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1   package org.lcsim.detector.solids;
3   import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector;
4   import java.util.Random;
5   import junit.framework.TestCase;
6   import org.lcsim.detector.DetectorElement;
7   import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolume;
8   import org.lcsim.detector.IPhysicalVolumeNavigator;
9   import org.lcsim.detector.IRotation3D;
10  import org.lcsim.detector.ITransform3D;
11  import org.lcsim.detector.ITranslation3D;
12  import org.lcsim.detector.LogicalVolume;
13  import org.lcsim.detector.PhysicalVolume;
14  import org.lcsim.detector.PhysicalVolumeNavigatorStore;
15  import org.lcsim.detector.RotationGeant;
16  import org.lcsim.detector.Transform3D;
17  import org.lcsim.detector.Translation3D;
18  import org.lcsim.detector.converter.heprep.DetectorElementToHepRepConverter;
19  import org.lcsim.detector.material.IMaterial;
20  import org.lcsim.detector.material.MaterialElement;
21  import org.lcsim.util.test.TestUtil.TestOutputFile;
23  import static java.lang.Math.PI;
24  import static java.lang.Math.abs;
25  import static java.lang.Math.atan;
26  import static java.lang.Math.cos;
28  import static org.lcsim.units.clhep.SystemOfUnits.m;
30  /**
31   *
32   * @author Norman A. Graf
33   *
34   * @version $Id:
35   */
36  public class RightIsoscelesTrapezoidTest extends TestCase
37  {
39      private boolean debug = false;
40      private boolean writeHeprep = false;
41      private static IMaterial dummymat = new MaterialElement("dummymat", 1, 1, 1.0);
42      IPhysicalVolumeNavigator nav;
43      IPhysicalVolume world;
45      public RightIsoscelesTrapezoidTest(String testName)
46      {
47          super(testName);
48      }
50      public void testRightIsoscelesTrapezoid() throws Exception
51      {
52          String name = "testSolid";
53          // start with a box
54          double b = 1.0;
55          double t = 1.0;
56          double height = 1.0;
57          double thickness = 1.0;
59          RightIsoscelesTrapezoid rit1 = new RightIsoscelesTrapezoid(name, b, t, height, thickness);
61          // should be equivalent to the following box
63          Box box = new Box(name, b, height, thickness);
64          if (debug)
65              System.out.println(rit1);
67          assertEquals(rit1.getCubicVolume(), box.getCubicVolume());
69          //
70          // coverage test
71          // generate random points in the circumscribed sphere
72          // ratio of inside to outside should equal the ratio of volumes
73          //
75          // pick a suitable large sphere...
76          double r = 5.;
78          double sphereVolume = 4 * PI * r * r * r / 3.;
79          double polyVolume = rit1.getCubicVolume();
81          int nmax = 100000;
82          int nIn = 0;
83          Random ran = new Random();
84          int i = 0;
85          long startTime = System.nanoTime();
86          long endTime;
88          try
89          {
90              while (i < nmax)
91              {
92                  double x = r * (2. * ran.nextDouble() - 1.);
93                  double y = r * (2. * ran.nextDouble() - 1.);
94                  double z = r * (2. * ran.nextDouble() - 1.);
96                  if ((x * x + y * y + z * z) < r * r)
97                  {
98                      ++i;
99                      BasicHep3Vector pos = new BasicHep3Vector(x, y, z);
100                     Inside in = rit1.inside(pos);
101                     Inside inBox = box.inside(pos);
102                     assertTrue(in.equals(inBox));
103                     if (Inside.INSIDE.compareTo(in) == 0)
104                         ++nIn;
105                 }
106             }
107         } finally
108         {
109             endTime = System.nanoTime();
110         }
111         long duration = endTime - startTime;
112         if (debug)
113             System.out.println("duration= " + duration);
114         double meas = (double) nIn / nmax;
115         double pred = polyVolume / sphereVolume;
116         if (debug)
117             System.out.println("nmax= " + nmax + " nIn= " + nIn + " ratio= " + meas);
118         if (debug)
119             System.out.println("volume ratio= " + pred);
120         double err = (meas - pred) / pred;
121         if (debug)
122             System.out.println("(meas-pred)/pred= " + err);
123         // 10% uncertainty
124         assertTrue(abs(err) < .1);
127         // now try a wedge...
