b[i] = (i*sigmaxy-sigmax*sigmay)/(i*sigmaxx-sigmaxx2);
268         rr[i] = 1.;
269       } else{
270         b[i] = (i*sigmaxy-sigmax*sigmay)/(i*sigmaxx-sigmaxx2);
271         rr[i] = ssxy*ssxy/ssxx/ssyy;
272       }
273       //If there are more than six points, find the best correlation coefficient
274       R = Math.sqrt(x[i]*x[i]+y[i]*y[i]+z[i]*z[i]);
275       if (i<6 && R>Rmax){ //This 6 may be changed
276         Rmax = R;
277         dir[0] = x[i];
278         dir[1] = y[i];
279         dir[2] = z[i];
280       } else{
281         if(rr[i-1]>rr[i]){
282           rr[i] = rr[i-1];
283           b[i] = b[i-1];
284           x[i] = x[i-1];
285           y[i] = y[i-1];
286           z[i] = z[i-1];
287         }
288         dir[0] = x[i];
289         dir[1] = y[i];
290         dir[2] = z[i];
291       }
292     }
293     System.out.println("The correlation coefficient is "+rr[n]);
295     R = norm(dir);
296     if(R>Rmax)	Rmax = R;
298     //When the correlation coefficient is more than 0.7, that is, there are few shower,
299     //use the least square fitting
300     if(rr[n]>0.7){ //This 0.7 may be changed
301       //Find z-direction vector
302       dir[0] = dir[0] - base[0];
303       dir[1] = dir[1] - base[1];
304       dir[2] = dir[2] - base[2];
305       // Find x and y-direction vectors and normalize them
306       if(dir[0]>0){
307         dir[0] = 1/Math.sqrt(1+b[n]*b[n]);
308         dir[1] = b[n]/Math.sqrt(1+b[n]*b[n]);
309       } else{
310         dir[0] = -1/Math.sqrt(1+b[n]*b[n]);
311         dir[1] = -b[n]/Math.sqrt(1+b[n]*b[n]);
312       }
313       dir[2] = cotTheta*Math.sqrt(dir[0]*dir[0]+dir[1]*dir[1]);
314     } else{ // When some shower exist, use the furthest point for finding direction vector
315       dir[0] = ddir[0] - base[0];
316       dir[1] = ddir[1] - base[1];
317       dir[2] = ddir[2] - base[2];
318     }
319     // temporary mipstub
320     double angle = getAngleBaseDir(base,dir);
321     // calculate kappa with getAngleBaseDir()
322     if (!isEndcap(c) && Math.abs(angle)>Math.PI/2.){
323       kappa = 0.;
324       dir[0]=base[0];
325       dir[1]=base[1];
326       dir[2]=base[2];
327     } else{
328       kappa= 0.02*angle;
329       double maxKappaValue =1.2 *(1./( 0.5 * Math.sqrt(base[0]*base[0]+base[1]*base[1])));
330       if (kappa < -maxKappaValue) kappa = -maxKappaValue;
331       if (kappa > maxKappaValue) kappa = maxKappaValue;
332     }
333     return new MipStub(base,dir,kappa,nHit, isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);
334   }
337   /** KSU default algorithm to create a MipStub from an ECAL cluster. */
338   public MipStub createMipStub(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c) {
339     double kappa   = 0.;
340     int nHit = c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
341     int iCount = 0;
342     double[] p;
343     double lngth;
344     if (lmax-lmin<1.E-1){
345       return new MipStub(strtP,strtP,kappa,nHit, isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);
346     }
348     int nBase = 0;
349     int nEnd = 0;
350     tempBase[0]=0.;
351     tempBase[1]=0.;
352     tempBase[2]=0.;
353     tempDir[0]=0.;
354     tempDir[1]=0.;
355     tempDir[2]=0.;
356     List<CalorimeterHit> cHits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
357     for (CalorimeterHit ch: cHits) {
358       theCell.setID(ch.getCellID());
359       p = ch.getPosition();
360       if (isEndcap(c)) lngth = Math.abs(p[2]);
361       else lngth = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]);
362       //System.out.println(lngth+" "+lmin+" "+lmax);
363       if (lngth<lmin+ 2. * k_cm) {
364         nBase++;
365         tempBase[0]+=p[0];
366         tempBase[1]+=p[1];
367         tempBase[2]+=p[2];
368       } else if (lngth < lmin + 0.5 * (lmax-lmin)) {
369         nEnd++;
