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1   package org.lcsim.event;
3   /**
4    * The interface for a MC TrackerHit generated by the detector simulation.
5    * @author Jeremy McCormick
6    * @version $Id:,v 1.21 2011/08/24 18:51:17 jeremy Exp $
7    */
8   public interface SimTrackerHit extends Hit {
10     /** 
11      * Get the layer number of the hit.
12      * @return The layer number of the hit. 
13      */
14     public int getLayer();
16     /** 
17      * Get the center of the hit in Cartesian coordinates.
18      * @return The center point of the hit.
19      */
20     double[] getPoint();
22     /** returns dE/dx energy deposition */
23     double getdEdx();
25     // @Deprecated
26     // @deprecated
27     // Use {@link #getCellID64()} instead.
28     int getCellID();
30     /**
31      * Get the full 64-bit ID of this hit.
32      * @return The ID.
33      */
34     long getCellID64();  
36     /**
37      * Get the time of the hit [ns].
38      * @return The time of the hit [ns].
39      */
40     double getTime();
42     /**
43      * Get the associated MCParticle that made this hit.
44      * @return The hit's MCParticle.
45      */
46     MCParticle getMCParticle();
48     /** 
49      * Get the 3-momentum of the particle at the hit's position [GeV].
50      * Optional, only if bit LCIOConstants.THBIT_MOMENTUM is set.
51      * @return The 3-momentum of the particle at the hit's position.
52      */
53     double[] getMomentum();
55     /** 
56      * The path length of the particle in the sensitive material that resulted in this hit.
57      * This is only stored together with momentum, i.e. if  LCIO::THBIT_MOMENTUM is set.
58      * @return The path length of the hit.
59      */
60     double getPathLength();
62     /**
63      * Get the start point of the hit.
64      * @return The start point.
65      */
66     double[] getStartPoint();
68     /**
69      * Get the end point of the hit.
70      * @return The end point.
71      */   
72     double[] getEndPoint();
73  }