128         RightIsoscelesTrapezoid rit2 = new RightIsoscelesTrapezoid(name, b, 2. * t, height, thickness);
129         if (debug)
130             System.out.println(rit2);
132         nmax = 100000;
133         nIn = 0;
134         i = 0;
135         startTime = System.nanoTime();
137         try
138         {
139             while (i < nmax)
140             {
141                 double x = r * (2. * ran.nextDouble() - 1.);
142                 double y = r * (2. * ran.nextDouble() - 1.);
143                 double z = r * (2. * ran.nextDouble() - 1.);
145                 if ((x * x + y * y + z * z) < r * r)
146                 {
147                     ++i;
148                     BasicHep3Vector pos = new BasicHep3Vector(x, y, z);
149                     Inside in = rit1.inside(pos);
150                     if (Inside.INSIDE.compareTo(in) == 0)
151                         ++nIn;
152                 }
153             }
154         } finally
155         {
156             endTime = System.nanoTime();
157         }
158         duration = endTime - startTime;
159         if (debug)
160             System.out.println("duration= " + duration);
161         meas = (double) nIn / nmax;
162         pred = polyVolume / sphereVolume;
163         if (debug)
164             System.out.println("nmax= " + nmax + " nIn= " + nIn + " ratio= " + meas);
165         if (debug)
166             System.out.println("volume ratio= " + pred);
167         err = (meas - pred) / pred;
168         if (debug)
169             System.out.println("(meas-pred)/pred= " + err);
170         // 10% uncertainty
171         assertTrue(abs(err) < .1);
173         // now try a wedge with a "skin" on the sides (simulates an HCal segment...
174         // input is the thickness of the side...
175         double skinThickness = .1*b; // start with 10% of the bottom thickness...
176         double phi = atan((t-b)/2*height);
177         double l = skinThickness/cos(phi);
178         double newTop = 2.*t-l;
179         double newBottom = b-l;
180         RightIsoscelesTrapezoid rit3 = new RightIsoscelesTrapezoid(name, newBottom, newTop, height, thickness);
183         // test the heprep creation
184         if (writeHeprep)
185         {
186             world = createWorld();
187             nav = PhysicalVolumeNavigatorStore.getInstance().createDefault(world);
188             // Unrotated
189             IRotation3D rotation = new RotationGeant(0, 0, 0);
190             ITranslation3D translation = new Translation3D(0, 0, 0);
191             ITransform3D transform = new Transform3D(translation, rotation);
192             LogicalVolume lvTest = new LogicalVolume("lvtest", rit2, dummymat);
193             new PhysicalVolume(
194                     transform,
195                     "pvtest",
196                     lvTest,
197                     world.getLogicalVolume(),
198                     0);
199             new DetectorElement("detest", null, "/pvtest");
202             LogicalVolume lvTest2 = new LogicalVolume("lvtest2", rit3, dummymat);
203             new PhysicalVolume(
204                     transform,
205                     "pvtest2",
206                     lvTest2,
207                     world.getLogicalVolume(),
208                     0);
209             new DetectorElement("detest2", null, "/pvtest2");
213             // write this out
214             DetectorElementToHepRepConverter.writeHepRep(new TestOutputFile("RightIsoscelesTrapezoidTest.heprep").getAbsolutePath());
216         }
218     }
220     final IPhysicalVolume createWorld()
221     {
222         Box boxWorld = new Box(
223                 "world_box",
224                 10.0 * m,
225                 10.0 * m,
226                 10.0 * m);
228         LogicalVolume lvWorld =
229                 new LogicalVolume(
230                 "world",
231                 boxWorld,
232                 dummymat);
234         IPhysicalVolume pvTop =
235                 new PhysicalVolume(
236                 null,
237                 "world",
238                 lvWorld,
239                 null,
240                 0);
242         return pvTop;
243     }
244 }