370         tempDir[0]+=p[0];
371         tempDir[1]+=p[1];
372         tempDir[2]+=p[2];
373       }
374     }
375     //System.out.println("nend nBase "+nEnd+" "+nBase+" "+lmin+" "+lmax);
376     if (nEnd==0 || nBase==0){
377       tempBase[0]=strtP[0];
378       tempBase[1]=strtP[1];
379       tempBase[2]=strtP[2];
380       tempDir[0]=endP[0]-strtP[0];
381       tempDir[1]=endP[1]-strtP[1];
382       tempDir[2]=endP[2]-strtP[2];
383     } else{
384       tempBase[0]=tempBase[0]/(double) nBase;
385       tempBase[1]=tempBase[1]/(double) nBase;
386       tempBase[2]=tempBase[2]/(double) nBase;
387       tempDir[0]=(tempDir[0]/(double) nEnd)-tempBase[0];
388       tempDir[1]=(tempDir[1]/(double) nEnd)-tempBase[1];
389       tempDir[2]=(tempDir[2]/(double) nEnd)-tempBase[2];
390     }
391     double angle = getAngleBaseDir(tempBase,tempDir);
392     if (!isEndcap(c) && Math.abs(angle)>Math.PI/2.){
393       kappa = 0.;
394       tempDir[0]=tempBase[0];
395       tempDir[1]=tempBase[1];
396       tempDir[2]=tempBase[2];
397     } else{
398       kappa= alphaFactor*angle*barrelRadius/Math.sqrt(tempBase[0]*tempBase[0]+
399               tempBase[1]*tempBase[1]);
400       //kappa= alphaFactor*angle;
401       double maxKappaValue =1.2 *(1./( 0.5 * Math.sqrt(tempBase[0]*tempBase[0]+
402               tempBase[1]*tempBase[1])));
403       if (kappa < -maxKappaValue) kappa = -maxKappaValue;
404       if (kappa > maxKappaValue) kappa = maxKappaValue;
405       double phiRot = -rotationalKappaCompensation*kappa * Math.abs(deltaR);
406       double dirx=Math.cos(phiRot)*tempDir[0]-Math.sin(phiRot)*tempDir[1];
407       double diry=Math.sin(phiRot)*tempDir[0]+Math.cos(phiRot)*tempDir[1];
408       tempDir[0]=dirx;
409       tempDir[1]=diry;
410     }
411     return new MipStub(tempBase,tempDir,kappa,nHit, isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);
412   }
414   /** simple approach to create a MipStub from an ECAL cluster uses Start and Endpoint of cluster */
415   public MipStub createMipStubSimple(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c) {
416     double kappa = 0.;
417     int nHit = c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
418     int iCount = 0;
419     this.lmax = -10.;
420     this.lmin = 1000000.;
421     double lngth;
422     double rxy;
423     List<CalorimeterHit> cHits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
424     if (lmax-lmin<1.E-1){return new MipStub(strtP,strtP,0.,nHit,isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);} else{
425       tempDir[0]=endP[0]-strtP[0];
426       tempDir[1]=endP[1]-strtP[1];
427       tempDir[2]=endP[2]-strtP[2];
428       MipStub stub = new MipStub(strtP,tempDir,kappa,nHit,isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);
429       kappa = alphaFactor* stub.getAngleBaseDir()*barrelRadius/Math.sqrt(strtP[0]*strtP[0]+strtP[1]*strtP[1]);
430       //kappa = alphaFactor* stub.getAngleBaseDir();
431       double maxKappaValue =1.2 *(1./( 0.5 * Math.sqrt(strtP[0]*strtP[0]+
432               strtP[1]*strtP[1])));
433       if (kappa < -maxKappaValue) kappa = -maxKappaValue;
434       if (kappa > maxKappaValue) kappa = maxKappaValue;
435       return new MipStub(strtP,tempDir,kappa,nHit,isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);
436     }
437   }
439   public MipStub createMipStubStraight(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c) {
440     double kappa = 0.;
441     int nHit = c.getCalorimeterHits().size();
442     int iCount = 0;
443     this.lmax = -10.;
444     this.lmin = 1000000.;
445     double lngth;
446     double rxy;
447     List<CalorimeterHit> cHits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
448     if (lmax-lmin<1.E-1){return null;} else{
449       tempDir[0]=endP[0]-strtP[0];
450       tempDir[1]=endP[1]-strtP[1];
