public class HelicalTrack2DHit extends HelicalTrackHit
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static int |
_type |
private double |
_zmax |
private double |
_zmin |
_eps, _epsParallel, _epsStereoAngle, id
Constructor and Description |
HelicalTrack2DHit(Hep3Vector pos,
SymmetricMatrix cov,
double dEdx,
double time,
List rawhits,
String detname,
int layer,
BarrelEndcapFlag beflag,
double zmin,
double zmax)
Create a HelicalTrack2DHit from the associated TrackerHit and HelicalTrackStrip.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
Return the length of the strip along the z direction.
double |
Return the maximum z coordinate.
double |
Return the minimum z coordinate.
addMCParticle, addRawHit, BarrelEndcapFlag, chisq, compareTo, Detector, dr, drcalc, drphi, drphicalc, getCellID, getCorrectedCovMatrix, getCorrectedPosition, getCovMatrix, getdEdx, getEdepError, getEpsParallel, getLayerIdentifier, getMCParticles, getPosition, getQuality, getRawHits, getTime, getType, init, Layer, phi, r, setChisq, setCorrectedCovMatrix, setCorrectedPosition, setEpsParallel, setEpsStereoAngle, setPosition, toString, x, y, z
public HelicalTrack2DHit(Hep3Vector pos, SymmetricMatrix cov, double dEdx, double time, List rawhits, String detname, int layer, BarrelEndcapFlag beflag, double zmin, double zmax)
- location of the strip centercov
- covariance matrix for the hitdEdx
- deposited energytime
- hit timerawhits
- list of raw hitszmin
- minimum z for the stripzmax
- maximum z for the stripdetname
- detector namelayer
- layer numberbeflag
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