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1   /*
2    *
3    *
4    * Created on March 23, 2006, 3:41 PM
5    *
6    *
7    */
9   package;
11  import static java.lang.Math.pow;
12  import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
13  /**
14   * A class to return the circle which passes through three points.
15   * @author Norman Graf
16   */
17  public class ThreePointCircleFitter
18  {
19      private CircleFit _fit;
20      private static double[][] a = {{0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0}};
21      private static double[][] m = {{0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0},{0, 0, 0}};
23      /** Creates a new instance of ThreePointCircleFitter */
24      public ThreePointCircleFitter()
25      {
26      }
28      /**
29       * Find the circle which passes through three points
30       * @param p1 The first point.
31       * @param p2 The second point.
32       * @param p3 The third point.
33       * @return true if a circle can be found which passes through the points.
34       */
35      public boolean fit(double[] p1, double[] p2, double[] p3)
36      {
37          int i;
38          double r, m11, m12, m13, m14;
40          double[][] P = {p1, p2, p3};
42          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)                    // find minor 11
43          {
44              a[i][0] = P[i][0];
45              a[i][1] = P[i][1];
46              a[i][2] = 1;
47          }
48          m11 = determinant( a, 3 );
49          if(m11==0) 
50          {
51              _fit = null;
52              return false;
53          }
55          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)                    // find minor 12
56          {
57              a[i][0] = P[i][0]*P[i][0] + P[i][1]*P[i][1];
58              a[i][1] = P[i][1];
59              a[i][2] = 1;
60          }
61          m12 = determinant( a, 3 );
63          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)                    // find minor 13
64          {
65              a[i][0] = P[i][0]*P[i][0] + P[i][1]*P[i][1];
66              a[i][1] = P[i][0];
67              a[i][2] = 1;
68          }
69          m13 = determinant( a, 3 );
71          for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)                    // find minor 14
72          {
73              a[i][0] = P[i][0]*P[i][0] + P[i][1]*P[i][1];
74              a[i][1] = P[i][0];
75              a[i][2] = P[i][1];
76          }
77          m14 = determinant( a, 3 );
79          double x0 =  0.5 * m12 / m11;                 // center of circle
80          double y0 = -0.5 * m13 / m11;
81          r  = sqrt( x0*x0 + y0*y0 + m14/m11 );
83          _fit = new CircleFit(x0, y0, r);
85          return true;
86      }
88      /**
89       * Get the result of the fit.
90       * @return The Circle which passes through the points.
91       */
92      public CircleFit getFit()
93      {
94          return _fit;
95      }
97      // Recursive definition of determinant using expansion by minors.
98      private double determinant(double[][] a, int n)
99      {
100         int i, j, j1, j2;
101         double d = 0.;
103         if (n == 2)                                // terminate recursion
104         {
105             d = a[0][0]*a[1][1] - a[1][0]*a[0][1];
106         }
107         else
108         {
109             d = 0;
110             for (j1 = 0; j1 < n; ++j1 )            // do each column
111             {
112                 for (i = 1; i < n; ++i)            // create minor
113                 {
114                     j2 = 0;
115                     for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
116                     {
117                         if (j == j1) continue;
118                         m[i-1][j2] = a[i][j];
119                         j2++;
120                     }
121                 }
122                 // sum (+/-)cofactor * minor
123                 d += pow(-1.0, j1)*a[0][j1]*determinant( m, n-1 );
124             }
125         }
126         return d;
127     }
128 }