451       tempDir[2]=endP[2]-strtP[2];
452       return new MipStub(strtP,tempDir,kappa,nHit,isEndcap(c), this.minLayer);
453     }
454   }
456   private void setStartEndPoint(IDDecoder theCell, Cluster c,  boolean isEndcap){
457     int i;
458     List<CalorimeterHit> cHits = c.getCalorimeterHits();
459     double lngth;
460     double rxy;
461     double rxyMin=-10.;
462     double rxyMax=1000000;
463     this.minLayer = 1000000;
464     this.lmax= -1.E10;
465     this.lmin = 1.E10;
466     for (CalorimeterHit ch: cHits) {
467       int iCount = 0;
468       iCount++;
469       theCell.setID(ch.getCellID());
470       double[] p = ch.getPosition();
471       if (isEndcap) lngth = Math.abs(p[2]);
472       else lngth = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]);
473       rxy = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]);
474       if (debugLevel>=5) System.out.println("EmcalMipStub pos="+p[0]+" "+p[1]+" "+p[2]);
475       if (lngth>lmax) {
476         this.lmax = lngth;
477         rxyMax = rxy;
478         for (i=0;i<=2;i++) endP[i]=p[i];
479       }
480       if (lngth<lmin) {
481         this.lmin = lngth;
482         rxyMin = rxy;
483         for (i=0;i<=2;i++) strtP[i]=p[i];
484         int theLayer =  theCell.getLayer();
485         if (theLayer < minLayer) this.minLayer = theLayer;
486       }
487     }
489     this.deltaR = Math.abs(rxyMax - rxyMin);
490     for (i=0;i<=2;i++) mdlP[i]=0.;
491     int nmdl=0;
492     List<CalorimeterHit> cHits2 = c.getCalorimeterHits();
493     for (CalorimeterHit ch: cHits2) {
494       //int iCount = 0;
495       //iCount++;
496       theCell.setID(ch.getCellID());
497       double[] p = ch.getPosition();
498       if (isEndcap) lngth = Math.abs(p[2]);
499       else lngth = Math.sqrt(p[0]*p[0]+p[1]*p[1]);
500       if (Math.abs(lngth-0.5*(lmax+lmin))<0.15*(lmax-lmin)){
501         for (i=0;i<=2;i++) mdlP[i]=mdlP[i]+p[i];
502         nmdl++;
503       }
504     }
505     if (norm(mdlP)<1.*k_cm){
506       for (i=0;i<=2;i++) mdlP[i]=0.5*(strtP[i]+endP[i]);} else{ for (i=0;i<=2;i++) mdlP[i]=mdlP[i]/nmdl;}
507   }
509   // simple helper functions
510   private double norm(double[]x){
511     return Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]);
512   }
513   //Sort the points
514   public static void sort(double[]x,double[]y,double[]z, int n){
515     double[] RR = new double[100];
516     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
517       RR[i] = Math.sqrt(x[i]*x[i]+y[i]*y[i]+z[i]*z[i]);
518     }
519     for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
520       int min = i;
521       for(int j=i;j<=n;j++){
522         if(RR[j]<RR[i]) min=j;
523       }
524       double tmpx,tmpy,tmpz;
525       tmpx = x[i];
526       tmpy = y[i];
527       tmpz = z[i];
528       x[i] = x[min];
529       y[i] = y[min];
530       z[i] = z[min];
531       x[min] = tmpx;
532       y[min] = tmpy;
533       z[min] = tmpz;
534     }
535   }
537   private double getAngleBaseDir(double[] base, double[] dir) {
538     double angleBaseDir;
539     double lBase = Math.sqrt(base[0]*base[0]+base[1]*base[1]);
540     double lDir = Math.sqrt(dir[0]*dir[0]+dir[1]*dir[1]);
541     if (lBase*lDir>1.E-9){
542       double c=(base[0]*dir[0]+base[1]*dir[1])/(lBase*lDir);
543       if (Math.abs(c)>1.){ angleBaseDir = 0.;} else {angleBaseDir = Math.acos(c);}
544       if (base[0]*dir[1]-base[1]*dir[0]<0.) angleBaseDir=-angleBaseDir;
545     } else angleBaseDir = 0.;
546     return angleBaseDir;
547   }
549   public void setMinLayerCut(int val){minLayerCut =val;}
550   public void setCreateStubTrackList(boolean val){createStubTrackList =val;}
551   public void setUseSecondMipStub(boolean val){useSecondMipStub = val;}
552   public void setUseThirdMipStub(boolean val){useThirdMipStub   = val;}
554 }