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1   package org.lcsim.detector.identifier;
3   /**
4    * IIdentifierContext defines a set of Identifier field indices that are 
5    * applicable in a given context, such as a certain level of the
6    * detector hierarchy.  The simplest way to define it is with start and end indices.  
7    * It can also be defined as a set of index values that do not constitute a range.
8    * If a set of index values is found to constitute a range at construction
9    * time, then it will be treated as such, and {@link #isRange()} will return
10   * <code>true</code>.
11   *
12   * @author Jeremy McCormick
13   * @version $Id:,v 1.2 2010/04/14 18:49:52 jeremy Exp $
14   */
15  public interface IIdentifierContext 
16  {
17  	/**
18  	 * The set of discrete indices in this range.
19  	 * @return Int array of indices.
20  	 */
21  	int[] getIndices();
23  	/**
24  	 * The start index.
25  	 * @return The start index.
26  	 */
27  	int getStartIndex();
29  	/**
30  	 * The end index.
31  	 * @return The end index.
32  	 */
33  	int getEndIndex();
35  	/**
36  	 * Does this IdContext constitution a contiguous block of fields between
37  	 * the start and end indices?
38  	 * @return True if this is a range; false if not.
39  	 */
40  	boolean isRange();
42  	/**
43  	 * Check if <code>index</code> is within this context.
44  	 * @param index
45  	 * @return True if index is within this context; false if not.
46  	 */
47  	boolean isValidIndex(int index);
49  	/**
50  	 * The number of indices.
51  	 * @return The number of indices.
52  	 */
53  	int getNumberOfIndices();
55  	/**
56  	 * Get the index at position <code>i</code>.
57  	 * @param i
58  	 * @return The index at position <code>i</code>.
59  	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>i</code> is out of range.
60  	 */
61  	int getIndex(int i);
62  }